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clipper merchant ics high flyer


SOC-14 5K
clipper boats compete in interstellar commerce by carrying, not high cargo volumes, but rather high-value cargos, across j2 or greater distances. this allows them to cross trade lane rifts where the subsidized j1 boats cannot go, and to outpace slower traders to critical markets even along j1-dominated routes. lower tech clipper ships are fixed in their jump and cargo capacity and thus limited in their applicability and routes, but the estrella ràpida class, built by palique, takes advantage of tech 14 gravitic competence to create dual purpose jump fuel tanks / cargo decks, allowing the estrella ràpida class some flexibility in cargo volume and jump destinations. it takes a shrewd trader, a good navigator, and a competent crew to make this concept work, but there are many merchants in the spinward marches ready to step up to the challenge.

tail number and name
    ics cf48-1102-007
    ics high flyer
    la estrella ràpida class cargo/passenger clipper
    gran puerto del sol de palique
    tech 14
    245.35 MCr initial, 196.28 MCr production
    21 built
    400 dtons, cone, streamlined, fuel intake/scoops
    standard 2-seat bridge, standard sensor mounts, standard comms
    tech 14 computer
    sensor suite 5 ( 0 energy points required)
    jump 3         (12 energy points required for jump 3, 8 for jump 2, 4 for jump 1)
    maneuver 2     ( 8 energy points required)
    power plant    (12 energy points generated)
    damage control station
    jump - one fixed fuel tank 40 dtons
   (jump - two flex purpose fuel/cargo decks 40 dtons ea) see cargo
    power plant - one fixed fuel tank 12 dtons
    fuel purifier
    10 crew cabins and lounge, 2 holobooths
     8 passenger cabins and lounge, 2 holobooths
    12 lowberths, dedicated full service bay
     2 standard general purpose 0.5 dton robot bays
    standard airraft
    airraft garage with locker, stage, and gravitic deploy/retrieval system
    62 dtons fixed cargo deck with full gravitic/rail cargo-handling outfit
   (two flex purpose fuel/cargo decks 40 dtons ea with gravitic cargo-handling outfit) see fuel
    1 triple turret 3 beam lasers tech 14 (factor 4)
        gunnery station
        backup battery (6 energy point actions)
    1 triple turret 3 missile launchers tech 14 (factor 3)
        gunnery station
        reload magazine auto loading/deloading rail (9 missiles)
        backup battery
    armor 0+6(6)
    2 triple turrets 3 sand casters each tech 14 (factor 6)
        reload magazine ea auto loading/deloading rail (9 sand cannisters ea)
        backup battery ea
crew, official
    chief engineer
    chief gunner
    security officer
    ship's medic
    assistant engineer
    assistant gunner
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This is right in my wheelhouse, I've always felt the generic 1000/Cr or 1000/Cr per parsec per ton thing to be confining and not how a trade empire would do business.

To me, even 4000/Cr for 1 ton/1 J-4 does not capture the time value of 'fast shipping'.

That's 1 week instead of 4, 1 week of chance at 'shrinkage' or piracy or cargo damage, 4:1 faster delivery and therefore faster payment, plus potential game-changing delivery that affects market share (order goes out to ship in extra goods via x-boat, 1 week out, within 2.5 weeks of the request the cargo arrives).

1 week delivery means perhaps parts for an entire starship or factory, eliminating 3 weeks of highly expensive idle time.

Easy mechanic for rewarding clipper speed ships handling expedited traffic (using CT Major/Minor lots system)-

IF charging regular rates of 1000/Cr per jump or 1000/Cr per parsec, multiply number of lots rolled times the jump number being executed.


IF charging premium rates, lots are as per normal rolls, multiply normal rate by the jump number being executed.

So a J-4 'clipper' could end up getting 16,000 Cr per ton.

The above clipper could pull premium rates of 9,000 Cr per J-3, or 558,000 Cr cargo rates per run. Certainly should go a long way towards making such shipping a viable business plan.

Of course, there will be more pirates interested in that clipper, either a self-selecting bright neon sign saying 'high value cargo here', or commercial warfare by low means as some postulate.

