In looking at the published maps, it appears that the 3rd Imperium is about 20 sectors in size with each sector being 4x4 subsectors (each of which is 16x16 parsecs), thus a sector is 64 x 64 parsecs. The Imperium is said to span across 28 sectors with partial presence in many sectors. I'm using 20 as a rough estimate.
Using the 1 hex equals 1 parsec definition, one sector is 4,096 square parsecs and so the entire 3rd Imperium is roughly 20 sectors x 4096 or 81,920 square parsecs?
A parsec being 3.26 light years, then the Imperium occupies about 267,000 square light years.
Is there a canon definition of the size of the Imperium beyond that it contains 11,000 worlds?
Using the 1 hex equals 1 parsec definition, one sector is 4,096 square parsecs and so the entire 3rd Imperium is roughly 20 sectors x 4096 or 81,920 square parsecs?
A parsec being 3.26 light years, then the Imperium occupies about 267,000 square light years.
Is there a canon definition of the size of the Imperium beyond that it contains 11,000 worlds?