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Call for Brainstorm - Traveller "Remittance Archaeologist" Stories


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
This is a call to list topics, good and bad, for short stories surrounding my travelling remittance-man-cum-amateur-archaeologist.

Rejnaldi da Santos, Relic Hunter 66578A, Age 46 7 terms Cr100,000

Skills (CT) Admin-1, Blade Cbt(Cutlass)-1, Electronics-1, Gravitics-1, Hunting(Archaeology)-2, Gun Cbt(Rifle)-1, Mechanic-1, Survival-2, Vehicle(Grav)-1.

Languages: Amindii(basic), Oynprith(mastery).

Stuff: Comm, Hunting Rifle, Machete, Vacc Suit, Planetoid ship with Launch.

Overview: A remittance man and the black sheep of the family. His ancestor (the legendary -- or notorious -- Bennett Lai da Santos) was a successful explorer. Rey is simply an embarrassment. His estate pays him an allowance with the express understanding that he will not return home.

A “hunter of antiquities” by trade, Rejnaldi is a self-styled archaeologist. He spends his time getting onto sites that normal folks might not be able to get at, and trying to do scientific excavations, usually on the cusp of revolution, cataclysm, and other destructive or otherwise dangerous settings. (Examples: trespassing onto an interdicted private reserve in order to “do archeology”. Trying to find out more about ancient cultures. Interacting with Amindii locals to learn where to explore, where to dig, because sites on Regina are hopelessly difficult to find.)

Background: Though noble by birth, his father thought that a low-level civilian appointment to the Rural Environmental Protection Agency of T'yana -- made via some favors called in -- would teach him self-reliance and discipline. Rey never bothered to tell his father that his REPA boss -- who assigned every dirty job he could find to Rey -- hated the name of Da Santos.

He worked for REPA for 7 terms, from the age of 18 through his 45th year. His main job function was framed early, when a series of natural disasters while on the job in the outback, followed by a brief period of raiding from Outworlders, caused him to learn how to escape or hide, and live by his wits. Other assignments included getting samples of flesh-eating, motile and canivorous Barrel Molds growing/nesting along unstable geysers in remote wilderness locations; conducting field repairs of solar thermal collectors; defusing social tensions between the regional government and a local population of Droyne; performing orbital com-sat repairs in a temperamental and poorly insulated gravitic service craft; some advocacy work in the border cities to help manage urban rioting and unrest; and a little teaching and desk work. What little spare time he had was spent at the gym or helping with archaeological excavations on his family’s land. When he finally retired, his boss managed to use the event to embarrass his father and family.
Friends and Crew

Lady Lisandra Kellyn Marava, a friend and tagalong; self-appointed to keep Ray ‘out of trouble’. She used her leverage as a qualified navy pilot to get this assignment.

Sgt. Kuran Zelaar, personal bodyguard for Sir Rejnaldi. Sardonic stoic. Occasional drive tech.

Khaalo "Chloe" Hariisi, Engineer. Born in space, Chloe was promoted three times during her four terms as a Spacer, before two injuries forced her into retirement.
Setting up character using Starter Traveller. There are some skills that don't transfer over to early CT. So I could use some suggestions for those skills.

Retired Navy:
Skills - Admin-1, Blade Cbt(Cutlass)-1, Electronics-1, Engineering-1, Forward Observer -2, Gun Cbt(Rifle)-1, Mechanic-1, Jack-o-T -2, ( Vehicle(Grav)-1.) not sure what to use here ?

Retired Marine / Army:
Skills- Admin-1, Blade Cbt(Cutlass)-1, Electronics-1, Engineering-1, Forward Observer -2, Gun Cbt(Rifle)-1, Mechanic-1, Tactics-2, (ATV-1-Marine or Air Raft-1- Army)

Retired Scout:
Skills- Computer-1, Blade Cbt(Cutlass)-1, Electronics-1, Engineering-1, ( Hunting(Archaeology)-2,- not sure what to use here ?)
Gun Cbt(Rifle)-1, Mechanic-1, Jack-o-T-2, Air Raft-1.

Retired Merchant:
Skills- Admin-1, Blade Cbt(Cutlass)-1, Electronics-1, Engineering-1, Streetwise-1 Computer-1, Gun Cbt(Rifle)-1, Mechanic-1, Jack-o-T-2, (Vehicle(Grav)-1.-not sure what to use here ?)

Retired Other:
Skills- Computer-1, Blade Cbt(Cutlass)-1, Electronics-1, (Gravitics-1 not sure ), Streetwise-1 Computer-1, Gun Cbt(Rifle)-1, Mechanic-1, Jack-o-T-2, (Vehicle(Grav)-1. not sure ?)

it looks like Medical for all, and Brawling for Marines, Army, and Others would be good skills to add also.
For some reason he has to leave the planetoid yacht at home and travel via Starliner Lines. Somebody he ticked off previously sees an opportunity to embarrass his family and triggers _Marooned / Marooned Alone_, wanting to blame him for drawing the "pirates" down on himself and involving the liner.

