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Can you Rember when?

Can you Rember when?

  • Pearl Harbor attacked

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  • 911

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A PM reminded me of a purely private event.

Does anyone remember the movie "Night of the Grizzly"? We bought a house in Telluride that same year for $2,000. Yep, $2,000 :D . That was before "True Grit" was filmed down the valley and Hollywood began moving in :( .

Anyway, our house didn't have plumbing, and was on the very edge of town. The outhouse was 20 yards up the hill towards the FOREST :eek:

I made sure to make my "necessary" trip before dark, let me tell you.
I remember being born, and being in the hospital, January, 1966.

I was a big fan of UFO, too. Loved that show, ITC released it in Pittsburgh on the non-network, channel 53.

I recall when Star Trek was live, when I was 2 and 3. Spock was cool as hell.

I remember the moon landings, seen from the TV in my grandfather's house.

I remember the first girl I kissed at age 8. she and I were born 3 days apart, and happened to live in the same neighborhood, for years.

When I was 18, I asked her to marry me, right before I left for boot camp. She said, "No, you will be gone." Then I was.

Lots of memories that would be too hard to explain, too.
Greetings and salutations,

I brought the topic of this thread to a few friends of mine the other day and we went on a tangent about the televisions shows we used to watch. I stumped them all when I mentioned Howdy Doody, Bozo the Clown, Captain Noah, Chief Halftown, and Captain Kangaroo.

Of course, they kept reminding me of how old I am. If they only knew...
i remember:

banana splits show, mr. magoo, dastardley and mutley
after school specials, fat albert, rocky and
bulwinkle...romper room, capt. kangaroo
hopalong cassidy re-runs, kula fran and ollie
re-runs and lambchop re-runs...

i remember TV was B&W and we got like
5 channels on a good day...

i remeber the last few cash registers with
the pop up numbers...

i remeber the old cable and pulley
system in a store called benos in
iowa(long explaination)...for making
change or okay'ing checks..

i remeber gas being 54 cents per gal...
cigarettes were like 50 cents per pack..
candy bars were 35 cents....
yes there was still some penny candy too...

my first real job for an apt. complex
was 2.75 an hour...

i do vaugly remember the moon landings
but barely i remember everyone crowded
around a TV that was borrowed from a
nieghbor and being excited when it happened...
it was pertty big cuase my relatives
church bleifs didnt allow TV's, but they
borrowed one anyways to watch that..

i remember in our school yard everyone
would stop and go OHHHHH when a jet
went over head...

i remember playing out side insetad of
being in front of a computer...

i remember when you could sing hymns in school
have christmas plays...

i remember boys sat seperate from girls
during lunch..and you had to ask to leave
the table but only if you ate most of your

i remember our neighbors had mules
that they still used to harrow thier
fields...(really its true)...

i remember when playing at our
friends house their parents could
paddle you butt just like mom and dad...

i remember getting paddled at school..

i remember the first computer games
at stores...asteroids,pacman,space invaders

i remember one the first few hand held games
blip, mattel football...

i remember we had to walk outside to the airplanes
and go up a portable stair...

i remember that mcdonalds was
really take out and only
had standup bars if you wanted
to eat inside..

i remember that it was hard
to find anything open on sundays...

i rememeber when dairy queen RULED!

i vaugley remember seeing my first mall
in the big old city of omaha...

i remember never actually meeting a real
black/asian person till i was 10 and that was in
kansas..although when i was 2 i guess i
adopted an old black janitor and called him
grandpa when i was sick at a hospital..yep
everyone was white...no offense to anyone
just what i remmember...

i remember when grade school was k-8th
and there was only 1 of each grade/class
my graduating class if i had stayed would
have been only 30 or so...

i remmeber hotwheel, big jim and big josh
army men, linclon logs, pop guns, tinker toys..
And I remember actually buying gas (Once, while going cross country from Idaho Falls, Idaho (site of Naval nuclear power prototype) to my home in S.C.) somewhere in Texas for 22.9 cents a gallon. Usually it was around 30.9 cents at that time.

I remember dime soft drinks and picking up empty soft drink bottles along the highway to sell at the country store for 2 cents to pay for that soft drink. 10 bottles would buy a drink and a snack and still be under 33 cents so there was not even sales tax added. (Now S.C. has 6% or more sales tax)

The first new soft drink I can remember coming on the market was Mountain Dew. How many more have there been since then? I quit counting.

When (not if) we got paddled at school we got it even worse when our parents found out about it (again when, not if).

A lot of the roads were not paved and the school bus drivers (most of whom were high school students) complained that every time the dirt roads got settled down good the county would grate them again.

I remember when Christmas things went on sale half way between Thanksgiving (Last Thursday in November for those of you not from the USA) and Christmas.

