This arrived on my doorstep a few weeks back. I flipped through it and... honest Abe that I am... freely admit that the art was so poor that I threw it on a shelf. Since I bought it to assist with my Jovian Chronicle/2300 mash-up, it wasn't a necessary book and I was turned off enough that I didn't want to spend the time perusing it.
I ended up reading it this past weekend.
The Colonization chapters are absolutely astounding. Big, big kudos to the author(s) of those chapters as it is incredibly interesting, provides mechanics for colony creation and progression, and interesting facts/hooks for every location. It's an amazing collection of information and generation mechanics. EXACTLY what I was looking for.
Haven't even gotten around to looking carefully at the equipment because of the turn-off from the art... but the other parts of the book are worth their weight in gold.
I highly recommend the cover artist be engaged on all future projects.
I ended up reading it this past weekend.
The Colonization chapters are absolutely astounding. Big, big kudos to the author(s) of those chapters as it is incredibly interesting, provides mechanics for colony creation and progression, and interesting facts/hooks for every location. It's an amazing collection of information and generation mechanics. EXACTLY what I was looking for.
Haven't even gotten around to looking carefully at the equipment because of the turn-off from the art... but the other parts of the book are worth their weight in gold.
I highly recommend the cover artist be engaged on all future projects.