So after all these years, "The Undersea Environment", written in 1983, is still the definitive Traveller-based writeup for underwater stuff, like skill effects and equipment?
Mongoose's Central Supply Catalog, with gazillions of pages on weaponry, doesn't have anything more advanced than what we have today for any category of underwater equipment.
Only thing I've seen is a "blue-green" laser in the MgT vehicle book, which is modified equipment on a experimental TL 12 Chameleon walker the group just got (they will need it against the splitfin megashark :devil
Mongoose's Central Supply Catalog, with gazillions of pages on weaponry, doesn't have anything more advanced than what we have today for any category of underwater equipment.
Only thing I've seen is a "blue-green" laser in the MgT vehicle book, which is modified equipment on a experimental TL 12 Chameleon walker the group just got (they will need it against the splitfin megashark :devil