I remember when your choice in chips was which of about 3 brands of plain potato chips you wanted before Fritos corn chips hit the market.

And when you could get your choice of a fully loaded Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge or Chrysler for under $5000.

Store bought ice cream was vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, or all 3 placed side by side in the same box and called Neopolitan.

Store bought bread was white and came in a type of waxed paped wrapping.
I remember when...

...I tried to take my forced nap early so I would wake up in time to see Soupy Sales. (I am a sucker for slapstick...Three Stooges, anyone?)

...the television set was black and white, and took about 30 seconds to warm up after it was turned on.

...oh yes...anyone remember Queen For A Day?
What's My Line? Password? How about Candid Camera?

...I could play in the street. When I was a kid, we lived on a narrow street, only one lane, one way, and I stillremember staring wide eyed at my first motorcycle.

...I had to be home when the street lights came on.

...watching Batman and being mad because my stepfather had to watch The Virginian instead, denying me half of my viewing pleasure!

...Hot Wheels.

...eating squirrel, opossum, pigs brains, and beef tongue. Hey, you ate it or went hungry.
THe only kid show on TV was Captain Kangaroo.

Saturday at the movies you got to see a double feature (both full length), a cartoon, and a serial episode for 1 price. I lived in the country and did not get to indulge in this type of entertainment but once or twice a year, but it was avaliable when I was a kid. Don't remember the price, but $1 would buy your ticket plus a drink and snack.
Originally posted by Andy Fralix:
THe only kid show on TV was Captain Kangaroo.

Saturday at the movies you got to see a double feature (both full length), a cartoon, and a serial episode for 1 price. I lived in the country and did not get to indulge in this type of entertainment but once or twice a year, but it was avaliable when I was a kid. Don't remember the price, but $1 would buy your ticket plus a drink and snack.
i think kukla fran and ollie were on too
along with lambchops show, was howdy doody
still on when you were young? if so you really
are old... hahahha:)
...Kaybee Toys at the mall sold TSR mini-games and software for the Atari home computer.

...Infocom's text adventures had the place of honor at the computer store.

...People thought that Japan and Atari would dominate the future.

...Game stores devoted an entire rack to Car Wars material.
Originally posted by sid6.7:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Andy Fralix:
THe only kid show on TV was Captain Kangaroo.

Saturday at the movies you got to see a double feature (both full length), a cartoon, and a serial episode for 1 price. I lived in the country and did not get to indulge in this type of entertainment but once or twice a year, but it was avaliable when I was a kid. Don't remember the price, but $1 would buy your ticket plus a drink and snack.
i think kukla fran and ollie were on too
along with lambchops show, was howdy doody
still on when you were young? if so you really
are old... hahahha:)
</font>[/QUOTE]I'm not sure. We did not get TV til I was a teen. Only 1 family in the entire community had a TV before I started school. I may have been old enough to to enjoy it, but did not have the opportunity.

(I will be 56 this coming Sept.)
Kaptain Kangaroo? Of course I remember him. And Mr. Roger's Neighborhood was big, especially in Pittsburgh.

One of my earliest memories (but not exactly a world event) was of Space Ghost being cancelled. It was hard for my 4-year-old brain to understand the concept. Somehow my Mom found a Space Ghost costume for Halloween in '68, when I was five, even though it hadn't on the air for over a year. It was a little big on me, but I thought it was the coolest thing in the world.

One of my earliest world event memories is of a moon landing on TV when we were at my grandmother's house in Asheville, but my Dad says it wasn't Apollo 11. None of dates seem right since we usually vacationed in the first 2 weeks of August. Can't figure that one out.

(BTW, we were on vacation when Elvis died. Saw it on the news the next morning in the motel room. None of us were Elvis fans, so we didn't go into mourning or anything silly like that. Seems odd to me that Brom would've been in school. US schools didn't start until September way back then.)

The first world event that I recall, and really understood what was going on, was the '72 Presidential campaign. Although, I really didn't understand why somebody would shoot a candidate.
I work in a pawn shop. Someone pawned a sewing machine and didn't redeam it, so I just bought a foot powered sewing machine for $36 (I wonder what it sold for new?). Now I remember my mother using one.

I remember patching my bicycle tube by clamping a patch to it and setting the pad on the back of the patch on fire. Now I can't even find that type of patch anymore because we use tubless tires. Wish I could because they worked lots better than the glue on kind you get now.

Another used to be the guy with a pickup truck loaded with produce who made the rounds every week or two. He would have fruits and vegetables that he sold by the pound to the housewives for less than they could get then in the store in town. Also more variety than the store carried.

My father had a house full of egg laying aged chickens. My mother would load us kids in the station wagon (no minivans then) and fill the back with eggs to take to the grocery store once or twice a week.

