Mr. Farstrider, very, very interesting! I don't know the D20 Modern system at all, but it looks good to me. I have a couple of friends who do play it, and I'll have them look it over and see what they think. At the very least, it looks like it allows a bit more variety in character generation. BTW, what is the Gunslinger class? Do you have any description of it?
Mr. Whipsnade, Mr. Whipsnade, Mr. Whipsnade, what can I say? There are so many cracks in the facade of the RPG community, do we need to open this one up again? Besides, CT did have "classes" of a sort, we just called them Professions then. Once you generated a ex-Marine, he was an ex-Marine till you stopped playing him. Sounds like a class to me. The big difference between CT and games that have classes the way you are talking about is that in those games, there is almost always some way to advance your character. This was not so in CT. Your CT character may get wiser (in knowledge and information about the world around him), he may get richer (or not), but his basic skills list didn't change, and his stats (barring severe injury or aging rolls) didn't either. To me it's 6 of one, half a dozen of the other.
Some people like the old CT, some didn't. Some people liked MT, TNE, or T4, some didn't. Some people like GURPS Traveller, some don't (and then some loath, despise, and hate it, but that's another story). Some poeple like T20, classes and feats included, and others obviously don't. For me, I would rather PLAY, even with a system that wasn't perfect, than stand around and grouse about how much better things were "in the old days" and not play at all.
I just turned 40 this year, and I took a brief inventory of all the friends from back in my early years of gaming who I still had contact with that still gamed. The answer was 2. Everyone else that I knew had either drifted away from it for more "mature" hobbies, got "religion" and quit, or just stopped because they ran out of fellow players. My current group, the closest in age to me is 10 years younger, the rest vary from their mid 20's down to 17. Role playing seems to be a young persons hobby, so trying to relive the "glory days" of Traveller is futile. I'll settle for introducing the Traveller world, even in the form of a variant of D&D, to players who's only prior knowledge of SF RPG's is Cyberpunk.
As always, YMMV
John Hamill