21st century America seems to love keeping track of the lives of the famous, 70 percent singers/actors, and the rest uber rich or trendy pols. We have magazines, blogs, shows, and even a whole network for keeping track of what they wear and who they are sleeping with, and their various drunk driving and drug arrests.
Does the 3I do this? If so, is it singers and actresses sleeping their way to fame, or is it clothes, dinner parties, and lovers of the noble class? 3I wide updates being shipped at the speed of jump?
Does a wife come home from work on Regina, get the kids fed and homework done and them into bed, and relax with a half-hour of the latest rumors of social status changes on Capital among the Countess and above class?
Does the 3I do this? If so, is it singers and actresses sleeping their way to fame, or is it clothes, dinner parties, and lovers of the noble class? 3I wide updates being shipped at the speed of jump?
Does a wife come home from work on Regina, get the kids fed and homework done and them into bed, and relax with a half-hour of the latest rumors of social status changes on Capital among the Countess and above class?