I seem to remember a mention of Heaven Mountain in the Delta Pavonis system having a bunch of belters...
What's really interesting is how many garden worlds in the Chinese Arm have asteroid belts. I imagine that a fair amount of traffic along the arm comes from prospectors who are moving from one system to another, wildcatting as they go. Some of these might also be smugglers or simply free traders. There are a lot of places to disappear if you can hit orbit on some of these frontier planets.
Reading through, most are probably not mineral rich, the same for QAS, Vogelheim etc.. Too far out (i.e. into Gas Giant country) and the belts will be ice (which is mined, but...). The one that is potentially very rich is the Delta Pavonis rings. That's very interesting, we know there is belt mining on the Chinese Arm from SotFA....
The mineral rich belts seem to be Sol, Clarkestar, Catherine's Star (Henry's Star's companion), Ross 863, and Delta Pavonis, plus potentially others in outpost systems (and Paulo, which isn't exploited yet as per the text).
The mineral rich belts seem to be Sol, Clarkestar, Catherine's Star (Henry's Star's companion), Ross 863, and Delta Pavonis, plus potentially others in outpost systems (and Paulo, which isn't exploited yet as per the text).
Also worth noting is the fact that the Model Star City at Hochbaden was partially constructed in asteroid settlements. Most belter communities would probably mourn the loss of their fellow belters in a post-Invasion world.
Mu Herculis is noted as having some radioactives in their belt.
Also worth noting is the fact that the Model Star City at Hochbaden was partially constructed in asteroid settlements. Most belter communities would probably mourn the loss of their fellow belters in a post-Invasion world.
And be out for revenge?