SOC-14 1K
While I'm laughing and scratching my belly at this, I'm also nodding my head in agreement.
What I'm seeing looks to me like a GM writing his own house rules, not fully thought-out, with holes, rather than what a professional game designer should be putting together.
Agreed. I'm starting to doubt that any significant amount of in-house playtesting went on before this was released to general playtest.
And while the mechanics don't have to be perfect for playtesting, the important mechanics (like timing/effect) need to be free of fundamental statistical defects. A little quality time on Excel is all that's really required. Even if you don't know how to do the math, you can always get some programmer to do a Monte Carlo simulation for you that will yield the needed data. I am troubled by the fact that this was apparently not done.
In my game designs, I always validate the statistical qualities of the systems.
That's not to say that the system doesn't already have its fans. Most negative (if well meaning and hopefully constructive) feedback on the system posted to the MGT forum seems to get hounded by 2 or 3 rabid MGT fans who drown out all reason.
I've seen that done to others and I've been waiting for them to try it on me. Hasn't happened yet, darnnit
I don't have a grudge against MGT. Hell, I want it to be a good system.
But, like TBeard, I'm tired of seeing these opportunities go by where something great for Traveller could be created when insteads we get the same old milktoast rules that need to be modded and houseruled right out of the gate.
I'm disappointed.
Me too. And while I want MGT to be good, and have attempted to provide detailed, well-supported critiques of the system, I will do my level best to dissuade others from buying it if it turns out to be a piece of crap. Because if it is crap, I want it to die a quick death.
The tragedy is that there is a real opportunity to do something meaningful here. MGT (so far) just ain't it...