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Casualty and combat drone examples


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
“Nightingale” Casualty Recovery Drone TL-15

The “Nightingale” is a 6 ton drone designed to recover combat casualties even if they are wearing battledress from an active battlefield. The drone is armored to the equivalent of Combat Armor+7, has smoke and anti-laser aerosol dispensers, Advanced ECM, and the “B” models are also beginning to be equipped with the Hydra Point Defense Weapons System (assume 6+ on 2D6 to intercept incoming projectiles or missiles) to protect it from incoming projectiles. The “Nightingales” also have 2 active ECM “Screamers” (about the size of a rocket-powered beer keg and amazingly shaped like one to no end of amusement to the troops) that are decoys which the drone will deploy when operating in an especially “active” combat zone.

The drone is equipped with the same camofilm layer that battle dress and combat armor has to allow for any color patterns from the surrounding area to be mimicked. However, due to the casualty recovery purpose of the nightingale the drones are usually prominently marked with red crosses inside large white circles. Depending on the mindset of any given enemy this may help prevent it from being engaged as a combatant.

The drone has room on board for 4 casualties in full battledress which it grapples and loads into a rotating drum inside the center of the drone. The drone’s onboard medical systems then plug into the trauma maintenance systems of the battledress (or combat armor) to stabilize the patient. If the condition of the patient is dire enough the drone will then induce cold sleep so the patient can be stabilized until arriving at a casualty clearing station for triage evaluation.

At the casualty clearing station the wounded troops are offloaded onto grav beds that can be remote-linked together so that a single orderly can unload and transport all four patients from the Nightingale at once, speeding up the turnaround time for further casualty dust off operations.

The drones are grav vehicles capable of a 12 hour range at a maximum speed of 360kph, and a nap op earth speed of 200kph.

“Hornet” Hunter-Killer Drone TL-15

Kemmer-Lansing GmbH has developed the “Hornet” hunter-killer drone to provide close support to front line combat troops under a wide variety of conditions. The primary user of the drone are the Imperial Drop Troops and Scout Reconnaissance Regiments assigned to Imperial Line Marine Regiments during wartime.

The 9 ton, grav drone is armored to the equivalent of Combat+9 and capable of speeds of up to 400kph / 250 at nap of earth with a combat range of 6 hours. The drone is semi-autonomous with an active controller monitoring it as it cruises the battlefield in whatever pre-programmed pattern the operator selects, and when encountering an enemy target the operator then selects a response. In case of the operator losing contact with the drone the drone then follows a series of pre-set patrol and combat patterns until it runs low on power and returns to base. During this time active control of the drone can be achieved by any personnel who are equipped to so and are within the drone’s communications range of up to 500km. Friendly personnel are equipped with IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) beacons in their armor so the drone will not engage them as hostiles.

The “Hornet” has Advanced active ECM, anti-laser aerosols, and Hydra PDWS for incoming projectile protection (assume 6+ on 2D6 to intercept incoming projectiles or missiles). The drone is equipped with the same camofilm layer that battle dress and combat armor has to allow for any color patterns from the surrounding area to be mimicked.

Offensive capabilities are a primary weapon of either a VRF Gauss Gun w/ a 100 shot (bursts) magazine or a 3cm hyper-velocity autocannon. The autocannon has a magazine loaded with 30 shots (bursts) each of HE, KEAP, and KEAPER ammunition which is selected by either the operator, or if designated to do so by the operator, automatically by the drone itself. The magazine for the autocannon also includes 20 rounds of 30mm, .002kt collapsing rounds fired in single or 4 round bursts.