The wiki is a fan-managed resource, with many contributors. Not all of the material in an article is necessarily canon, even if the article is marked so, even if the original article was.
The Traveller RPG wiki is an FFE sanctioned and owned resource. I frequently speak with Mark Miller (MWM) and am able to establish canon as designated by MWM and review of articles using the canon formula set by Don and agreed to others like Rob. We don't have enough time to review every little detail, but we pick out key areas for review. That's part of the responsibility I inherited from Don. No one else took up the aegis.
I have even gone so far as to work with the community to put it all into writing here ( to all):
The wiki isn't a lone wolf or a rogue samurai AKA ronin. It a serious community resource that is getting better from day to day. Part of that improvement is because of contributions of community experts like Rob Eaglestone, Jae Campbell, Adie Stewart, and almost a sixth of the published authors who consult with me (...and others) or directly add text and contribute data. It doesn't happen in a vacuum as a rogue fan resource. It also coordinates with the Traveller Map and is a major development tool for Traveller, or the T5SS team. It's sanctioned.
We, at the wiki, combine both canon, and semi-canon designation marks (tags) where materials mix. Mark has specifically designated the wiki as a home of non-canon, semi-canon, canon, and everything in-between. For instance, Mark canonized Encyclopedia Dagudashaag previously and several other works. Canon is fluid. It's what Mark thinks and what is published unless otherwise de-canonized. Please see the definition above.
Not that canon really matters to most. Just enjoy the game. I do. Love the game and story.
Put it another way: the wiki is an unreliable witness.
I suppose you could say that ALL printed Traveller material is an unreliable witness.
The wiki is as reliable a witness as the Traveller community has. Eventually, we'll publish Don's timeline, which has a comprehensive listing, but until then, it's the best we have. There will always be disagreements.
The OTU is different than an IMTU or ATU. That's the nature of the beast.
I also consult with Rob's list of his take on canonized material. I pay attention.
...with the exception of Traveller5, GURPS: Sword Worlds, and Mongoose: Deneb Sector. And the Library Data and sophont profiles in the MT Imperial Encyclopedia.
Mark Miller has specifically de-canonized elements of all of those works. Some works might be better or worse resources, but, as Don wrote:
DON: "So, the moral is, don't throw rocks at other Traveller settings. We're all in the same tent, even if we imagine we're not."
We're all in the community together. My big mission, straight from FFE, is to be as inclusive as possible, intentionally finding solutions to not overwrite or exclude previous materials. That's straight from Mark Miller.
Long may the Third Imperium reign! Viva Strephon! And positive vibes to everyone!