Don't have to go much further then looking at modern air cargo to identify what might be in that hull-

  • Perishable consumables, either food or biotech
  • Medical, perhaps a shipment of custom-made organs or Ye Olde Plague Cure shipment
  • Express mail, particularly Holiday traffic
  • Critical parts for ships/makers/belter extraction
  • Radioactives with short half-lifes even with Nuclear Dampers
  • Doping chemicals or metals for industrial processes
  • Critical weapons for a merc outfit or government
alexander lascelles jamison

interstellar merchant life is hard and spent mostly between the stars, so when merchants party they party hard. jamison is a proud showoff at heart and though his first assignments were on particularly hazardous docks his first training was as an entertainment organizer for a major shipping magnate. rubbing elbows with the great masters of imperial business and seeing the vast wealth that was there for the taking, he decided to be an independent merchant captain, responsible for his own life and the lives of others.

excelling at flight school and honing his pilot skills with numerous flight assignments he then pushed for and managed to buy a seat at one of the few brokerage schools available in the merchant service. he took to trade naturally, both imperially subsidized and cut-throat independent brokerage, and in addition to rising quickly in his service's ranks managed to pay off his trade school debt with his own sideline profits in a few years. he learned to take charge of any negotiation by personal charisma derived from competence, by asking the right people the right questions at the right time, and by allaying concerns real and imagined by means of insider knowledge, rejecting any notion of bribery as being both dangerous and a display of personal and economic weakness. as his skill increased and his standing in the merchant service rose he found himself becoming tied more to the management of his trade house's wealth than to its acquisition and decided it was time for independence.

getting inside information that del sol yards was about to launch its signature line of estrella ràpida clipper ships he set up himself (and his intended crew) perfectly for initial consideration and was so well-qualified that he obtained mortgaged ownership of the 8th vessel produced, which he named the high flyer as soon as it came out of the yard. the ship was attached with a proviso for occasional imperial assignment, but most of the time he plies non-standard trade routes of opportunity running circles around the competition.

jamison has lined up his comm systems to filter and holodisplay all in-system economic, trade, and port information to his bridge and personal cabin for constant analysis and decision regarding brokerage and cargo opportunities. he pays particular attention to factual data but is mindful of local personalities and government regulation realities as well. he remains a bit of a show-off and announces his ship's presence with full news and visual advertizing of its arrival, including a projected music-and-holo show accompanying its landing and lifting. his signature brokerage practice remains The Big Party, inviting all, anticipated and well-received in all his ports of call, which he uses to gather information from inebriating competition and port regulatory officials. he frequently culminates this with an early lift, getting the jump on his competition and snapping up waiting brokerage and cargo while other captains and crew are still recovering and regulatory bureaucrats are calling in sick.

as a long term goal jamison is thinking about retiring to a large coastal estate on bendor and running a brokerage school as a hobby.

    alexander lascelles jamison, bendor/glisten
    age 18
initial stats:
    strength    : 8
    dexterity   : 8
    endurance   : 9
    intelligence: C
    education   : C
    social stand: 7
skill points available:
    (intelligence C + education C)/4=6.00 skill points per tour, plus 2.00 skill points/school

offical career:
    various merchant brokerage houses

service history:

tour 1) school:  carousing (emphasis business +2)
        assign:  groundside operations and docks
        develp:  +1 to endurance
        skills:  carousing 2           (2 skill points for skill level 1, 3 skill points for skill level 2)
                 cargo docks 1         (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                 sidearm 1             (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                 personal tactics 1    (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                                       (=8 skill points total)
tour 2) school:  flight, pilot         (emphasis ship size 0 +1, ship size <=A +1)
        assign:  flight
        develp:  +1 to dexterity
        skills:  pilot 2               (3 skill points for skill level 1, 4 skill points for skill level 2)
                 soft vacc suit / 0G 1 (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                                       (=8 skill points total)
tour 3) school:  brokerage            (general)
        assign:  flight, brokerage operations
        develp:  +2 to social standing
        skills:  brokerage 2           (2 skill points for skill level 1, 3 skill points for skill level 2)
                 navigation 1          (3 skill points for skill level 1)
                                       (=8 skill points total)
tour 4) assign:  brokerage negotiations
        develp:  +2 to social standing
        skills:  leader 1              (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                 liaison 1             (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                 interrogation 1       (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                                       (=6 skill points total)
tour 5) assign:  brokerage negotiations, corporate operations
        devlop:  -
        skills:  broker 3              (4 skill points for skill level 3)
                 administration 1      (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                                       (=6 skill points total)

