Way back when I had a new party choose to try being pirates, they even took in an Ex Navy PC that rolled snake eyes on continuing in a very good navy carreer up to that point. That player decieded to try to get back into the navy by getting the pirate ship captured....
I used a firey escort and it's one gig for the no notice inspection , the players shot at the Imperials who then auto returned fire & took out the laser turret they used, and the gig clamps onto the hull before the PC's can get their collective thumbs out. We use a deck plan and mini's, they were still under atmosphere, and the breeching charge vents the hull to vacuum, most of the pirates do not have their vacc suits on and are in the process of explosive decompression and my three naval ratings board , all in combat armor, 2 gauss rifles and one RAM gernade launcher... the fight ended with the pirate captan abandoning ship in his combat armor (through the shattered bridge windows), and critical failure rolling his reentry burn on his personal reentry kit, too steep and one crispie critter pirate captan later the PC Ex naval officer is in the sickbay for shrapnel and vaccuum exposure and back in the navy, and everybody rolls up new characters. Fun was had by all.
I used a firey escort and it's one gig for the no notice inspection , the players shot at the Imperials who then auto returned fire & took out the laser turret they used, and the gig clamps onto the hull before the PC's can get their collective thumbs out. We use a deck plan and mini's, they were still under atmosphere, and the breeching charge vents the hull to vacuum, most of the pirates do not have their vacc suits on and are in the process of explosive decompression and my three naval ratings board , all in combat armor, 2 gauss rifles and one RAM gernade launcher... the fight ended with the pirate captan abandoning ship in his combat armor (through the shattered bridge windows), and critical failure rolling his reentry burn on his personal reentry kit, too steep and one crispie critter pirate captan later the PC Ex naval officer is in the sickbay for shrapnel and vaccuum exposure and back in the navy, and everybody rolls up new characters. Fun was had by all.