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Classless T20?

I'd take a stab at it too if it's not too late. I've been playing with my D+D munchkinizing group for quite a while now, and I did just start a T20 campaign with them. So I think I would be a good candidate.
Hi Hunter,

If you're still looking, I'm game to game a classless T20. In fact, I'm running a game tomorrow night.

Originally posted by Zensunni:
I'd be very interested in trying the variant rules, as I think it would be fantastic to have a class- and level-less T20. But I do have a question: aren't classes and levels required for D20 derivatives?
Hi Hunter,

I didn't receive info on the playtesting; we posted two messages about the same time, so you may have missed mine. Is there still room?

Originally posted by Loops of Fury:
... Fixing the lack of incentive for anyone to take fewer than 7 terms would also help.
Out of curiosity, what makes your players think they need that many terms? In the group I play in, most of us have characters that served only 3-5 terms - and there are none of us that are lacking in skills. We have a Computer guy that scares Virus, two military guys that took on a small army, and an engineer that's comparable to Mr. Scott. :D

Seven terms would mean characters with at least 8 levels (just surviving - no bonuses, decoration or promotions), possably as many as 15. Reasonable die rolls will get most characters to 8th level with only four terms. Are 8th level characters too wimpy for your game?
Originally posted by ScoutCadet469:

I'd love to try. The classes do seem rather odd for Traveller.
But not for T20, from my POV.

Besides, if I like classless and/or levelless Traveller I would have chosen the other games (GURP:Traveller, CT, T:TNE, T5).

Nevertheless, my level of concern has lessened due to Hunter's response but it has not gone away.
Originally posted by Reginald:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by ScoutCadet469:

I'd love to try. The classes do seem rather odd for Traveller.
But not for T20, from my POV.

Besides, if I like classless and/or levelless Traveller I would have chosen the other games (GURP:Traveller, CT, T:TNE, T5).

Nevertheless, my level of concern has lessened due to Hunter's response but it has not gone away.
</font>[/QUOTE]Reginald, you REALLY have nothing to worry about. I'm not about to make wholesale changes to the system and alienate those who have bought the game. Whether this sees print or not depends on its compatibility with the current system.

I'd love to check it out if the offer for playtesting is still open. I'm currently running a bi-weekly Traveller 20 campaign and would like to test the class-less variant.
What about a T20 with a modified version of feats (e.g. feats like dodge and vessel become skills, while others like contacts remain feats)?
Out of curiosity, what makes your players think they need that many terms? In the group I play in, most of us have characters that served only 3-5 terms - and there are none of us that are lacking in skills. We have a Computer guy that scares Virus, two military guys that took on a small army, and an engineer that's comparable to Mr. Scott.

Seven terms would mean characters with at least 8 levels (just surviving - no bonuses, decoration or promotions), possably as many as 15. Reasonable die rolls will get most characters to 8th level with only four terms. Are 8th level characters too wimpy for your game?
Oh, they don't -need- that many terms, but they're not going to leave those experience points laying on the table either. It's not like there's any downside to taking 7 terms. By way of comparison, their CT characters all bailed out after 3 terms because no one wanted to risk the aging rolls.
I have made a lot of characters and even helped my players create theirs (it took forever). I would like to help out making a classless T20 if the offer is still good.
Originally posted by Loops of Fury:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Out of curiosity, what makes your players think they need that many terms? In the group I play in, most of us have characters that served only 3-5 terms - and there are none of us that are lacking in skills. We have a Computer guy that scares Virus, two military guys that took on a small army, and an engineer that's comparable to Mr. Scott.

Seven terms would mean characters with at least 8 levels (just surviving - no bonuses, decoration or promotions), possably as many as 15. Reasonable die rolls will get most characters to 8th level with only four terms. Are 8th level characters too wimpy for your game?
Oh, they don't -need- that many terms, but they're not going to leave those experience points laying on the table either. It's not like there's any downside to taking 7 terms. By way of comparison, their CT characters all bailed out after 3 terms because no one wanted to risk the aging rolls. </font>[/QUOTE]Hmm, shows how closely I read my copy of T20 - are there really no aging rules in the T20 Traveller's Hand Book? But surely that would supercede the PHB/SRD, where there are stat penalties for age (at 35+, 53+ and 70+) so your 7 term characters are looking at (assuming age 56), -3 to STR, CON and DEX... And unlike CT, there is no roll: hit the age, lose the stat points; admittedly this is off set a little by d20's stat point gain, but by eigth level its only 2 points - by age 56 a human will (according to PHB/SRD) have lost 9 points!

Hmm, must check my T20 THB when I get home...
Hi Gallowglass

There are some aging rules in THB (p114). They're not much of an incentive to get out there Travelling though. At 35 you lose 1 each Str, Dex, Con and gain a point each of Wis and Int. Pretty much swings and roundabouts, especially if you happen to have any odd-numbered, above-average stats in that mix... And if you get those extra couple of levels you may well get a stat increase to offset your losses, too.

You've got another 18 years after 35 before the "Old Age" reduction will bite your physical stats at age 53. 7 terms of service means mustering out at age 46, so 7 years more of "prime" adventuring time.
i too would love to try out this class-less system.. i have owndered how i could do it.. and i'm currently running a traveller game for my group. i'll pick it apart as best i can... and make some suggestions. :eek:
one classless varient that I am currently looking at involves players choosing one of four "classes" (Does it sound classless yet?)

Based on which one they choose they get a base combat bonus per level plus a certain number of skills in each of the following categories (Great, Strong and Minor)

For example someone who chooses the second worst combat ability would also get four skills in each of the groups.

A Great skill has a rank of Level + 3 (ie the class limit)

A Weak skill has a rank of the above div 2 (round down) - ie the Cross class limit

A Strong skill has a rank of the average of the two above (round down)

I also plan on giving all starting characters either four or five feats (still deciding) however I am adding more prereqs (ie CRM requires Marksman, BattleDress requires Weapon Focus-Cutlass etc) I also give 1 feat per level!

If players wish to change their skill bias then they can gradually swap skills arround (ie swap a no skill for a weak skill etc)

Combat ability, Hit Dice, Great/Strong/Weak
Academic, d6, 6/4/4
Rogue, d8, 4/4/4
Army, d10, 2/3/4
Marine, d12, 1/2/4

The result means it is much faster to generate characters ie The above Rogue character only has to chose 12 skills and which one they would be better at. (I don;t give int bonus to number of skills learnt - it had become the primary stat)

Down side - If you have a character who has poor combat skills, they are likely to stay poor - only improving very gradually as they go up levels.

Up Side - Speed, also it gives characters a broader base of skills (Those weak skills) as well as some good ones.

Not that the end result is not interchangable with standard generation - They have more total skill points (although will probably have fewer "great" skills). Also they have fewer total feats - but then don't get the "base" feats of each class (which seemed to reward being a first level everything!)