If YTU has such a density of ships visiting its ports that all the billions of cubic miles surrounding the planet in 3 dimensions are perpetually filled with craft such that it's impossible to draw a straight line through the 'cloud' without a high probability of intersecting a ship, then YTU is much, much busier than mine.QUOTE]
In Space, nuclear winters are just a "blast" >

But my point was that we are not talking about "all the billions of cubic miles surrounding the planet in 3 dimensions". We are talking about the potentially busy slice of local space near a specific space dock or orbital arcology. So while all the area around the rock and its dependants may be relatively clear, your mission...should you be assigned it...is to get close enough that the firing solutions will be able to do their part...assuming the target is where you expect it to be.
If that target is a key ship or arcology, there will be tenders and other traffi around the target not to mention the fact it will be is an active area.
An example would be the mini subs that Japan sent to participate in the strike on Pearl Harbor in WWII. Imagine if the subs, dropped out in the middle of the pacific, could submerge and then approach while completly cut off from the outside world. All they had was their plotted course and a firing solution. Their mission profile would tell them exactly what to do when so they would arrive at teh mouth of Pearl Harbor just when spies determined the torpedo nets were drawn open... With no way of knowing if the nets had been opened, they would folow their course and slip in, still completely oblivious of everything that is happening outside the skin of their boat. Then, at the right point in thier course as determined by their mission clock...they fire their torpedos, spin up the screws and then burn for the harbor mouth.
Yes, as they cross the pacific they are so far from any traffic that they would not not see traffic. Even as they close on the Hawaii, they would be very lucky to get even near shipping. But the closer to pearl they got, the more traffic they would encounter until a collision is very real possability.
So there are times you will have the whole ocean to deal with... But there are times where you will just have the busy corner near your targget.