Absent Friends Margrave
I never claimed it was the best way to do it
I just claimed it was rules legal, making the rules a bit odd.
And you are right about making the 10 into a 12 with regards to double turrets.
And if you noticed, I said you were correct and using all rules as written. I also see where NOBODY has come up with a pointer to where it explicitly states that batteries must be formed from whole turret units. No matter how hard it is implied, without it in black and white there will be some that will disagree.
Now, back to my point in my post. Designers try to optimize design. Even the HG rules push you to optimize your designs. Making a design that is not optimal "just because the rules allow it" does not explain why you are not trying to optimize. In fact, I now must pose another question: Would you ever consider taking that design concept into combat against a similar 1000 dton, 10 trip turret all beam laser armed ship, which has fully optimized for hits and penetration?
My bet is no, but here is how it plays out. Let's say we are at TL-13. Since we are both 1000 dtons and all ten turret spots are used for lasers, there is no sand to worry about. We are both size A, so we are both -1 to hit. At Tl-13, you have 3 batteries at factor 6, and I have 1 battery at factor 9. We will both have the same armor value for this example.
You have 3 shots at 6 (BTH 5 +1 for size factor (or if you prefer -1 to the die roll)), so you have a ~73% chance to hit with each shot, so two rounds out of three you can figure on three hits (or 8 hits over three rounds)
I have 1 shot at 5 (BTH 4 +1 for size factor), so I have a 92% chance of a hit each round, and over three rounds I can figure on 3 hits. So far it looks like you are gonna massacre me. Here's were it gets interesting.
Applying damage: you have 8 hits. We have the same armor (and not being idiots we maximize this at factor D (13)). Your weapon factor is 5, clearly less than 9 so your damage rolls on me are at +6. Which means your rolls are at +19 on the surface damage table, which means to do any damage at all to me you need to roll a 2 on two dice. Which will happen ~3% of the time, which means to damage me once you need ~33 hits (statistically speaking) which will take on average 12-13 rounds to achieve as long as you have all of your weapons, and that hit will do weapon-1.
Now for my hits. I have 3 hits. Same armor, but my weapon is factor 9. So my damage roles are at +13 on the surface damage table, which will hit something on of value on a roll of 8 or less,, or I apply damage ~72% per hit. Calling it 2 hits that actually damage something in this first three rounds, that damage will be a weapon-1 72% of the time and a fuel-1 the other ~28% of the time. Giving the benefit of the doubt, I damage one weapon-1 and one fuel-1.
So after the first three rounds you hit me 8 times but did no damage (the statistically most likely result) and I hit you 3 times and did one weapon-1 and one fuel-1 (again, the most likely statistical result). Starting on round 4 you are down to 2 shots at factor 6 and I am unharmed. At the end of the next 3 rounds you are likely to be down to one shot at factor 5, and so on until you are out of weapons and/or dead in space out of fuel.
Statistically speaking, of course. Die rolls are known to do funny things in the hands of gamers ;-)
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