And here's the second article:
A connection between the Seven Sisters and the M’norr?
Most people who have had dealings with Aslan will have heard of Ahkiweahi’ Sector, which is located rimward of the main part of the Aslan Hierate. It contains three Aslan Hierate “outstates” and an Aslan-”Hlaia” (a minor race) client state, Steaakh Hlaia, and the rest of it is non-aligned, though with a large Aslan population. For people who don’t know much about the region, it might be difficult to see why this sector is of significance to the Aslan Hierate, and is generally avoided by Aslan from the main part of the Hierate.
This sector is well-known in the Hierate because of the Seven Sisters. Some sources even name the sector Seven Sisters Sector. The Seven Sisters are seven (huge) pirate ships, piloted by pirates from all the Major Races and a number of Minor Races. Each ship also contains one mysterious creature. These creatures have been described as green, plant-like and squid-like, and the most detailed description described one of the creatures as a mass of green tentacles/tendrils, with flower-like appendages near its top, at least two meters across, which seems to fit a description of a local minor race known as the Lanthusandr, apart from the creature’s size (Lanthusandr are usually only about one meter across). It is unknown what race these creatures are, but their homeworld is suspected to be either Yoour (1835 Ahkiweahi’) or Wafen (1836 Ahkiweahi’), which are both inhabited by Lanthusandr. One source states that, three of the creatures seem to have come from Yoour and four from Wafen, but this is thought to be mere speculation.
Yoour and Wafen are two non-aligned worlds Jump-1 from each other. They are both red-zoned, and both have the same UWP: X300849-0. Here is a description of this UWP:
Starport type (of best starport): X-No starport
World size data: 3-approx. 4800 km
Atmosphere: 0-No atmosphere/Vacuum
Hydrographics: 0-No water (less than 5% water)
Population: 8-Hundreds of millions of inhabitants
Government type: 4-Representative democracy
Law level: 9-Possession of weapons outside the home prohibited
Tech level: 0-Stone age/primitive
The two worlds do have different PBG’s: Yoour’s is 504 while Wafen’s is 624.
Here is a list comparing the exact (physical etc.) details of the two worlds.
•World diameter 4712.223 km 5047.492 km
•Hydrographics No surface water No surface water
•Population Approx. 515’000’000 Approx. 605’000’000
•Highest peak 6123 m above plains 8965 m above plains
•Lowest depth 405 m below plains 1067 m below plains
•Percentage plains 83.32% 80.23%
•Percentage jungle 84.45% 82.77%
•Plains-Jungle/ 79.81%/3.51%/4.64%/ 75.12%/5.11%/7.65%/
Plains-Other/Other- 12.04% 12.12%
(percentages of
entire world)
“Plains-Jungle” terrain consists of flat plains covered in mysterious/unusual jungle-like vegetation, which somehow manages to survive in the vacuum of the two worlds. “Plains-Other” terrain consists of sections of the plains which the jungle has not spread to. “Other-Jungle” terrain consists of more rugged land with jungle cover. “Other-Other” terrain consists of areas which are neither part of the plains nor covered by the jungle, which are mainly mountainous areas. Almost all of the (Lanthusandr) population on both worlds lives in “Plains-Jungle” terrain.
A few days ago, an Aslan survey team discovered strange buildings of a much higher tech level than the tech level 0 of the natives near Yoour’s north pole (on “Plains-Other” terrain) and Wafen’s south pole (on “Other-Other” terrain). It is unknown who built these structures, and no clear descriptions have been released yet. People have speculated from the limited descriptions that the buildings could be of Ancient origin, but this is unlikely since the facilities seem to have been used less than a month ago, and others have said the buildings could actually have been made by the mysterious M’norr Republic. It is not known what the M’norr Republic is, but the words “M’norr Republic” can be read on strange “bases” in over fifteen different systems in the uncolonised area between the Great Rift and the Outrim clients north of the Aslan Hierate. People have also speculated that since there is what could be M’norr bases on the worlds that could be the homeworlds of the creatures in the Seven Sisters, these creatures may have something to do with the M’norr.
Also: the forests on Yoour and Wafen are almost identical, and similar forests have been found on the desert worlds Hieco (1736 Ahkiweahi’) (C110867-9) and Tooom (1834 Ahkiweahi’) (C150120-8), both of which lie Jump-1 away from Yoour and Wafen and are green (normal)-zoned, though in relatively (much) lesser quantity (50.33% of Hieco is covered in these forests, and 32.23% of Tooom is), along with Lanthusandr “colonies”. These forests have also been found on other (Lanthusandr-colonised) worlds in the Yoour and Wafen systems, and on the green-zoned, nearby Lanthusandr world Foupfour (1934 Ahkiweahi’) (D200335-4) (11.92%), and even on a couple of worlds more than a subsector away: Penge (1724 Ahkiweahi’) (X210721-0) (8.24%), Oeceller (1914 Ahkiweahi’) (X403841-2) (44.12%), Racodosin (3127 Ahkiweahi’) (X300346-3) (9.64%) and Hopirs (0240 Ahkiweahi’) (X200476-1) (23.32%) (all four red-zoned Lanthusandr worlds). There is even a Lanthusandr population of about twenty thousand, though only a very small amount of “Lanthusandr forest”, on Yeealyar (1006 Ahkiweahi’) (E3105KB-9), an amber-zoned world in the corespinward Hierate outstate of the sector, and there are rumours there are Lanthusandr on the red-zoned world Bonsed (2819 Hfiywitir) (X220423-2), which is located in Hfiywitir Sector, the sector three sectors spinward of Ahkiweahi’ Sector. It is unknown how so many different (but quite similar) worlds can have identical vegetation (other than someone transporting the vegetation in spaceships/starships, which seems unlikely), how the vegetation survives on both vacuum worlds and in the quite Terra-like atmosphere of Tooom, how the Lanthusandr breathe in a vacuum, and how a race with no spaceship technology can have spread to such a large amount of worlds. Some suspect the answer to the last question is Ancient (or M’norr) intervention, which could fit with the bases on Yoour and Wafen, but not many proved Ancient sites have been found in the area, and it is not even known vaguely what the M’norr Republic actually is (Note: the minor race that inhabits the Toh Republic a few sectors trailing in Malorn Sector also seems to have spread to multiple worlds, though worlds lying closer together than the scattered Lanthusandr colonies, without any advanced technology; also, there are Lanthusandr religious sites known as portals, but these have not been investigated yet).