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Canon, Non-Canon? Original Vanguard Reaches/Beyond vs Travllermap.com?


First off, Apologies if this is beating a dead Groat.

I was working on a side-thread for a NPC of going on the the Vermillion Stance (Azhanti High Lightning class transeferred to Scout Service) on a 5 year exploration mission to past the Beyond and Vanguard Reaches. I was looking at the old Paranoid Press copies of those from Marc's Apocrapha #2 collection and looking at the Travellermap.com site. They vary quite a bit. Travellermap has some of the planet names and UPPS, but most of the sectors are completely different.

I searched this forum and only found some old posts the started with a member that confused Vanguard Reaches with Trojan Reaches. The 2 posts below that I'm quoting, speak to the re-canonization or partial canonization of the CT publications into the Travellermap.

Was that done and the Travellermap is now Canon?


Thread revival, with apologies.

As part of the T5SS, Marc has semi-canonized the Beyond and Vanguard Reaches material, and I'm actually working on these sectors right now.

The "plan", with Chuck Kallenbach's approval, is to start with the original materials in all their weirdness, tone them down somewhat (but not completely -- we want some of that original feel), apply what of his 1991 rework fits, and then run it through the T5SS project.

So I'm looking for folks who have collected materials related to these two sectors to provide me some guidance and serve as sounding blocks as I prepare data for travellermap (public review).

DonM has apparently (whether intentionally or not) re-tasked this thread for the Vanguard Reaches and The Beyond (based on the existing thread title) due to his post in Post #12 of this thread.

Perhaps a Moderator should split this thread into two and change the title of the existing thread to[FONT=arial,helvetica] "Canon for the[/FONT] Trojan Reach", and create a new one [FONT=arial,helvetica] "Canon for the[/FONT] Vanguard Reaches & The Beyond" specifically the for the T5SS treatment of the Vanguard Reaches & The Beyond?
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Mongoose Traveller has/had contracted an author (https://geirbloodaxe.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-beyond-subsector-p-aslani_6.html ) to write a book about The Beyond sector. According to the contracts between Mongoose and Marc, this book would become the official canon.

In the analysis of the original Beyond and Vanguard reaches several of the more problematic elements were discussed and removed. So it was decided that the new worlds would be published to Traveller Map ahead of the book to address these concerns. The main publication is the now mostly official one, and there is a book forthcoming to detail these sectors.

If you do a search for "The Beyond" on Traveller map you can find three copies of the sector, the original Paranoia Press edition, a rewrite done by Jeff Zeitlin, and the official one.
Many thanks for the informative reply! I did as you suggested and found the different versions that had been generated. That led me to this document that explains the concatenation that had been done to reach the current displayed normal map.


I am glad that the Heptad was retained. There were versions that had done away with I'Shed*Ni and that would have been a loss I think. Everyone has their "perfect", this is a good mix I think.

Especially after I spent those many hours years ago perfecting the glottal stop to say I'Shred*Ni. :D

If you do a search for "The Beyond" on Traveller map you can find three copies of the sector, the original Paranoia Press edition, a rewrite done by Jeff Zeitlin, and the official one.

You forgot the one in the M1201 map which was Chuck Kallenbach II's (one of the authors) update of The Beyond for TNE from the Paranoia Press website, if that is of use.