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Big Ships in T5

On the subject of big ships, when is a big ship, too big for gaming?

On one hand, it is quite possible for players to be in an adventure aboard a big ship, or even command a big ship, although I would say it is not typical.

On the other hand, wargamers love big ships.

And on the gripping hand, Traveller fans like to make sure big ships stay consistent with the game rules.
I have a couple of questions.

1 - what are the big ships for? What I mean by that is are we aiming for a HG like design and abstract combat system that isn't actually fit for purpose.

2 - is there going to be a tactical or system level game that involves big ships or are we aiming for squadron level combat at the month scale or longer? Or even both =)

3 - is there any need for ACS vs BCS rules? Will the secondary batteries of BCS not completely dominate the ACSs?

4 - do we want detailed design along the lines of High Guard or a big ship maker where we fill in the descriptive details after deciding the ship's broad parameters based on role/TL?
I have a few answers, some of which may sync up with your questions, but I reserve the right to not know the answers to any of them and to make some stuff up as I answer.

In a more recent, but characteristically brief, email conversation with Marc, he said that Battle-Class Ship design is still about building ships. The focus is on capital ships, and in particular, building the spine, adding payload, then wrapping the drives around that.

I'll start a new thread for Spines in T5.

four factors

Spine/Launch tubes

Trade one off against the other, although as TL increases the base factor is better so the ship is more capable.

Secondary batteries can be split three ways possibly:

bombardment factor
additional defence
ACS combat factor
In a more recent, but characteristically brief, email conversation with Marc, he said that Battle-Class Ship design is still about building ships. The focus is on capital ships, and in particular, building the spine, adding payload, then wrapping the drives around that.

This is good news. What I'd like to see is the top down design system you and Marc are talking about with the ability to detail the payload with modules or bundles made up from ACS components.

Say 100tons of accommodations consists of x staterooms and y freshers, and z galley space, costs N which includes life support. Or 50tons close defense consists of five T4 Laser turrets and suitable sensors. More of a quick building block to drop in than the decision based process of design in ACS. Offensive and defensive blocks could be given factors for strategic combat.

As well as predesigned blocks or the formulas to build them you could set aside 20 or 100tons and customize it using ACS.
On the subject of big ships, when is a big ship, too big for gaming?

I've run a game with PC's being cadre of a regiment; that's actually more bodies than people realize. I've also had PC's be command crew of ships up to 10 MTd. It's all in play style, tho'.

Keep in mind: TOS Enterprise is roughly 19KTd. It's fine for a command crew game. TNG enterprise is roughly 1MKTd... again, no problem with the right style of play.