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Choosing a 'flaw' for your character


I wrote this list up ages ago, and I thought I'd share. It's not really tied to any system, as it doesn't give a stat bonus or penalty, but they're there to give a character more nuance rather than just a collection of stats and skills etc. The idea is to give a quick and easy personality trait and ideas for role-playing that can be expanded at the player's discretion however they see fit.

Although it's not tied to any particular system, I borrowed the Mongoose Traveller idea of 'enemy' and 'rival', but made it a selectable thing for the player (IIRC in MgT the enemy/rival is done by random dice roll as part of the prior history sequence).

List of flaws for characters
Addicted/Recovering – you are either a current or recovering addict of some sort of substance or activity. If addicted, you fear it might affect your abilities. If recovering, you are always on guard against temptation. Both can and often do affect your interpersonal relationships.

Arrogant – you have a superiority complex, and are quite convinced of your own greatness while scornful of others.

Avaricious – you covet wealth or items and appear quite miserly to your peers. You have a mercenary outlook on life.

Bashful – you are shy, passive, meek, mild-mannered, or lack self-confidence. You are self-effacing and modest of your accomplishments. You are sometimes more concerned with other people's needs than your own.

Craven – you are passive aggressive socially and 'overly cautious' in violent encounters, or you 'freeze' in such situations. Some consider you a coward. (I might split this in two, I dunno)

Crippled – you have sustained an injury and do not have the funds or means to employ corrective surgery, or such surgery is impractical, or it has been tried with little success. Or such surgery was successful, and you are no longer physically disadvantaged, but the scars (mental as well as physical) still remain.

Cynical – you question the motives of others, remaining sceptical of those who perform altruistic acts – such people, in your eyes, always have an ulterior motive.

Dullard – research and study aren't your forte. You're a 'doer' not a 'thinker', and you feel contempt for the latter. (I don't like the term 'dullard' though)

Enemy – you have had a nemesis appointed against you. This enemy seeks and plots your ruin. There might be a personal connection or a totally random sleight made against the wrong person, or some other motive.

Fatalist – you are possessed of a downright pessimistic point of view. Others think of you as depressing.

Hatred – you have an unabiding hatred for a particular individual, group or organisation. This hatred can be rational or not, and can be based on events that occurred to you or to people you care for in your past.

Honourable – you possess a strong and inflexible code of honour that governs your choices and actions. This code might make others admire you, but it can make others view you as a 'boy scout' and view you with suspicion. Do things right or don't do them at all.

Inferiority Complex – you are marked with crippling self-doubt despite your achievements to date. You are never good enough to reach the standards you have set for yourself, and you are hard on yourself whenever you fail.

Judgemental – you are quick to judge others for their perceived faults, even if you hear only one side of the story. You are highly defensive when judged by others.

Lothario – you are a cad. You seduce women and then leave them, demonstrating a total disregard for their feelings, or you are a woman who does the same to men.

Obsessive – you are obsessed with something in particular, and go to extreme lengths towards achieving an end. Others might look on you and be disturbed by your actions, but you are oblivious to their concerns. Only your goal matters.

Prideful – you don't easily back down when challenged nor do you take insults lightly. You are stubborn in debate, and sometimes belligerent.

Reckless – you leap before you look; you go where angels fear to tread. You eschew patient planning in favour of quick, bold action, without necessarily thinking of the costs it could entail.

Rival – a fellow peer has a rivalry against you and he will seldom pass on any opportunity he has in humiliating you or causing you to fail at a task, especially if it means advancing his own career or goals.

Ruthless – you will get the job done – no matter the cost. If it's between you and your goal, you will go through it quicker than a chainsaw through matchsticks. All's fair so long as you come out on top.

Shameful Secret – you have done something in your past that haunts you to this day, and you fear the possibility that someone might uncover your secret. You will go to great lengths to keep this secret hidden, or you will act to atone for your misdeeds – out of shame.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Critique?
I guess it's okay for those players who are having a hard time with the concept of RPing and don't know how to create a character beyond the mechanical stats.
and there's more to it. there was a game called frontier horizon, which had some good background mechanics. and there's a lot of so called indie games, that stress roleplaying and background, even if there is no skill, stat or other bonus.
The best indies (in terms of writing, play, and sales) enforce roleplaying of disads... by use of reward mechanics.

In many, when an aspect is invoked against one, one receives a token currency; that currency is used to invoke aspects against others or for one's benefit.

In the games by Burning Wheel HQ (Burning Wheel, Burning Empires, Mouse Guard), there are multiple token currencies, which modify your chances quite a bit; Fate allows dice-pools to open-end, Persona adds additional dice or allows surviving a mortal wound, Deeds doubles a base die-pool.

