Originally posted by Uncle Bob:
I remember Runequest from the late '70s, and Cthulu from the '80s.
I was never quite happy with either setting, but the system is excellent. It helps show D20 as the inbred, overly complicated disaster that it is.
The basic mechanics are similar but not identical across the various games.
RQ3 had a detailed "career" type system for fantasy.
Elfquest had a "clan-like" setup, with a pool of points and total caps.
I don't recall on CoC (Never did like it).
I came in with EQ. Which got me to read the graphic novels... then i found RQ. I've run RQ3, and liked it.
Pendraon is a d20 variation on BRP (D20's rather than d100, slightly eveolved skill-vs-skill mechanics), but recognizably BRP derived.
RQ3, Elfquest, Stormbringer: all 3 have major issues with too much fumbling for significant effect as the rules are written.
Nice thing is that you could use characters from any BRP setting in any BRP game with no changes; multiplication or division for Pendragon...
Adding EQ magic to RQ added a 4th type...
Also nice was that all weapons seemed to be based upon the same ratings.... so you could add CoC firearms to your EQ or RQ world. Or add RQ weapons to flesh out the list in Ringworld.
I've always liked the basics of the system, but prefer the warhammmer FRP chances for fumble (Doubles which fail; lower numbers are worse...).