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Cargonaut Keith Brothers Lost Supplements Collection

Yeah. Sold mine for $100, i.e. the original price, so I "lost" money (but hopefully made someone happy).
US $1,995.95 ?????

Are they serious???

As Loren Wiseman once said, "Why don't they offer prices like that when I go to sell something?"


They can ASK for US $1,995.95 ... getting it is another matter all together.
Personally, I can think of better ways to spend even $100, so I guess that I am not the target market. :)
US $1,995.95 ?????

Are they serious???

As Loren Wiseman once said, "Why don't they offer prices like that when I go to sell something?"


It says it sold... perhaps I should sell my copy.
Never heard of these, but would love to see them. Anyone point me to info on why they weren't more widely available?
Never heard of these, but would love to see them. Anyone point me to info on why they weren't more widely available?

Paul released them as ashcans on a pre-order only basis, one run.

There were several hundred copies each, sold at $100, as a foldered set only. At the time, CT was not quite in reprint (it'd been announced, but wouldn't be out for about a year; the GRIP: Traveller version was a year after that), T4 was the current ruleset, GT was still growing, T20 was being worked upon, and they were old CT manuscripts.

Anyone selling them individually has broken up a set, unless the man is Paul Sanders DBA Cargonaut Press.

There was concern that a larger run would have wound up with long tailed stock in Paul's hands, and at the price point (US$100 in 1999), it was a risk.
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Don't feel bad

Yeah. Sold mine for $100, i.e. the original price, so I "lost" money (but hopefully made someone happy).

I had a chance to buy one for $100 three years ago and thought the seller never got back to me, but apparently I just never got notified of their private message (I don't visit the boards often), so at least you aren't on my end. I simply can't afford to spend $1500-$2000 on a selection of 9 supplements. At this point maybe they ought to run a kickstarter for a "reprint". I'm more interested in the material than the items themselves.
Great idea! Now all we have to do is get in contact with Paul! (I lost contact with him years ago - he was supposed to be going to Hawaii to study).
There were several hundred copies each, sold at $100, as a foldered set only.
When I talked to Paul about the project, the print run he planned was 100. He probably got a few extras, but unless the plans changed there weren't several hundred sets.

When I talked to Paul about the project, the print run he planned was 100. He probably got a few extras, but unless the plans changed there weren't several hundred sets.

When I spoke with him on the phone to order my copy back in the day, I got the last one (It is the proof copy).
When I talked to Paul about the project, the print run he planned was 100. He probably got a few extras, but unless the plans changed there weren't several hundred sets.


my set's number is 3 digits.