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Carmel Educational System

Notes from my ongoing project on Carmel (Deneb 0604) . T5 rules are in effect...


Educational system​

Carmel’s non-Indigene inhabitants are offered free schooling and education by “Geppeto”.
(To be fair, it’s also offered to the Indigenes, but they generally don’t want it. They’re trying to avoid Imperial Indoctrination.)

Geppeto is a gene-engineered organic brain that was started from one of the best school teachers of his race some 300 years ago. The personality is regularly backed up, and when the brain ages too much, a new clone is installed in the glass jar and the backup reloaded (about every 50 years). The TL 14 Geppetto system is about Mcr30 and is linked into the Carmel planetary network. The Main brain is Int 24 / Edu 14 with a variety of skills including Teaching-10, Consellor-10 and a ‘deck’ of skill wafers. Supervised by this brain are hundreds of sub-processors that supervise actual class work based on lesson plans the Main Brain designs, appealing to him for help when needed. The Subs also go by the name Geppetto, and are Int10 / Edu 8 electronic brains, with skill-6 teaching and various skills loaded as needed.

Students are provided AR/VR goggles and a tablet to interact with the system. Generally, a specific Sub deals with around 15 children at a time for their entire educational career, so it ‘knows’ those kids and tweaks lesson planning accordingly.

School is 4 hours a day of classwork, mostly focussed on practical applications of reading, writing and math. The rest of the educational day is “focused play.” The system provides a number of ‘game’ applications which lure children into learning experiences, socialization, and physical activity. Perhaps the most insidious of these ‘game apps’ is II Enri’s AR Adventures, which encourages children to go on ‘missions’ just like the hero of the Tri-Vid show.

Another facet of those training apps, though, is that Geppeto will talk the kids through various manual skills classes. These are facilitated by government and business subsidies for materials and tools for the classes. Sometimes, the class is instigated by a parent who arranges for the children to work on some community project such as building a new shelter, repairing a cargobot, or other worthwhile task. If this kind of grant is approved, the government provides a 50% subsidy for parts.

Most Carmel natives keep their glasses and tablet even as adults, and their Geppeto will talk with them outside of school hours. Often this is to check on how their kid is doing in school, but sometimes it's to get advice on projects around the homestead. On occasion, its just to have an impartial, unjudging ear to talk to, and in this mode the Geppeto Sub’s Counsellor-8 skill provides a first line of defense mental health system for the people of Carmel.