Such reward systems make the use of traits such as these far more consistent, whilst also not imposing enforcement burdens; players WANT to play them, so as to get the various token economy points.
I could add a few good ones:-

Crude - You cannot mind your loose, filthy tongue, and what you say usually manages to offend somebody nearby.

Uncultured - Everything around you is a complete mystery. Anything above your very low tech level is beyond your imagination. Electricity, water on tap, artificial gravity, space travel - it's all Black Magic to you.

Too Cultured - Everything below your tech level is terrifyingly primitive; a relic of the Stone Age. Anything simpler than a hand computer is beyond you. You have difficulty using a pocket calculator, and that wooden frame with the beads is just something that makes a pleasing rattling noise when you shake it. Let's hope they don't ask you to tune a pre-remote TV set or drive a car without a satnav.

Things Don't Run Smooth - No matter how simple the job, a complication just has to show up. You stumble across an old enemy; you make a new enemy, or several; or the object you were planning to steal got moved to temporary premises off site while the vault was undergoing a routine overhaul. There's always something
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Serenity RPG uses many of these, and a reward system for playing your character's disadvantages (called plot points). Ships are created with a system similar to character creation, and ships are viewed as semi-NPCs.
I wrote this list up ages ago, and I thought I'd share. It's not really tied to any system, as it doesn't give a stat bonus or penalty, but they're there to give a character more nuance rather than just a collection of stats and skills etc. The idea is to give a quick and easy personality trait and ideas for role-playing that can be expanded at the player's discretion however they see fit.

Although it's not tied to any particular system, I borrowed the Mongoose Traveller idea of 'enemy' and 'rival', but made it a selectable thing for the player (IIRC in MgT the enemy/rival is done by random dice roll as part of the prior history sequence).

List of flaws for characters
Addicted/Recovering – you are either a current or recovering addict of some sort of substance or activity. If addicted, you fear it might affect your abilities. If recovering, you are always on guard against temptation. Both can and often do affect your interpersonal relationships.

Arrogant – you have a superiority complex, and are quite convinced of your own greatness while scornful of others.

Avaricious – you covet wealth or items and appear quite miserly to your peers. You have a mercenary outlook on life.

Bashful – you are shy, passive, meek, mild-mannered, or lack self-confidence. You are self-effacing and modest of your accomplishments. You are sometimes more concerned with other people's needs than your own.

Craven – you are passive aggressive socially and 'overly cautious' in violent encounters, or you 'freeze' in such situations. Some consider you a coward. (I might split this in two, I dunno)

Crippled – you have sustained an injury and do not have the funds or means to employ corrective surgery, or such surgery is impractical, or it has been tried with little success. Or such surgery was successful, and you are no longer physically disadvantaged, but the scars (mental as well as physical) still remain.

Cynical – you question the motives of others, remaining sceptical of those who perform altruistic acts – such people, in your eyes, always have an ulterior motive.

Dullard – research and study aren't your forte. You're a 'doer' not a 'thinker', and you feel contempt for the latter. (I don't like the term 'dullard' though)

Enemy – you have had a nemesis appointed against you. This enemy seeks and plots your ruin. There might be a personal connection or a totally random sleight made against the wrong person, or some other motive.

Fatalist – you are possessed of a downright pessimistic point of view. Others think of you as depressing.

Hatred – you have an unabiding hatred for a particular individual, group or organisation. This hatred can be rational or not, and can be based on events that occurred to you or to people you care for in your past.

Honourable – you possess a strong and inflexible code of honour that governs your choices and actions. This code might make others admire you, but it can make others view you as a 'boy scout' and view you with suspicion. Do things right or don't do them at all.

Inferiority Complex – you are marked with crippling self-doubt despite your achievements to date. You are never good enough to reach the standards you have set for yourself, and you are hard on yourself whenever you fail.

Judgemental – you are quick to judge others for their perceived faults, even if you hear only one side of the story. You are highly defensive when judged by others.

Lothario – you are a cad. You seduce women and then leave them, demonstrating a total disregard for their feelings, or you are a woman who does the same to men.

Obsessive – you are obsessed with something in particular, and go to extreme lengths towards achieving an end. Others might look on you and be disturbed by your actions, but you are oblivious to their concerns. Only your goal matters.

Prideful – you don't easily back down when challenged nor do you take insults lightly. You are stubborn in debate, and sometimes belligerent.

