Baeron Gredlocke
Hey, what are ya'lls idea of a utility uniform or the equivalent of BDU's in the OTU, like for the Imperial marines? No wrong answers.
Hey, what are ya'lls idea of a utility uniform or the equivalent of BDU's in the OTU, like for the Imperial marines? No wrong answers.
of course the best camouflage is active fire on target. they can't see you if their heads are down.
suppressive fire?
THere are canonical answers...
Scouts: DGP's Answer: TL14 Tailored Vacc Suit. In blue-grey, just like portrayed on the Referee's Companion (MegaTraveller).
In both cases, active pattern camouflage
Mongoose Traveller has the TL14 Battle Dress power armor as being worn by some Marine units, with the majority wearing Combat Armor.THere are canonical answers...
In fact, there are three different canonical answers for the IMC...
Loren's Answer: TL14 Battle Dress power armor. All marines, all specialties, all deployements.
DGP's Answer: Infantry in Battle Dress. Others in Combat Environment suits. Sealed when appropriate.
The GT answer: slops as noted above.
Scouts: DGP's Answer: TL14 Tailored Vacc Suit. In blue-grey, just like portrayed on the Referee's Companion (MegaTraveller).
In both cases, active pattern camouflage
I get the idea of 'work' uniforms.
The way I read this thread, OP was wondering about the fashion choices when rising in the morning to push a broom, or rebuild the 'flux-capacitor'. On base.
Imperial Marines always wear Battle Dress. Anything less and they might as well be naked.
So would all (active) Scouts be issued these TL14 vacc suits?
Imperial Marines always wear Battle Dress. Anything less and they might as well be naked.
The OP posed the question regarding utility uniforms, rather than combat uniforms.
These would be everyday non-combat non-formal working clothes.[/I]
Honestly, this doesn't make any sense.
Our current soldiers only wear their armor when in the field. Other than that, they wear BDUs.
The armor is ungainly, heavy, uncomfortable. Don't really see a bunch of folks in the Officers Club hanging out in Battle Dress.
To quote Frank Horrigan: "Ah, Lilly... damn. Now I gotta put all that s* back on."