I'd, personally, treat it as a safety cut out based on the object's mass shadow in jump space. If jump space echoes real space, and gets shadows from objects in real space, then the jump drives are built with a safety limiter in them, that limiter is set to drop a ship to real space when it encounters a certain mass/gravity, that mass/gravity level tends to be encountered at about 100 diametres out from the planet, since the gravity and mass echo would fade at a near constant rate over distance, which can explain the amount of variance.
Now, you probably could rig a drive to bypass the limit, or make an interdictor ship that would magnify its mass shadow to the level that an unmodified drive's safety would cut in. The former would be an illegal mod, and would risk drive damage at least, possibly ship destruction, the latter would require a large ship with gravity projectors (tractor beam variants)