For still another stroll down memory lane check out the concept of "Abandonware". I have found some of the old games I used to play ported to DOS from other systems. Just a few are:
Wastland (uses skill like Traveller does)- C64
Space Rogue - Mac system 6 or 7
MT1 & MT2
Bard's Tale 1, 2, & 3 - C64
Elite (you are a space trader/pirate/etc) - C64
Have fun with what was cutting edge technology not so very long ago by the calender, but ages ago in computer tech.
No, actually, I do.

I also remember being in the hospital, days after being born.

It's not from a "Recalled conversation after someone talked about it."

I remember my 1st birthday party. Lots of things.
This has been a very cool thread to illustrate exactly howe much cultures and technology have changed in just 40 short years.

I can't imagine what people living in 2406 will be like, if there are even people left, either by definition or by extinction.
Kurega might remember a couple of these Chicago ones, too...

I was born April 22, 1969. It was a Tuesday, so I've been told. 89 days later, the first man stepped on the Moon on July 20, 1969. Not that I'd remember.

I remember President Nixon resigning.

I can remember the squeek of one of the wheels on my red wagon changing the channels on our TV because the 'clicker' didn't use infrared, but an ultrasonic tone.

I'm pretty sure I can remember the last helicopter leaving Saigon. It's been repeated so many times in movies and on TV, that I'm not sure anymore.

I remember stealing candy from a store my grandma worked at. I didn't know I was stealing becuase I thought she owned the store.

I remember watching reruns of Gammera - the flying turtle (an offshoot of the Godzilla craze), Speed Racer, Three Stooges, Spider-Man, The Little Rascals, Iron Man, The Cisco Kid, the Beverly Hillbillies, Doctor Who, Baa Baa Black Sheep, and a ton of others, and I didn't like the Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits then (but I do now).

I remember thinking it was a big thing that I knew someone that went on Bozo the Clown (it was my cousin).

I remember people lining their cars up to buy gas.

I remember HardRock, Coco, and Joe at Christmas.

I remember seeing the TV commercial for Star Wars in 1977 and being amazed!

I remember buying eggs from our neighbors.

I remember buying a hardcover Black Book with red lettering on the front.

I remember saving pop tops for a kidney foundation.

I remember sending away for the Boba Fett action figure in the mail and getting upset because it took so long (the first batch was recalled before they got sent out).

I remember when John Lennon was shot.

I remember watching clips of The Empire Strikes Back on the Ray Raynor Show before the movie came out and seeing a commercial for it at a Drive-In theater.

I remember when Prince Charles got married to Lady Diana.

I remember the first girl I held hands with. And I just saw her Dad last week.

I remember getting D&D Basic and Expert from my grandma for Christmas before she died the following August.

I remember Chernobyl and seeing the 'elephant's foot' on the news.

I remember my Dad teaching me how to drive stick shift on a gravel back road when I was 15.

I remember being in Mrs. O'Brien's Journalism class on January 28, 1986, two days after the Chicago Bears won the Superbowl, when she walked in and told us that the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded. I remember thinking she was joking. Then watching it played over and over again on the news that night.

I remember watching Pink Floyd play on the news after the Berlin Wall fell.

I remember being in a hotel room in California in September 1990 visiting my brother when on the TV they broke in with a news report that Iraq invaded Kuwait. And my brother said: "ah, that happens all the time."

I remember watching Gorbachev walking away from the camera.

I remember thinking how funny it was to hear a president say "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" and still think it's hilarious...

I remember sitting at home on a day off and flipping stations when I got to CNN just a few seconds before the second plane crashed into the World Trade Center on Septemeber 11, 2001.

I remember when we thought the Chicago Cubs might actually make it to a World Series.
I remember when you could get lead figures for 20p each.
I remember buying half a pound of sweets for less than a shilling.
I remember playing tennis on a Sinclair ZX 81
I remember a teacher showing us a marvellous new invention called a pocket calculator. He said one day it would replace slide rules and log tables. We figured they would never catch on at 150 GBP each. You could get 400 gallons of petrol for that!
I remember Apollo 11 and 8, and watching Bill Hartnell as Dr Who on my Gran's TV.
I remember watching the Beatles live on Top of the Pops - with moptops.
I remember when toyshops weren't all called Toys R Us.
I remember walking into a toyshop and buying a new game called Traveller. It told me to create my own universe, so I did.
I remember noticing while watching an Apollo mission lift-off that at T-minus-9-seconds the F1 engines ignited on the Saturn V rocket.

And I remember that was the point tears started streaming down my face while watching Apollo 13 in the movie theatre, when the frame began to shake and a dull roar could be heard from the speakers as the actor performing the voice-over counted, "Nine...eight...seven...six..."