Thanks for clearing that up for me. Just wanted to avoid stepping on anyone's toes ahead of time. And so without further ado...
Alternate Class/Background for T20
Why? Classes are too static for the Traveller universe. I feel that characters in Traveller aren't described by what 'class' they are, but more by what skills, knowledge, and connections they have.
So instead of merely choosing starting class, possibly multiclassing, and going with appropriate backgrounds, I've come up with a slightly more complex route that gives more variety while allowing more personalization within a givin history type.
Basically what this means is:
1) Instead of base T20 classes, the classes from D20 Modern are used: Strong, Fast, Tough, Smart, Charismatic, Dedicated.
2) Additionally, most advanced classes will be used in some form or another. (Basically, anything that makes sense IYTU)
3) Most of the backgrounds from T20 remain the same for the most part, only changing to work with the new system.
Please note that we use the Grim'n'Gritty hit point rules by Kenneth S. Hood, available from
The Sleeping Imperium.
So how does it work? Let me run through creation for you:
1) Generate stats however your group normally does so. We like 3d6 three times per stat, YMMV.
2) Select Race, Homeworld, and other info as normal.
3) Select Starting Class. Apply save, attack, and hit point bonuses.
4) Select Starting Background, as appropriate. Gain starting feats.
5) Class skill list consists of a)class skills, and b)background skills. Skill points as per class.
6) 1 Initial feat for 1st level character, humans can get one extra at GM option. Background feat chosen from bonus list.
7) Proceed to roll background, pretty much as standard.
Probably seems pretty confusing.
In a nutshell, most of your trained skills will come from background, and most general skills will come from class.
Every level, you get either a bonus feat from your class, or a bonus feat from your background and a special class ability.
I'll post up my versions of the classes/backgrounds shortly.