Anti-Battery - A device that's roughly the size, shape, and color of an ostrich egg, and that causes all power sources within 1D x 10 metres to operate at half-efficiency (Inactive power sources are not affected). Thus, batteries would last half as long, radio and radar would lose half their effective range, power plants would be able to support only half their rated load, maneuver drives would lose half of their 'G' rating, jump drives would lose half of their jump rating (taking you half-way there), and energy weapons would do half damage. The Anti-Battery emits no light, sound, or vibration, and operates at the ambient temperature. Thus, it is indetectable as a device, and is easily mistaken for a decoration or large paper-weight. (This device was used by the Ancients to regulate their power sources).
Onyx Bugbear - This object is roughly 10cm tall, and resembles a six-limbed cross between a beetle and a bear, and seems to be carved from greenish-black stone. When held closely, its "quantum vibratory electromagnetic resonance effect" causes the person holding it to feel only a sensation of deep, peaceful serenity. That is, the person feels no fear, no anger, no desire, and no anxiety. The person is in a state of perfect comfort. Unfortunately, this causes the person holding the Onyx Bugbear to lack motivation to do anything - even for performing even the most necessary of bodily functions! Removing the Onyx Bugbear from the possession of the person will restore their normal emotiona state within 1D hours. However, beginning 1D hours after that, and lasting for another 2D hours, the person will become extremely emotional as he or she goes into 'withdrawal' from the Onyx Bugbear's effects, becoming increasingly unstable as his or her mood swings wildy. Roll 1D per minute for effect: 1 - Mania; 2 - Despair; 3 - Rage; 4 - Lust; 5 - Terror; 6 - Catatonia. The withdrawal symptoms can be relieved by returning the Onyx Bugbear to the person, and then avoided by slowly removing the object from his or her presence. (This device was used by the Ancients as a tool for psychotherapy patients).
These two devices should be found together...