Reckless – you leap before you look; you go where angels fear to tread. You eschew patient planning in favour of quick, bold action, without necessarily thinking of the costs it could entail.

Rival – a fellow peer has a rivalry against you and he will seldom pass on any opportunity he has in humiliating you or causing you to fail at a task, especially if it means advancing his own career or goals.

Ruthless – you will get the job done – no matter the cost. If it's between you and your goal, you will go through it quicker than a chainsaw through matchsticks. All's fair so long as you come out on top.

Shameful Secret – you have done something in your past that haunts you to this day, and you fear the possibility that someone might uncover your secret. You will go to great lengths to keep this secret hidden, or you will act to atone for your misdeeds – out of shame.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Critique?

Cold-blooded/mildly autistic: You are a spock-like character and are better with logic then with feelings. An officer like this would "get" strategy but not inspiration. This can be done at varying levels. For instance a there can be an "only one that can melt that block of ice" character kind of like River and Kaylee to Simon in firefly.

Persecution Complex: Obsessed with the idea that everyone is out to get them.
Cold-blooded/mildly autistic: You are a spock-like character and are better with logic then with feelings. An officer like this would "get" strategy but not inspiration. This can be done at varying levels. For instance a there can be an "only one that can melt that block of ice" character kind of like River and Kaylee to Simon in firefly.
They call themselves "Aspies" from the term "Asperger's Syndrome". High-functioning autistics that are the quintessential nerd, having little or no ability to pick up on other people's emotional state (except in extreme circumstances) or read body-language and other subtle 'hints' of context in interpersonal communications. Many Aspies are very talented in other areas, being able to fixate (or obsess) on one area of study at a time, to the exclusion and/or neglect of others.

Imagine the stereotype of an extreme "Trekkie" -- socially inept, obsessed with all things Trek-like, speaks only in Trek dialog, and unable to relate to anything or anyone outside of the context of Star Trek. This would be an example -- albeit an extreme one -- of Aspie behavior.
Persecution Complex: Obsessed with the idea that everyone is out to get them.
Paranoid, possibly Schizophrenic as well. Nuff said?
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They call themselves "Aspies" from the term "Asperger's Syndrome". High-functioning autistics that are the quintessential nerd, having little or no ability to pick up on other people's emotional state (except in extreme circumstances) or read body-language and other subtle 'hints' of context in interpersonal communications. Many Aspies are very talented in other areas, being able to fixate (or obsess) on one area of study at a time, to the exclusion and/or neglect of others.

Imagine the stereotype of an extreme "Trekkie" -- socially inept, obsessed with all things Trek-like, speaks only in Trek dialog, and unable to relate to anything or anyone outside of the context of Star Trek. This would be an example -- albeit an extreme one -- of Aspie behavior.

I actually made a character like that. Almost no one but his siblings and his wife can quite believe that he is not a machine. I made it heroic "stiff upper lip" sorts of things on occasion:

The Captain and his wife are in their quarters. The mate is on watch.

Mate: Captain, their's a flotilla of Vargr on their way. Shall I call emergency stations?
Captain(from room): I can see them on the screen. Prepare to change course. I'll beep the instructions from here. Wait on emergency stations.
Mate: Shouldn't you be out here?
Captain: I should think we have at least twenty minutes. Just follow instructions. We will be out soon enough.
Mate: What in the world is taking you so long?
Captain: What do you THINK is taking us so long?
The mate opened his mouth in shock, then chuckled: "I better remember this one."

Captains little brother: That was irresponsible!
Captain: No. If I had done that in a heavy traffic area that would have been irresponsible. With corsairs swarming round it was magnificent. No one here will ever dare admit he wasn't willing to follow me wherever I ordered, ever again.
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@jatay3 : Awesome! I'd commend them for both -trying- to continue under that kinda pressure - unless that's actually a 'contributing factor' in and of itself.

As to the original post.

Xenophobic - A -real- disadvantage in a game like Traveller, but playable even so. Can be mild, or result in rude behavior, or extreme to the point where the character will only use other characters as go-betweens, and refuses to trust anything important to anyone not of his own race/culture/peer group. Grudging exceptions may be made in the case of adventuring partners over a long period of time. (i.e. "No offense, Ealrausa, but you're not like the rest of those (explicative deleted) aslan!"). Less points for -targeted- Xenophobia (ie. Everyone's fine, but the Vargr), no or least points for insignificantly targeted Xenophobia ("I hate the damn Darrians!", "Yes Bob, but there are precious few of them in Old Expanses, so shut up about them already.).

