Phew. That was a long read...
Polaris, it's refreshing to see a real T20 fanatic. You would have to be, or you would have dropped this a loooong time ago. I'm a fanatic too. I don't post much, but belive me, there isn't a day that goes by without me thinking about how I'm going to get even with my GM.
Is it realistic to expect a newbie GM to do the same with unbalanced parties while suffering from possible player resentment therin? I think not!
New GM's should know how to handle people and have really good communication skills. If they don't, then NO guide will teach them, and they WILL FAIL as GM's in ANY game.
I'm in a group with a mix of experienced players and novices, and we have the full spectrum of character levels, I think from about 4th at the low end to 14th.
We don't have any problems. Why? Experience? NO. WE'RE FRIENDS first! We play as a TEAM. People who sit there and resent things ARE NOT TEAM PLAYERS. I'm personally glad as hell that we got the 14th level character with us! I wish he could be in more than one place at once! But the sad reality is, he can't. There is only so much he can do by himself. He supports us, and we support him. There are a lot of things he CAN'T do. And, since he goes up levels soooo painfully slowly compared to the lower level characters, he's pretty much stuck with what he's got, while the low level characters can rapidly adjust their skills and feats to match the requirements of the campaign. The low levels are more dynamic and flexible. It's not about what you have, it's about what you DO with what you have. The lower level characters dominate more often than not. A lot of that has to do with the PC's backgrounds.
Actually newbie GMs and players need guidance that that is easier done with balanced parties and some sort of benchmark
I respectfully disagree. They need guidance from experienced players and GM's. Balance has nothing to do with having fun or being a successfull GM or Player. Having a thick plot, and good PC backgrounds makes a more balanced party than any number rigging.
I'm glad someone suggested you write a guide for new players and GM's. It was the first thought I had when I first saw your post. Not that I would read it. Or use it. Our group already knows how to keep things balanced: Roleplay
You are spending way too much time focused on the numbers. If you had to complain about anything in the character generation, it should be that more emphasis should have been put into how to convert the numbers into player character history and background.
DM: "so, you were on a police raid in your 4th term, eh? And then failed your reinlistment after getting a SEH?? Well now...lets talk about that little raid, shall we? It seems that your team was setup from the beginning..." Guess what, as a GM, *I* got that uber-munchkin by the balls.
Put THAT in your guide.