        merchant captain alexander lascelles jamison
        age 39
    final stats:
        strength    : 8
        dexterity   : 9
        endurance   : A
        intelligence: C
        education   : C
        social stand: B
    property (mortgaged)
        estrella ràpida-class clipper ship ics high flyer

skills by category classifications:

skillset          skillpts   levels   skills
space                  (11) (4)(*)
  vacc suit / 0G         1   1        soft vacc suit / 0G 1
  flight                10   3        pilot 2*(0 +1, A +1)
                                      navigation 1
  technical              -   -        ----
ground                  (1) (1)
  transportation         -   -        ----
  wilderness             -   -        ----
  other                  1   1        cargo docks 1
professional            (9) (3)(*)
  medical                -   -        ----
  broker                 9   3        broker 3*(general)
  other                  -   -        ----
people                 (13) (6)(*)
  leader                 2   1        leader 1
  steward                -   -        ----
  other                 11   5        carousing 2*(business +2)
                                      liaison 1
                                      interrogation 1
                                      administration 1
weapons                 (2) (2)
  tactics                1   1        personal tactics 1
  personal               1   1        sidearm 1
  heavy                  -   -        ----
  ship's gunnery         -   -        ----
The above clipper could pull premium rates of 9,000 Cr per J-3

I drew up some simple brokerage rules, I'll post them when I finish this thread. I'm sure lbb 7 merchant prince has something better, but ....
hatsushitu miyamaka

while ostensibly aki is a harsh but orderly industrialized society, beyond the star port the world is heavily overrun with regional and block gangs of various strictures and capabilities waging unending war for control of the planet's various megastructures, power sources, and underground habitats. one of the more powerful gangs in proximity to the port is yasuka. hatsushitu miyamaka was born into this gang and was pressed into service to it at the age of 10, trained first as a recon agent and then as a light soldier. in an effort to expand its reach off-world yasuka volunteered miya as an experimental subject for cyber-enhancement studies on glisten. these enhancements were successful and miya was placed with a merchant house in an effort to gain off-world economic contacts. but miya rebelled and simply deployed with the merchant house, walking away from all further contact with yasuka.

on her arrival in the merchant house jamison realized what miya was doing and took her under his wing and guided her into the merchant culture. they worked closely over the years, and when jamison formed his crew for the high flyer he asked her to be his navigator. she accepted.

miya is jamison's secret weapon on three levels. though she was pushed through to navigation school without the usual pre-requisites of comms, computer, or electronics training, she has excelled in this skillset. her jump plot courses end sooner and precipitate closer to destination worlds more often than most other navigators, cutting many hours off of jump transit resulting in earlier arrivals and earlier bids for cargo, resulting in greater profits per jump. she also is able to navigate most street cultures - compared to yasuka she finds most other gangs and warehouse toughs and underworld characters to be plain vanilla wannabes - and come up with street intel of great value to jamison in brokerage negotiations. more prosaically, because of her enhanced hearing she is able to overhear conversations behind closed doors and down hallways and across rooms, and she uses this ability particularly during jamison's parties to keep abreast of competitors' developing negotiating positions. jamison does not like "spying" but does like to know "the truth", and she tries to respect this.

miya was trained first for covert intelligence-gathering, and then as a light ambush soldier ("soldier flower"). her urban recon skill enables her to observe and assess any movement or activity in any urban setting and also to conceal her own, making her both difficult to find and difficult to hide from. she is well-trained in blades, focusing on traditional swords and thrown daggers and shuriken but is also proficient in any edged weapon and even in improvising weapons from pieces of sheetmetal and broken glass panes if necessary. it should be emphasized that she is no legendary ninja warrior goddess, she merely is well-trained and naturally good at it.

of her cyber-enhancements that of her dexterity is the most natural and observable. when she cares to she can run faster, jump up further, jump down further, and move with more agility, than any natural human, not spectacularly so but enough for it to be very noticable, and her joints have been strengthened to deal with the increased workload. she is a great urban parkour and can outrun or overhaul almost anyone in an urban setting. her enhanced hearing extends her range to ultrasonic, allowing her to hear high-frequency sounds such as clothing rubbing over a hidden knife, breathing, and a hand brushing across a wall. her enhanced sight allows some perception of the IR range, allowing her to "see in the dark" any heat source.

