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Art Work for traveller

While we're talking about gaming art, I'd like to speak up for the NPC-Headshot-Gallery style. This is pretty much standard in Chaosium supplements, but the Keiths used in the Sky Raiders trilogy, and it's in many of the DGP products.

Basically, in the chapter where you list the major NPCs and their backgrounds, you also provide a small headshot showing what the character looks like.

I really think it adds something to the adventure, as opposed to simply being ornamental.
My favourite is Liz Danforth...

Her little character sketches throughout the JOurnal added immense flavour

Especially the one about the wargames (cannot remember which issue) where the guy is arguing with observer/ref!

Mind you the article about volcanoes, with the guy's boots smoking and his Vargr friend having a "uh, you might wannna move!" look is priceless

Ah, hell. Everything she did was 100% flavour

[This message has been edited by MT++ (edited 24 June 2001).]
Traveller art should be fairly sedate.

The Spinward Marches Campaign has the defining picture of Imperial Battledress, it is smooth and efficient looking. It does not have shoulder pads that seem to bow the user, the crotch armour does not force the wearer to stand legs akimbo and no friggin's spikes. (I believe you know which game I speak of, and if not uyou have 40,000 guesses)

I actually liked T4. It had a lot to it, but that butt ugly, garish art is just too distracting.

Traveller starships looked "real", nit like some Gothic nightmare House.

The first pictures of the Aslan gave them a subdued look (the thumbnail in Twilight's Peak was a little silly though). They were alien, but they did not look weird.

To make a long story short (too late!), the art should be reasonably fantastic.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MT++:
Traveller art should be fairly sedate.

The Spinward Marches Campaign has the defining picture of Imperial Battledress, it is smooth and efficient looking.

Bryan Gibson did the Imperial Battledress in that adventure, and he's always been a favorite Traveller artist of mine.

I've gotten several original pieces of his work framed, and even got him to do a custom designed streamlined large freighter for me years ago.

I've not seen him for over two years, but for awhile, he hung out with our (rather odd) group of gamers in the Memphis area, and did a hilarious 2 page comic strip based on a mis-adventure we had. He had a talent for doing the battledress, for sure!

Joe Brown
Just make it realistic, A.C. Farley's cover on the Rebellion Sourcebook says it all. Elsewhere, I have echoed the sediment for Blair Reynolds & Keiths but I think we ought to move ultra realistic looking art. One that protrays emotion and intensity. Avoid the anime style that marked some of the T4 products.

Plus, I think the over all tone of Traveller art ought to convey something darker. If anyone has seen the original TNE backcover artwork they will know what I mean.

Plus the worlds ought to look more hostile rather than just terra-clones. More spacesuits. I really like the tone that is being set in Transhuman space. I think once that hits the market we will able to judge whether realism works in the larger gaming world.
Functional looking
(as opposed to the T4 art. Good paintings/drawings, just not Traveller to me.)
Full of greebles (sp?) on starships
Textured and realistic (careworn)

Real faces and figures. (The woman in starter Traveller with the scarf and autopistol looking shifty.) Most PCs are at least 35 in CT.
Functional clothing with high tech add-ons

Possibly dirty
Usually old, 1000 year empire and such

Sum up: More detailed than impressionist, a bit gritty, less antiseptic.
Le Corbusier's visualisations of the cities of tomorrow, but cracked and weathered and air/rafts instead of Fords.
BLOODY HELL! This has to be the most extreme case of thread resurrection I've ever seen!
Where did you dig up this old fossil?

Yeah, what 'Crow said!

What was used for the uniform design? I am looking for something to do that without having to commission someone.
The uniforms are from a font, Greywolf Paper Heroes 1, 2, 3, 4. I decided for this particular project to utilize as much stuff that other people have produced, to give the technology a test run, as it were.

There are so many (you are among the foremost, Lord Crow!) that do good work, and valuable work, that it stands to reason to try out how this stuff works, and I thinkit works bloody fantastically! My only regret is not being able to field an entire Aslan Army or Hiver Army using your figs, Crow. They truly rule.

So for this project, I am going to cull as much stuff as possible and fit it to my aesthetic requirements. I'd like to experiment with application of these things for a bit.
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
My only regret is not being able to field an entire Aslan Army or Hiver Army using your figs, Crow.
Really? What's stopping you?

Not knowing for sure what Aslan or Hiver deployment is like. I have decided to indeed do this, if anything to just see what it is like scale wise... I would like to render two company sized armies, I think...