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Are T5 Nobility Cards Canon?

I think they are canon in the sense that if there is a card for a Baron of Silestia, then there IS a Baron of Silestia, but I don't think that you are necessarily him in the OTU. I think the cards are just fun swag for players and fans ... like the money.
What he said, but:

(1) if you bring that card and your character sheet to one of my games, I'll accept it;

(2) if I know about your card, I might put you in a Traveller publication.

(3) if an article by you gets published in Imperiallines (it's not dead...), your card data can be in the credits.
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What he said, but:

(1) if you bring that card and your character sheet to one of my games, I'll accept it;

(2) if I know about your card, I might put you in a Traveller publication.

(3) if an article by you gets published in Imperiallines (it's not dead...), your card data can be in the credits.

What he said, but:

(1) if you bring that card and your character sheet to one of my games, I'll accept it;

I would do that too, but all the players in my game are brand new to Traveller and the only time they have even heard of these cards was when I showed them the ones I have. But hopefully that will change. :)
I handed most of mine out to players in three different Traveller groups, many of whom had never seen such a beastie before. ONE of the cards I had made out in a fellow player characters' name, and so when I handed the card to him, I made his day.

Of course, I kept the cards which are in my name or my own player characters' names.

I think I like the TAS cards best.
What he said, but:

(1) if you bring that card and your character sheet to one of my games, I'll accept it;

Me as well.

On the other hand, these would make wicked cool swag for distribution in a tournament at a con...think of the word of mouth advertising :p

Or if Marc would authorize an official template for sale so that we could print up our own on cardstock for local game swag...:D
On the other hand, these would make wicked cool swag for distribution in a tournament at a con...think of the word of mouth advertising

...and I did that at NT-RPGCon this past June. I also handed out Cr25 coins and T5 dice.
If we got a "Barony" as a thing for wishing Marc a happy birthday here on CotI a few years ago, do we qualify as "official?"