(the human mind is designed to accept a certain level of sensory input, and miya's sensory enhancements exceed this. while they do not disturb her greatly she sometimes feels the need to shut her eyes or sit in a silent setting. she has had her cabin on the ics high flyer soundproofed as much as possible and occasionally will retreat into it.)

yasuka never forgets anything. if they ever obtain a foothold off of aki they will remember hatsushitu miyamaka and take vengance if they can. miya knows this, accepts it, and is ready to live or die but never go back. jamison knows this too, and will do what he can to help her.

    hatsushitu miyamaka, aki/glisten
    age 10
initial stats:
    strength    : 6
    dexterity   : 6
    endurance   : 6
    intelligence: C
    education   : 8
    social stand: 2
skill points available:
    (special before age 18)
    (intelligence C + education C)/4=6.00 skill points per tour, plus 2.00 skill points/school)

offical career:
    yasuka block gang flower
    various merchant houses

service history:

tour 1) school:  urban recon
        assign:  silent flower
        develp:  education +2
        skills:  urban recon 2         (1 skill point for skill level 1, 2 skill points for skill level 2)
                 streetwise 1          (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                                       (=5 skill points total)
tour 2) school:  blade                 (emphasis katana +1, thrown blade +1)
        assign:  sharp flower
        develp:  -
        skills:  blade 2               (1 skill point for skill level 1, 2 skill points for skill level 2)
                 streetwise 2          (3 skill points for skill level 2)
                 personal tactics 1    (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                                       (=7 skill points total)
tour 3) school:  navigation
        assign:  pretty flower
        develp:  education +2, cyber-enhancement audio, visual, dexterity
        skills:  navigation            (3 skill points for skill level 1, 4 skill points for skill level 2)
                 soft vacc suit / 0G 1 (1 skill point1 for skill level 1)
                                       (=8 skill points total)
tour 4) school:  navigation enhancement
        assign:  flight
        develp:  -
        skills:  navigation 3          (5 skill points for skill level 3)
                 pilot 1               (3 skill points for skill level 1)
                                       (=8 skill points total)


        merchant navigator hatsushitu miyamaka "miya"
        age 26
    final stats:
        strength    : 9
        dexterity   : D
        endurance   : 9
        intelligence: C
        education   : C
        social stand: 2
    cyber enhancements
        joint reinforcement / enhanced dexterity
        audio extension - high-frequency
        vision extension - IR

skills by category classifications:

skillset          skillpts   levels   skills
space                  (16) (5)(*)
  vacc suit / 0G         1   1        soft vacc suit / 0G 1
  flight                15   4        navigation 3*
                                      pilot 1
  technical              -   -        ----
ground                  (-) (-)
  transportation         -   -        ----
  wilderness             -   -        ----
  other                  -   -        ----
professional            (-) (-)
  medical                -   -        ----
  broker                 -   -        ----
  other                  -   -        ----
people                  (5) (2)
  leader                 -   -        ----
  steward                -   -        ----
  other                  5   2        streetwise 2
weapons                 (7) (5)(**)
  tactics                4   3        urban recon 2*
                                      personal tactics 1
  personal               3   2        blade 2*(katana +1, thrown +1)
  heavy                  -   -        ----
  ship's gunnery         -   -        ----
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sebastiàn de rico montoyante

for his entire career sebastiàn has worked for del sol yards in the minor merchant houses based there and in the yard itself. he has distinguished himself as a competent engineer, effective department leader, and a bold man of chance and fortune (though not in engineering pursuits, where he is a man of facts and knowledge risking nothing). as a shop leader involved in the construction of the estrella ràpida class he met jamison at a commisioning party. jamison was impressed with sebastiàn's engineering and people skills and requested him to be his chief engineer, and seeing a high-probability chance to advance his fortunes substantially trading in the richer portions of the spinward marches sebastiàn accepted.

