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All versions: canon on Algine/Regina (SM2308)


Trying to ascertain is a canon (published) reason to explain why the Red Zone on Algine/Regina (SM2308) exists, prior to the Fifth Frontier War in 1107?

There are hints all over the place ranging from emergent civilisation, alien artefacts, ancient relics, and so on, but I need to know if there's anything canon that's been published.

Thanks in advance :)
Let's start with what noted in the Wiki, which may not be complete, should be a start:

  • Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), .
  • Software: Megatraveller 2: Quest for the Ancients
  • Dave Nilsen. The Regency Sourcebook (Game Designers Workshop, 1995), 38.
  • Meshan Saga 7
  • Martin Dougherty, Neil Frier. Behind the Claw (Steve Jackson Games, 1998), 83.
  • Jon F. Zeigler. First In (Steve Jackson Games, 1999), 142.
  • Hans Rancke-Madsen. "Worlds Within Jump-6 of Regina". Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society Online published July 18, 2006
Let's start with what noted in the Wiki, which may not be complete, should be a start:

  • Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), .
  • Software: Megatraveller 2: Quest for the Ancients
  • Dave Nilsen. The Regency Sourcebook (Game Designers Workshop, 1995), 38.
  • Meshan Saga 7
  • Martin Dougherty, Neil Frier. Behind the Claw (Steve Jackson Games, 1998), 83.
  • Jon F. Zeigler. First In (Steve Jackson Games, 1999), 142.
  • Hans Rancke-Madsen. "Worlds Within Jump-6 of Regina". Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society Online published July 18, 2006

Thanks for the swift reply. OK, points in order:
  1. Contains no information regarding reasons for the prohibition.
  2. Unable to utilise, even if I can/could find a copy, as I run Linux here, and Wine baulk at 16-bit software! Likewise, the wiki is fairly unclear on whether it gives a reason.
  3. I don't have a copy of TRS (yet)
  4. That's a best from any sours I can find, just the title exists.
  5. BtC apparently only lists what data was already availble from canon sources to that point.
  6. I'm trying to find out if that has any useful information.
  7. Missing, due for reprint by FFR later this year, if the release hasn't slipped.

Any other thoughts or ideas? Anyone?
Since you've already done a lot of research, you've probably discovered all the canon. At this point, I recommend making stuff up! That's probably not the answer you were hoping for, but IMO, it's always the best answer. Make the OTU into YTU.
Since you've already done a lot of research, you've probably discovered all the canon. At this point, I recommend making stuff up! That's probably not the answer you were hoping for, but IMO, it's always the best answer. Make the OTU into YTU.

Yeaaaaah. Problem is that this is background for a tourny adventure :(

Oh, and thanks for the fast reply :)
First In has exactly what you need. Red Zoned because of a violent, low tech human culture.
First In has exactly what you need. Red Zoned because of a violent, low tech human culture.

Yep, just had my oversight of that mentioned elsewhere too, so obviously I need to go to Specsavers sooner than later :rofl:

... There was I, hoping for something a tad more exciting than grounded space fascists...! Oh well, it'll do, none the less :devil:

My thanks, one and all :D
Trying to ascertain is a canon (published) reason to explain why the Red Zone on Algine/Regina (SM2308) exists, prior to the Fifth Frontier War in 1107?

It's the location of a regressed and xenophobic Terran STL colony. As such, it's protected from contact by the IISS to allow it to "develop". There's nothing mysterious or spooky about it.

CT's Darrian module states the Itzin Fleet spotted the Terran colony there around -1513 just as they had noted the Vilani colony on Vanejen and a few Zhodani worlds before selecting Darrian for contact. (GT later mistakenly claimed the colony arrived in -1000 which has led some people to "deduce" 2 colonization attempts, an early Vilani one and a later Terran one, rather than just acknowledging the mistake.)

SMC states Norris retrieved the Warrant from Algine where it had been lost aboard a wrecked cruiser. (TNE later mistakenly claimed he got the Warrant from Kinunir in Shionthy, but that's impossible given the dates.)
I tend to discount most of TNE as being error-bound and thus unreliable. Guess the virus got into the proofreading systems, or something. Anyhow, IMTU at least, TNE is discounted for that reason. ITO the OTU, yeah, shot full of credibility holes for the very same reason, so again, agreed, it's discounted due to myriad errors.

ITO SMC, yep, agreed. Again also agreed on TNE dates - Kinunir was lost two decades or so before the warrant was even written, so how could it be on it? So yeah, TNE blurb discounted due to errors.

Which leaves the xenophobic bipeds from Terra on the planet, and the IISS blockading of the system for that reason.

Boring (the opposite of "wow, this is interesting, it's worth the risk to find out..."), but it does at least provide a plausible explanation for the prohibition.
Boring (the opposite of "wow, this is interesting, it's worth the risk to find out..."), but it does at least provide a plausible explanation for the prohibition.

To misquote Freud, sometimes a cigar should just be a cigar. The reasons behind every Red Zone cannot and should not be galaxy shattering. If everything is special, than nothing is special.
Maybe, but one can hope :devil: Anyhow, thanks to all for the comments, now I have to go figure out what next...! :coffeegulp:
Maybe, but one can hope :devil: Anyhow, thanks to all for the comments, now I have to go figure out what next...! :coffeegulp:

You wanted to know because you needed some background for a tourney adventure, right? My question would be how much background is actually needed for a tourney adventure?

You're dealing with a limited playing time in this situation, only three or four hours at most with a unambiguous ending. Anything that isn't absolutely necessary for the adventure is no real use. Worse, extra details can distract the players and prevent them from finishing at all.

Tourney play is railroad-style play. The situation simply demands it. Take GDW's Memory Alpha con adventure as an example. The materials include the entire Corridor sector with UWPs, but no details are provide for any systems other than those the players must visit while retracing their travels. The rest of the sector just doesn't matter. What's more, if the players choose to wander off into sector, they lose the adventure.

If the players aren't supposed to go to Algine in your tourney adventure, they don't need to know anything about it and, if they don't need to know anything about it, you don't need to provide any information.
ITO SMC, yep, agreed. Again also agreed on TNE dates - Kinunir was lost two decades or so before the warrant was even written, so how could it be on it? So yeah, TNE blurb discounted due to errors.

Didn't the Kinunir have *blank* Imperial Warrants? I always imagined that Norris wrote his own ticket to save the region. And IIRC, Strephon gave an acknowledgement to that and made it official in Arrival Vengeance.


Baron Ovka
I've been writing tourny adventures for something like thirty plus years for a variety of genres ;) I'd say more, but some of the would-be players for this coming one are likely watching this thread ;)
Didn't the Kinunir have *blank* Imperial Warrants? I always imagined that Norris wrote his own ticket to save the region. And IIRC, Strephon gave an acknowledgement to that and made it official in Arrival Vengeance.


Baron Ovka

Yes, and there are extensive threads on that here too ;) However, the Kinunir warrants aren't going to make an appearance in this one, thankfully :)
Then why are you asking about a system which isn't part of your tourney adventure?

Who says it isn't? In any event, my questions HAVE been answered, and I have the information I needed, so again, thanks one and all, this thread is now done.

Request to admin: Please lock thread. Many thanks.
Request to admin: Please lock thread. Many thanks.

We don't do it that way here. you may have spawned a discussion which answered your questions, but triggered others thoughts and questions.