Posted on eBay, hardly ever see this up for sale.
Posted on eBay, hardly ever see this up for sale.
US $1,995.95 ?????
Are they serious???
As Loren Wiseman once said, "Why don't they offer prices like that when I go to sell something?"
US $1,995.95 ?????
Are they serious???
As Loren Wiseman once said, "Why don't they offer prices like that when I go to sell something?"
Never heard of these, but would love to see them. Anyone point me to info on why they weren't more widely available?
Yeah. Sold mine for $100, i.e. the original price, so I "lost" money (but hopefully made someone happy).
I'm more interested in the material than the items themselves.
Are these not in PDF on one of the FFE "Apocrypha" CDs?
Are these not in PDF on one of the FFE "Apocrypha" CDs?
They are not.
When I talked to Paul about the project, the print run he planned was 100. He probably got a few extras, but unless the plans changed there weren't several hundred sets.There were several hundred copies each, sold at $100, as a foldered set only.
When I talked to Paul about the project, the print run he planned was 100. He probably got a few extras, but unless the plans changed there weren't several hundred sets.
When I talked to Paul about the project, the print run he planned was 100. He probably got a few extras, but unless the plans changed there weren't several hundred sets.