For an upcoming adventure, just though I would share.
EDITED to reflect design suggestions on 4/15/06
The Bucephalus Class: a long range rift cruiser (CT LBB2)
A cutting edge high jump courier and warship the Bucephalus Class is designed to project Imperial authority quickly to hotspots and move VIPs with the greatest speed possible.
IMTU modifications
House rules armor
1st ed LBB2 power plant
Revised using LBB2 1st ed power plant requirements
1000 tons, Streamlined hull. (needle/wedge shape)
Tech Level 15
Jump drive X, Jump 6
maneuver drive K, 2G acceleration
power plant K,
Fuel, 620 tons, 1 Jump 6 and 4 weeks of operation. (drop tank capable)
Computer Systems
Model/5 Core (Stats 12/25)
Advanced Starship Operations Computer System Mk. XV;f=9;t=000263#000000
Cargo: 55 tons (34 with troops)
Armor: Level 5 (IMTU thing)
No ship’s troops normally, Variant configuration up to 20 troops (quad bunked in 5 rooms)
8 triple turrets, 2 PAW turrets (10 total)
5, pulse laser
2 PAW Turrets
2 Missile
1 Sandcaster
Ship’s vehicles
1 Ship’s boat
1 Airraft
12 Staterooms
1 Crew Lounge 10 tons
Sickbay 5 tons
4 VIP staterooms (4 tons, single bed)
1 Reconfigurable repair shop 10 tons
Crew 21
1 commanding officer
1 executive officer
3 administrative personnel
2 pilots
1 navigator
7 engineers
1 medic
1 PAW gunner, 2 pulse gunners, 2 missile/sand gunners
A sleek, high tech ship that stands out in any fleet.

EDITED to reflect design suggestions on 4/15/06
The Bucephalus Class: a long range rift cruiser (CT LBB2)
A cutting edge high jump courier and warship the Bucephalus Class is designed to project Imperial authority quickly to hotspots and move VIPs with the greatest speed possible.
IMTU modifications
House rules armor
1st ed LBB2 power plant
Revised using LBB2 1st ed power plant requirements
1000 tons, Streamlined hull. (needle/wedge shape)
Tech Level 15
Jump drive X, Jump 6
maneuver drive K, 2G acceleration
power plant K,
Fuel, 620 tons, 1 Jump 6 and 4 weeks of operation. (drop tank capable)
Computer Systems
Model/5 Core (Stats 12/25)
Advanced Starship Operations Computer System Mk. XV;f=9;t=000263#000000
Cargo: 55 tons (34 with troops)
Armor: Level 5 (IMTU thing)
No ship’s troops normally, Variant configuration up to 20 troops (quad bunked in 5 rooms)
8 triple turrets, 2 PAW turrets (10 total)
5, pulse laser
2 PAW Turrets
2 Missile
1 Sandcaster
Ship’s vehicles
1 Ship’s boat
1 Airraft
12 Staterooms
1 Crew Lounge 10 tons
Sickbay 5 tons
4 VIP staterooms (4 tons, single bed)
1 Reconfigurable repair shop 10 tons
Crew 21
1 commanding officer
1 executive officer
3 administrative personnel
2 pilots
1 navigator
7 engineers
1 medic
1 PAW gunner, 2 pulse gunners, 2 missile/sand gunners
A sleek, high tech ship that stands out in any fleet.