in addition to being fully trained and hands-on experienced in operating and maintaining a ship's drive space in normal conditions, "el jefe de rico" has completed the lunion-strouden shipboard damage control course and is able to deal with any engineering casualty that may arise. he is not the best administrator of his spaces but he is effective and efficient with the plant itself and popular and motivating with his fellow engineers.

dockside he enjoys mixing it up with his fellow travellers and traders. he knows his wines and though not a professional always looks for a good game of chance of any nature especially for money. he excels at the card game of poker and loves the excitement of a the dice game of craps. he cuts a strong figure at any table but especially at jamison's parties, winning with open generosity and losing with open bravado and always having a few ladies in tow. he is out for a good time and walks away from anyone who can't handle losing.

    sebastiàn de rico montoyante, pedase/mora
    age 18
initial stats:
    strength    : 7
    dexterity   : 7
    endurance   : 7
    intelligence: A
    education   : A
    social stand: 7
skill points available:
    (intelligence A + education A)/4=5.00 skill points per tour, plus 2.00 skill points/school)

offical career:
    merchant service engineering operator
    portside engineering maintenance/repair/construction

service history:

tour 1) school:  mechanic's            (general)
        assign:  shipboard engineering plant duties
        develp:  dexterity +1
        skills:  mechanic 2            (2 skill points for skill level 1, 3 skill points for skill level 2)
                 soft vacc suit / 0G 1 (1 skill point1 for skill level 1)
                 shotgun 1             (1 skill point1 for skill level 1)
                                       (=7 skill points total)
tour 2) school:  engineering           (general)
        assign:  portside engineering plant duties
        develp:  endurance +3
        skills:  engineering 2         (2 skill points for skill level 1, 3 skill points for skill level 2)
                 carousing 1           (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                                       (=7 skill points total)
tour 3) school:  damage control (emphasis engineering +1) / vacc suit (emphasis soft suit +1, hazard suit +1)
        assign:  shipboard engineering plant duties
        develp:  endurance +1
        skills:  damage control 2      (2 skill points for skill level 1, 3 skill points for skill level 2)
                 vacc suit / 0G 2      (2 skill points for skill level 2)
                 gambling 1            (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                                       (=9 skill points total)
tour 4) assign:  portside engineering plant duties
        develp:  strength +2
        skills:  leader 1              (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                 gambling 2            (3 skill points for skill level 2)
                                       (=5 skill points total)


        merchant chief engineer sebastiàn de rico montoyante
        age 34
    final stats:
        strength    : 9
        dexterity   : 8
        endurance   : B
        intelligence: A
        education   : A
        social stand: 7
        mechanics tool locker
        engineering test equipment locker

skills by category classifications:

skillset          skillpts   levels   skills
space                  (18) (8)(****)
  vacc suit / 0G         3   2        vacc suit / 0G 2* (soft suit +1, hazard suit +1)
  flight                 -   -        ----
  technical             15   6        engineering 2* (general)
                                      mechanics 2* (general)
                                      damage control 2* (engineering +1)
ground                  (-) (-)
  transportation         -   -        ----
  wilderness             -   -        ----
  other                  -   -        ----
professional            (5) (2)
  medical                -   -        ----
  broker                 -   -        ----
  other                  5   2        gambling 2
people                  (4) (2)
  leader                 2   1        leader 1
  steward                -   -        ----
  other                  2   1        carousing 1
weapons                 (1) (1)
  tactics                -   -        ----
  personal               1   1        shotgun 1
  heavy                  -   -        ----
  ship's gunnery         -   -        ----
herman gunther

the lunion security forces directorate is responsible for all military and police functions associated with lunion, and any force member citizen may volunteer for or be assigned to a variety of functions in their career as they show aptitude, capability, and desire.

herman gunther qualified for and started out as what would be recognized in the imperium as a shipboard marine in the lunion navy and soon was deployed to low-intensity ground action within the sword worlds. he proved capable as a soldier and fire-team leader and earned the side-name "frag out" for his frequent use of grenades - one flamboyant war correspondant from fornice described herman as "artistic" in the use of such weapons, which left the stout and stable citizens of lunion back home puzzled as to what such a description could mean. when herman describes this tour he grins and says, "young man, righteous war, good time".

