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CC2: Cosmographer

In the lastest issue of Game Trade there is a blurb mentioning that ProFantasy is coming out with a sci-fi expansion for their Campaign Cartographer Pro mapping software called Cosmographer. According to the Game Trade, Cosmographer will allow users to make starship deckplans and star system maps.

There is no info on the package on ProFantasy's WWW site (www.profantsy.com) though the "News" section has an August 16 release date.
Sigg Oddra,

I'm affraid you must come with us, sir, right this way . . . no, don't worry about the padding on the walls of the back of the van, and yes, white is a good color for a van interior, yes it is . . .
I've got both CC 2 and it's primary competition Fractal Mapper 7 from NBOS. Both programs have their strengths: CC2 has a much greater degree of support. More expansions, more symbols, more flexiability. However, FM7 is a little more user-friendly and the learning curve is no where as steep.
I find estimations of CC2's supposed user-unfriendliness widly exagarated. And I find little reason, other than price, to buy FM over CC2 (espeically since they added the landmass tool, which was pretty much the only thing that made FM easier to use.) And CC2 dropped their price...

That's besides the point, though. CC2 will be adding additional deckplan and star system support now. Which is cool. The had boilerplate deckplans and traveller style sector and subsector maps, but some more support would be nice.
Very interesting news. I've been a fan of NBOS for some time, though I'm hardly what one would call an fanatical map maker. I tried CC2, but the learning curve sucked. For what I need, FM works. But it's interesting to see CC2 still stepping up in the market, even if only to keep up with the Joneses, so to speak. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of specials both companies offer at GenCon this year on their products.

Its available and it is great. Lots and lots of ship parts, controls, furniture, weapons and smart symbols.

Symbols depicting different compartments for deck plans. Lots of varicolor symbols.

New templates and sector making stuff.

I like it. I like it!!!
I must say there isn't anything on the Profantasy website about Cosmographer other than a press release that it will come out. No screenshots, no examples or anything.
Originally posted by Ben W Bell:
Hmm, looking at the screenshots they're not aiming it at the Traveller market or anything.
No, of course not. ;) Especially since doing so officially would require a license.

As Ron said, and if you look all the cool stuff that you would want to put in your ship design is available.

I know that the designers play Traveller, but it is like Ron said.

Dave Chase
Hi !

I put my first CC2/CG try on my site.
Its the 400 dt Labship of the T20 Handbook.
Here it is (about 612 kB) as CC2 file:

Or as JPG:

I also tried to put that stuff it into the fLibrary. Well it was a try and I dont know success level. Perhaps I created some data mess there


Excellent work! Very nicely done. CC2/Cosmographer have sure been a real help in developing my campaign material. I was feeling a little silly playing with graph paper and magic markers at the age of 38.
Hi signless !

Its really a nice tool...
Honestly I feel a little silly posting here, too

Flightcommander, as You might know, critism is NOT allowed at this place.
Ehhhh, its to big ?
Perhaps I have to take another look at the stats...
Fabuloso! I've heard and seen nothing but Good Things about Cosmographer. I'm going to have to buy CC2 & COS. No way around it.