Commander Truestar
So we werer playing our face to face game this past Saturday and something really new came up.. As in I had never been faced with determining how I handled the concept in advanced societies.
So I figured I'd ask how others do
To lay the ground work, I have a thing called an "Ident Card" IMTU. It handles all the functions of personal identification, certifications, banking, passport, etc...
The average individual does not have one as tey live on world and never leave.
The rare traveler who does that one great adventure of their lifetime(s) [say on honeymoon, etc..] has one as a collector's item
Those who, for other reasons, make more than one, or many interstelar trips have one and are usd to it.
Average users or citizens can see the basic screens only, while the varying levels of authorities can see other screens based on the plug in device they use before accessing it. So a customs inspector can see those additional screens that might relate to their responsabilities. Special users can enter codes o activate certain other screens int he event the under cover agent needs to prove he is an under cover agent...
Given that, there is a point where you have your ident and do nto need ephemera like business cards. So it brought me up short when a female Character was sitting in a bar, was approached by an NPC and had so agreeable a time that she decided to exchange information with him. The player then asked me, "What do I do? Do I ask him for a card?" And me thinking, this system is advanced enough to hav gotten away from that IMO...what would they do?
We, as a group, discussed it and one of the other players suggested there be an in-built button that broadcasts the owner's contact data at a very short range so that two close range like devices can exchange that data subset on demand.
But once you get past a certain tech level, how do youhandle the concept of business cards?
Thanks in advance!
So we werer playing our face to face game this past Saturday and something really new came up.. As in I had never been faced with determining how I handled the concept in advanced societies.
So I figured I'd ask how others do

To lay the ground work, I have a thing called an "Ident Card" IMTU. It handles all the functions of personal identification, certifications, banking, passport, etc...
The average individual does not have one as tey live on world and never leave.
The rare traveler who does that one great adventure of their lifetime(s) [say on honeymoon, etc..] has one as a collector's item
Those who, for other reasons, make more than one, or many interstelar trips have one and are usd to it.
Average users or citizens can see the basic screens only, while the varying levels of authorities can see other screens based on the plug in device they use before accessing it. So a customs inspector can see those additional screens that might relate to their responsabilities. Special users can enter codes o activate certain other screens int he event the under cover agent needs to prove he is an under cover agent...
Given that, there is a point where you have your ident and do nto need ephemera like business cards. So it brought me up short when a female Character was sitting in a bar, was approached by an NPC and had so agreeable a time that she decided to exchange information with him. The player then asked me, "What do I do? Do I ask him for a card?" And me thinking, this system is advanced enough to hav gotten away from that IMO...what would they do?
We, as a group, discussed it and one of the other players suggested there be an in-built button that broadcasts the owner's contact data at a very short range so that two close range like devices can exchange that data subset on demand.
But once you get past a certain tech level, how do youhandle the concept of business cards?
Thanks in advance!