• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Best of the best?

And excuse me if I sound too aggressive, as English is not my first language, sometimes I have difficulties conveying a message with a feeling. I'm not angry and I don't pretend to belittle your advice, far from that. In fact, I didn't know about Dustspice and sounds pretty awesome for our campaing.

Nope. Excited, and perhaps a bit prone to grandiose ideas...

... but that can be said of many of us.

One thing that, at least amongst the Anchorage based groups, was a common thread that dustspice also could be used for boosting hyperdrives... I didn't originate it, mind you, but it has played in several campaigns I was a player in as well as many I've been a GM in. It involves precise applications to the coils...