Hairy Jim DeGriz
Stoner (Glimmerdrift:Kraxin:1113) Has a class B starport and a population of 70 Billion. Per LBB TCS Trillion Credit Squadron it can build 70 million tons of vehicles per year. Since a class B starport can't build "Starships" can it import the Jump Drives and install them or do the "not yet starships" need to be transported to a Class A starport for "completion"? Maybe the hull and the J drive are laid down at a Class A port and jumped incomplete to the Class B port for completion? Maybe they are laid down in a class B port and "towed" to a class A port for J drive installation/completion?
This would create some interesting traffic flows, if there are cargo ships full of J drives moving between ports or half finished ships moving from point to point.
This would create some interesting traffic flows, if there are cargo ships full of J drives moving between ports or half finished ships moving from point to point.