as the lunion effort in the sword worlds shifted from field combat to urban suppression of opposition origination herman applied for and was transfered to street-level intel. combat action continued more covertly but herman learned to observe and question opposition personnel in addition to merely shooting and fragging them. herman remembers this assignment as an enjoyable time of personal initiatve and effective action in the dark streets against a capable adversary.

the sword world wars wound down and herman applied for duty as an embassy marine in those systems. taking advantage of the lunion policy of training their security force personnel for civilian as well as conflict assignments herman managed to secure a seat in the famous lunion electronics school where he focused on electronic security equipments. he finished in the top half of his class and was assigned embassy duty. the conflict was not entirely over and herman not only put his surveillance skills to well-tested use but continued to practice his combat skills and to advance in his leadership development and even increase his social standing in lunion and the imperium. herman seems the most proud of this assignment, he stands tall and holds his head high when remembering it.

towards the end of his fourth tour herman gunther was administratively discharged from the lunion security forces directorate. the discharge was honorable and he retained his social standing but he received few benefits and no pension. when asked he explains with "the ambassador's daughter was very beautiful" and a huge lunion smile. this explanation seems to satisfy most people. most lunions are easy to read emotionally and it is not hard to detect some anger in his face, but he still speaks proudly of his people and culture and seems to harbor no ill-will towards anything lunion. jamison was confident enough to ask herman to be the electronic and physical security officer for the high flyer, and herman eagerly accepted.

as security officer herman has few other regular duties, allowing him to focus on that one critical task at all times. by training he is measured and diplomatic, and by nature polite and happy, but if the situation becomes serious he is very much at home with the weapons skills he learned in the forests and the conflict skills he learned on the streets of the sword worlds, and he won't hesitate to call "frag out" again.

herman and miya frequently work together on the streets where needed, and they complement each other well. miya knows the back of the city better than herman and is somewhat physically superior to him - a fact he finds unnatural and disturbing - but he knows face-to-face combat and weapons and surveillance systems far better than she and is more adept at influencing people and obtaining specific information. where warranted they may appear together, he with blonde hair and in a formal suit and she with black hair and in a silk gown and on his arm, making a striking couple even in a noble's presence.

    herman gunther, lunion/lunion
    age 18
initial stats:
    strength    : 7
    dexterity   : 7
    endurance   : 7
    intelligence: A
    education   : A
    social stand: 7
branch of service:
    lunion marine corp
personal development:
    strength    : +2
    dexterity   : +3
    endurance   : +1
skill points available:
    (intelligence A + education A)/4=5.00 skill points per tour, plus 2.00 skill points/school

service history:
tour 1) school:  combat rifle (general)
        assign:  private, general duties, fire team rifleman/grenadier
        develp:  +1 to endurance
        skills:  combat rifle 2        (1 skill point for skill level 1, 2 skill points for skill level 2)
                 soft vacc suit / 0G 1 (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                 grenades 1            (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                 grenade launcher 1    (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                 sidearm 1             (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                                       (=7 skill points total)
tour 2) school:  combatives (general)
        assign:  corporal, street intel/counter-intel, fire team leader
        develp:  -
        skills:  combatives 2          (1 skill point for skill level 1, 2 skill points for skill level 2)
                 streetwise 1          (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                 interrogation 1       (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                                       (=7 skill points total)
tour 3) school:  electronics (emphasis security systems)
        assign:  sergeant, embassy duty, tactical squad leader, electronic security squad leader
        develp:  +2 to education
        skills:  electronics 2         (2 skill points for skill level 1, 3 skill points for skill level 2)
                 sidearm 2             (2 skill points for skill level 2)
                                       (=7 skill points total)
                                       (0.50 skill points extra available from increased education)
tour 4) assign:  staff sergeant, embassy duty, station platoon sergeant
        develp:  +2 to social standing
        skills:  leader 1              (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                 tactics 1             (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                 urban recon 1         (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                                       (=5 skill points total)
                                       (1.00 skill points extra available from increased education)
                 forward observer 1    (1 skill point for skill level 1)


        lunion marine
        age 34
        marine, navy/marine intel, marine embassy guard, marine embassy platoon sergeant, security surveillance
        four tours, 27.00 + 1.00 skill points acquired, 28.00 skill points applied
    final stats:
        strength    : 9
        dexterity   : A
        endurance   : 9
        intelligence: A
        education   : C
        social stand: 9
    career/discharge benefits:
        administrative discharge, honorable, no pension, rank of staff sergeant
        1 skill point towards soft vacc suit / 0G
        nickname "frag out"