Opinionated Ex-Pat - An exile (self imposed or legal) of another major power, etc. with a chip on his shoulder. Refuses go back, or will only go back if it means undermining the powers that be, altering status quo. May bug other people by waxing on about the shortcomings/atrocities/injustices of the government they come from. ("The Tlaukhu were WRONG for censuring my clan for allowing the Zhodani to enlighten our Ko and his wives! My thick headed cousins need to be shown the wisdom of opening their minds to each other. And to us!")
@jatay3 : Awesome! I'd commend them for both -trying- to continue under that kinda pressure - unless that's actually a 'contributing factor' in and of itself.

As to the original post.

Xenophobic - A -real- disadvantage in a game like Traveller, but playable even so. Can be mild, or result in rude behavior, or extreme to the point where the character will only use other characters as go-betweens, and refuses to trust anything important to anyone not of his own race/culture/peer group. Grudging exceptions may be made in the case of adventuring partners over a long period of time. (i.e. "No offense, Ealrausa, but you're not like the rest of those (explicative deleted) aslan!"). Less points for -targeted- Xenophobia (ie. Everyone's fine, but the Vargr), no or least points for insignificantly targeted Xenophobia ("I hate the damn Darrians!", "Yes Bob, but there are precious few of them in Old Expanses, so shut up about them already.).

Opinionated Ex-Pat - An exile (self imposed or legal) of another major power, etc. with a chip on his shoulder. Refuses go back, or will only go back if it means undermining the powers that be, altering status quo. May bug other people by waxing on about the shortcomings/atrocities/injustices of the government they come from. ("The Tlaukhu were WRONG for censuring my clan for allowing the Zhodani to enlighten our Ko and his wives! My thick headed cousins need to be shown the wisdom of opening their minds to each other. And to us!")

Thank you...
Wow my D&D character has a bunch of these lessee:
Shameful Secret:Killed his parents but doesn't really keep it secret
He's a Chaotic Evil human rogue/fighter and his good party members just found out. They want to do something about him but need his help and know he could rip their throats out and feed them to them if he wanted to to (dude is freaking scary) but as long as he get's free help and healing magic (the 3 foot cleric threatens to take it away after I call him "Pancake" or "Good widdle puppy) he'll stay with the party (and take the occasional purse from them).
Most of the sufferers of Aspergers seem just a bit slow until you get them into their areas of interest/competence (and those don't always match). Tho' I normally only deal with them in ages of 9-12 years... what y'all are describing isn't asperger's type behavior, but full blown autistic. Adults with Aspergers usually can't be told from the average gamer, except for being more normal.
I used GURPs' system for a while for that purpose. When I started playing White Wolf's gaming systems I switched to their Merit & Flaws which is much more detailed.
Most of the sufferers of Aspergers seem just a bit slow until you get them into their areas of interest/competence (and those don't always match). Tho' I normally only deal with them in ages of 9-12 years... what y'all are describing isn't asperger's type behavior, but full blown autistic. Adults with Aspergers usually can't be told from the average gamer, except for being more normal.
And some of us can't be distinguished at all from neurotypicals (except by a trained professional) unless we admit it, especially those of us that are adaptable, reasonably intelligent, and lucky enough to land ourselves in a professional field that does not require a lot of person-to-person interaction. Otherwise, our co-workers and friends tend to think of us as 'eccentric', 'insensitive', 'mechanical' or just plain 'weird'.

And for the record, I am not 'slow' by any measure, nor do I 'suffer' from Asperger's Syndrome -- I revel in it!

The brother of my heroically imperturbable captain has "honorable" . So does the Captain of course, but the brother is kind of his conscience. I make it a spock-mccoy kind of pair.

The brother is also unassertive(except in his sickbay) and sensitive and prefers following to leading, and is generally "little brotherish". That is not really a flaw(there is nothing wrong with being a follower, after all, and sometimes it is a virtue) but it is a personality limit. Of course his humility has hidden depths, and he occasionally has a Crowning Moment of Awesome of his own.

The Captain's wife, as I said elsewhere, is like a New England shipping wife and is a de-facto officer. She has emotions that go up and down and her flaw would be likely to be anger.

And yes she was in on that little bit of theater described above. My Heroic Captain is not quite cold-blooded enough to try it without consulting her.
Unlucky in Love: This character doesn't quite have a "knack" for romance. Perhaps he is shy. Perhaps no one wants to be the girlfriend/boyfriend of a traveller, or the character can't bring himself/herself to burden someone with this(which would be a function of the "honorable" flaw). Or perhaps no one knows.

This does not affect the players performance so much as fleshing out the character. It can be played for comedy or tragedy. It might work out well, played for both.