SOC-14 10K
OK, I see where the T20 authors probably got the damage multiplier for weapons idea (pg. 157). CT HG had a x20 for meson weapons (and other multipliers) but that was all based on USP and EP, NOT damage points.
T20 has EP absorbtion based on the number of points of actual damage done, multiplied by the weapon efficiency.
The problem I'm having is a simple conservation of energy. For example with 60EP input a TL12 100T Particle Accelerator Bay (USP 8) attacking a full on (100%) Black Globe at basic range of 60,000km will do 8d12 basic damage plus 8d10 radiation damage. IF the full damage is rolled (ignoring crits) that's 176 points of damage. In T20 the black globe absorbs that as 176EP, multiplied by 5, for a total of 880EP! From a measley 60EP input?! Even the minimum possible damage of 16 points x5 is 80EP, 20EP more than was put in. Am I the only one who thinks this is wrong???
Would it not be better (in so many ways) to use just the USP? In the above example the Black Globe would absorb 8 x5 points for a total of 40EP for the input of 60EP at the basic range. That makes more sense does it not?
The other option I guess would be to apply the implied (from other numbers I've crunched) rate of fire of 20 shots per turn for starship scale energy weapons. Then the input energy is actually 1,200EP (60EP per minute or shot) which compares favorably with the maximum absorbed of 880EP.
T20 has EP absorbtion based on the number of points of actual damage done, multiplied by the weapon efficiency.
The problem I'm having is a simple conservation of energy. For example with 60EP input a TL12 100T Particle Accelerator Bay (USP 8) attacking a full on (100%) Black Globe at basic range of 60,000km will do 8d12 basic damage plus 8d10 radiation damage. IF the full damage is rolled (ignoring crits) that's 176 points of damage. In T20 the black globe absorbs that as 176EP, multiplied by 5, for a total of 880EP! From a measley 60EP input?! Even the minimum possible damage of 16 points x5 is 80EP, 20EP more than was put in. Am I the only one who thinks this is wrong???
Would it not be better (in so many ways) to use just the USP? In the above example the Black Globe would absorb 8 x5 points for a total of 40EP for the input of 60EP at the basic range. That makes more sense does it not?
The other option I guess would be to apply the implied (from other numbers I've crunched) rate of fire of 20 shots per turn for starship scale energy weapons. Then the input energy is actually 1,200EP (60EP per minute or shot) which compares favorably with the maximum absorbed of 880EP.