SOC-14 1K
And thank you!Originally posted by RobertFisher:
Whether extrending the UWP with such info makes sense or not, I'm still saving RainOfSteel's post to use as a reference while winging it.
Thanks for the ideas, RoS.
Field 1 needs a little revising:
Field 1: Cause
- 0 = Unknown/Not Admitted</font>
- 1 = Low Intensity Warfare</font>
- 2 = Hostile Populace</font>
- 3 = Adverse Local Laws</font>
- 4 = Hostile Populace & Adverse Local Laws</font>
- 5 = Moderate Intensity Warfare (RoW violation may be imminent.)</font>
- 6 = Anarchic/Uncertain Conditions</font>
- 7 = Unusually Hazardous Geophysical Features</font>
- 8 = Unusually Hazardous Biological Features</font>
- 9 = Combination of Above Factors</font>
- A = High Intensity Warfare (RoW violations committed.)</font>
- B = Quarantine</font>
- C = Interdict</font>
Note: A Cause Code value of C is always a Red Zone world; Red and Amber Zone may be associated with any lower Cause Code value (though Red Zone is most often associated with Cause Codes A, B, and C).
However, I just realized that I've been unconciously trapped by mainworld-centrism. Since there are hazards to "travel" in space, which would be of huge importance to "travellers", shouldn't there be an advisory system for the Solar System level? Seems important enough to include on the UWP line itself, since it would affect travel decisions as much as or even more than a world's travel advisory status.
If a particular starsystem gets "Red Zoned" due to deadspace, I wonder how many more people will travel to it?
To be honest, I'm surprised that the 993-Era TAS hasn't Amber Zoned Nashchaug/Crucis Margin (0503).