Would it be reasonable to simply skip Mustering Out?
Yes and no as per.
If they're going to be more tan a siple term in the service, I'd allow them to undergo the mustering out normally
These benefits reflect the savings, implants, gear and characteristics they gained during their career.
Perhaps not benefit rolls for the current term if the concept is playing out an event for a term they are in the middle of.
Just my opinion, but the only term that would possibly need any adjustment due to still being in a career would be the last. As per above, roll muster as normal for all other terms.
If not, what benefits could be offered to make up for its absence?
None. If the decision is to not have "mustering out benefits" then no "benefits" would be given. Creating an alternative set of benefits is a whole different issue.
Die Roll--------Benefit
5-------------Increase Rank or Receive Commission
What do you think?
Increase in rank?
I think this reflects something other than the proposed situation of having characters that are still current in the service.
If you want to change the benefit tables to reflect what you want for your game, please give better details as to what you are looking for.
No augmentation benefits because the military or setting is low tech?
No weapon and armor benefits because of some adventure plot issues?
More rank and skills to create characters that are more advanced at a younger age?
The characters don't really need those whopping big cash benefits from mustering out
This seams like more about a personal choice for how you want your games to be, which is fine, than a necessity due to playing a game where characters are still currently in service.
Soldiers can't save some of their money? I guess even though they are single and the military provides everything they need, every soldier throws every credit away on booze and prostitutes? Not a single soldier can save some of their pay?
If you want to go into changes for the cash table I think this is about something other than still being in service because while at a glance the cash table may have some high amounts, it reflects a max of three rolls by a 1 term character or a 10 term character. It reflects rolls from a lowly paid private to a well compensated General. While there is a "other" benefits table, there are very little actual possessions on it. The cash table could also reflect the possessions the cash can buy during service or savings for purchasing the following when one leaves the service, a nice suit, personal vehicle, vacation, some tools, camping gear, computer, comm, artwork, gun collection, down payment on a house, or whatever else one might spend their pay on.
The cash table is optional, why not let the player decide for their character?
Now, if you want to alter the cash table to better reflect a per term amount based on rank and salary, that is, I think, something for another thread as I don't see it as a issue that needs to be addressed here for a "still in their career" problem or military only issue.