Not the new Mongoose one...but old CT one.Has anyone here been the referee or a player in the traveller adventure? I have it and have read it and I really enjoyed the story line. If you have, can you sum up your experience?
I think it is a great start up if you have a face to face group. Like many others here I have not had that kind of game in a long time. I am currently running several players on a CT play by email game and I have to say I probably look forward to their moves more than they do mine. I really love this game.
It was very successful but required that you stay at least one chapter ahead of the players at all times. Sometimes, it was two or three sessions per chapter other times, they managed to do two in a single night.
I found that once our favorite Vargr was killed in a melee (crap, what do I do I thought...but then the player came to rescue and generated another character who was a Secret Agent/Other who had some knowledge of the Vargr, as the backstory was that he was trailing the party for some time and the other players brought her up to speed). I also found the need to make it more cinematic in parts especially the space battles.
Also, I inserted more red herrings, such as players losing the March Harrier in a Saracc tournament and having make foes of a major crime lord but after rescuing his daughter owed them a debt of gratitude. This led to the recovery of the March Harrier...however, do you know how hard it is get blood stains out of the carpet of a Fat Trader...