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TNE Only: BL Mk I Mod 0 Technical Booklet Armed Gig TL-14 laser


SOC-14 1K
Morning all,

I've been working off the forums with Tupper using Antti's Rb-98r4 spreadsheet and have a couple of questions concerning the Armed Gig's TL-14 144-Mj laser as described in BL Mk 1 Mod 0 Technical Booklet on page 48.

Here is the information concerning the gig's laser.

Offensive: 1xTL-14 144-Mj Laser Lance (Loc: 1; Arcs: 1; 4 MW; Crew on Flight Deck)

Laser is fixed forward-firing mount.

TL-14 144 Laser Short: 10;(1/10)-30; Medium: 20;(1/7)-21; Long: 40;(1/3)-10, Extreme: 80;(1/2)-5

The parentheses are mine idea for clarification of penetration.

Prior to working with Tupper I had completed a laser design spreadsheet following the example on TNE FF&S Mk I Mod 0 pages 158-159 which I used along with the laser design tab in Rb-98r4 spreadsheet.

The mount options available are turret, barbette, and bays in both spreadsheets. I selected the combination of TL-14, x-ray, Gravitic focused, 3.4 m diameter heavy focal array (the diameter took a bit of tinkering), turret with the fixed option, and proceeded to build a TL-14 144-Mj laser. The calculated laser volume exceeds the turret volume and do not match the listed for the penetration and damage values in both spreadsheets. I adjusted the diameter down to less than a meter leaving the wavelength at x-ray which allowed the laser to fit in the turret but still not matching the penetration and damage values.

Changing to the tunable on my spreadsheet the laser uses the far ultraviolet wavelength and resetting the diameter to 3.4 I was able to match the penetration and damage values. Unfortunately the laser still was too big to fit in a turret.

In Rb-98r4 changing from x-ray to tunable, setting diameter to 3.4 while leaving everything else the same as first described resulted in matching the pen and DV values while still making the laser to big to fit in a 3 displacement ton turret. Rb-98r4 does not identify what wavelength is being used when the tunable option is selected.

Setting the laser TL-14 and tunable in Rb-98r4 appears to be selecting the far ultraviolet values since the pen and DV match up. My spreadsheet's volume is lightly higher than Rb-98r4.

Can someone confirm that the BL Mk I Mod 0 Technical Booklet page 48 TL-14 armed gig's laser uses the far ultraviolet wavelength?

The second question concerns the type of mount a heavy focal array laser is installed in.

TNE FF&S Mk I Mod 0 Book III Chapter 8 Step 3 give the mounting options of non-hand held heavy focal array laser as turret, barbette, and bays. Step 4 states that heavy focal arrays must be further defined as trainable or fixed. Trainable arrays are for mounting in turrets, barbettes, and bays allowing the laser to be pointed at a target independent of the direction a vehicle is moving. A fixed heavy focal array on the other hand makes the laser part of the vehicle's structure which requires the entire vehicle be pointing with the laser's bore pointing at the target.

Does a fixed heavy focal laser array have to fit into the volume of a turret, barbette, or bay?

My inclination is that a fixed heavy focal laser array has to fit within the volume of the vehicle's hull.

Does a vehicle mounted laser need both a beam pointer and LADAR?

Can a laser be designed as a spinal mount?

My interpretation of the laser design rules is no, but I have been mistaken before?
I goofed in my original post concerning the penetration and damage values for a TL-14 3.4-m diameter heavy focal array Extreme X-ray turret laser in a fixed mount on an armed gig issued in the Technical Booklet for Brilliant Lance Mk I Mod.

The above laser has a penetration of 1/10 and damage of 30 at all ranges.

To match the specifications in BL Mk I Mod 0 TB page 48 the focal array appears to be 16.2 cm in diameter using a TL-14 fixed extreme x-ray wavelength laser which fits all four components, focal array, beam pointer, HPG, and workstation, into a standard 42 m^3 turret.

Old questions

Does a fixed heavy focal laser array have to fit into the volume of a turret, barbette, or bay?

My inclination is that a fixed heavy focal laser array has to fit within the volume of the vehicle's hull.

Does a vehicle mounted laser need both a beam pointer and LADAR?

Can a laser be designed as a spinal mount?

My interpretation of the laser design rules is no, but I have been mistaken before.