He wants an unscheduled freighter (harder to predict its movement) to take a decent-sized cargo lot to a backwater world No Questions Asked. Like a speculative cargo, the destination will have enough outbound freight to make the side trip commercially practical.

Wants somebody else to buy a Navigate program to a Yellow Travel Zone world for him, because he is being watched just to prevent him from doing so and barging in on a rival's shady-looking project.

Having made a pest of himself in the eyes of The Authorities, needs a go-between to file the paperwork to get a license (something common like a drivers license or bartenders license) renewed. He is trying to "mail it in" not show up in person.
On the original post, what I am seeing is not Indiana Jones, but rather his less competent son. And the son's adventures being run Venture Brothers style. Basically, it's the adventures of Dr Venture after he leaves his father behind, but before he gets his own kids.

Probably not what was intended, but it is immediately where my mind went ...
This is a call to list topics, good and bad, for short stories surrounding my travelling remittance-man-cum-amateur-archaeologist.

Rejnaldi da Santos, Relic Hunter 66578A, Age 46 7 terms Cr100,000

For narrative purposes, this fellow should probably fall somewhere between "vainglorious patsy" and "fool rushing in" when it comes to fetching various MacGuffins.

He likely gets suckered-in to numerous "thief-taking" shenanigans which end up being more like outright theft, simply because -- for whatever reason -- he makes the Miles Archer rookie/rube mistake of blithely believing whatever line the client/tipster feeds him and then committing to it wholeheartedly and against the better judgement he ought to show. While he is skilled-enough to (barely) avoid getting gunned down for his trouble, it always turns out that the would-be Maltese Falcon is a fake, or a distraction, or key piece of some other, even more elaborate Long Con that Rej is then subsequently caught up in.

He also should have an unwelcome habit of viewing himself as an underdog hero -- bravely salvaging antiquities to keep them out of the hands of those he (for whatever sound or unsound reason) thinks are unscrupulous. Indy's problematic quip, "It belongs in a museum!" conveniently overlooks the why behind something being hidden-away from public view in the first place; it might be a simple matter of selfishness and greed on the part the original owner, but it might also be to bury a secret better left unrevealed, at least for a while if not an eternity. On top of this, Rej's proclivity could be to repatriate artifacts in the most political and popularizing manner available, regardless of how this might sit with the nominal powers-that-be. He is already financially self-sufficient from his remittance and is free to travel about on his funky (and easily camouflaged) yacht; the praise and recognition of the masses might be what he truly craves, rather than merely another payday from some (in his mind) comparatively milquetoast and self-serving aristocrat/bureaucrat.

Rej also needs a reliable, recurring Fence as a contact to move smaller, routine artifacts on a semi-regular basis and be a source of leads to promising new clients and treasures once in a while.
On the original post, what I am seeing is not Indiana Jones, but rather his less competent son. And the son's adventures being run Venture Brothers style. Basically, it's the adventures of Dr Venture after he leaves his father behind, but before he gets his own kids.

Probably not what was intended, but it is immediately where my mind went ...
Both Mike and Chad are more or less thinking in the same direction I am about this. Including the very important "skilled enough to (barely) avoid getting gunned down" angle.

He's constantly in the wrong places at the wrong times.
Pushing the Dr Venture angle, what he needs is not a fence, but a Brock. Someone who is bizarrely loyal and able to bail him out when he isn't able to avoid getting gunned down. (Or, more properly, who prevents him from getting gunned down when his skills fail.)
Pushing the Dr Venture angle, what he needs is not a fence, but a Brock. Someone who is bizarrely loyal and able to bail him out when he isn't able to avoid getting gunned down. (Or, more properly, who prevents him from getting gunned down when his skills fail.)

I think we can take it further than that, even.

As backstory, each of the three members in Rej's entourage was originally drawn into his (metaphorical) orbit to keep an eye on him for some respective third-party interest in a caper. Inevitably, everything went sideways at some point during each caper in turn, and so, also in turn, each of the three ended up owing Rej a Life Debt. Plus, working for Rej does pay well from time to time. Hence, their remarkably-high loyalty to him personally, with occasional conflicts of interest cropping up when one or more of the aforementioned third parties clandestinely attempts to coerce a little renewed fealty here and there (using everything from appeals to duty to outright blackmail and/or threats to family members).

Each of the three should also have one or two surprisingly-high space and/or personal combat skills that they habitually downplay -- except when Rej is not looking and is in serious mortal peril -- largely to avoid showing him up and damaging his pride. (Not to mention piquing his curiosity. "Rej Must Never Know!" is their motto for all these matters.)

They are essentially a Secret Society protecting their Bread & Butter from himself, as much as they can.
If you haven't done so yet I would recommend you check out the new MgT Explorer Edition - the two careers are scout and scholar...