skills by category classifications:

skillset          skillpts   levels   skills
space                   (7) (3)(*)
  vacc suit / 0G         1(1)1        soft vacc suit / 0G 1 (1)
  flight                 -   -        ----
  technical              5   2        electronics 2*(+2 for security systems, -1 for all other systems)
ground                   -
  transportation         -   -        ----
  wilderness             -   -        ----
professional             -
  medical                -   -        ----
  broker                 -   -        ----
people                  (6) (3)
  leader                 2   1        leader 1
  steward                -   -        ----
  other                  4   2        streetwise 1, interrogation 1
weapons                (15)(11)(**)
  tactics                2   1        tactics 1
                         1   1        urban recon 1
  personal               3   2        combat rifle 2*(general)
                         3   2        sidearm 2
                         3   2        combatives 2*(general)
  heavy                  1   1        grenades 1
                         1   1        grenade launcher 1
                         1   1        forward artillery observer 1
  ship's gunnery         -   -        ----
robert smith

while the imperial/zhodani conflict in chronor and jewell subsectors no longer is active a fair amount of covert activity always is taking place. robert smith, technically a citizen of riverland but stuck with riverland refugees on louzy, joined the louzy army to fight zhodani subversion on that world, rising to vehicle commander in underground and surface mechanized action against insurgent strongholds. he freely discusses all these actions if anyone asks, though an intelligent listener will notice some gaps in the stories.

as zho presence on louzy was reduced robert volunteered for gunnery duty with the efate planetary navy to continue the fight against the zhos. these duties were action-intensive, unusual for sub-formal warfare, and robert became highly proficient at his turret weapon tasking. he freely talks about engagements at regina/yres, regina/menorb, chronor/stave, and vilis/caloran, but it is clear he travelled elsewhere in that region as well. he doesn't discuss efate naval action in other locations.

completing his military career normally as an instructor robert had collected quite a bit of money and a pension and had increased his social standing sufficiently to allow him to leave louzy. he seems to have done so reluctantly, missing familiy ties but accepting their urging and blessing on his travels. making his way eventually down to strouden he was informed that 1) he was still active on imperial naval reserve roles and that 2) he had been reactivated to man a tasked civilian ship, the ics high flyer, then in annual maintenance. jamison was informed that a gunner would be assigned to his tasked ship, at his cost. fortunately on meeting each other they hit it off rather well, jamison being impressed with robert's professionalism and robert with jamison's brokerage skill and j3 ship.

when tasked the high flyer usually is assigned to imperial subsidized trade presence operations in jewell, vilis, and querion subsectors. zho subversion, illegal operations, and outright piracy are common in this region, but robert is ready for any naval action that might occur. he especially grimly looks forward to encounters with the zhodani. he runs a tight gunnery section and his weapons are well-maintained.

in addition to his light duties as ship's gunner robert brings some needed computer and communication skills to the high flyer. he also is an accomplished driver, knowing both how to push his vehicles to their engineering limits and how to operate them in the most tactically effective manner possible. and he still remembers how to lay on with heavy weapons fire from mounted guns and how to bring down a target with a tactical missile.

one of robert's prized possessions is a holobooth program of riverland before it was captured by the zhodani. it encompasses the entire planet in vast detail, every city and every wilderness and every ocean, and robert is in the process of walking and sailing the whole world piece by piece.

    robert (bob) smith, louzy/jewell
    age 18
initial stats:
    strength    : 7
    dexterity   : 7
    endurance   : 7
    intelligence: A
    education   : A
    social stand: 6
branch of service:
    louzy army
    efate planetary navy
personal development:
    dexterity   +2
    strength    +1
    strength    +2
skill points available:
    (intelligence A + education A)/4=5.00 skill points per tour, plus 2.00 skill points/school

service history:

tour 1) school:  ground vehicle (emphasis gravitic +2, all others -1)
        assign:  private, corporal, general duties, vehicle driver, ground combat insurgent suppression
        develp:  +1 to dexterity
        skills:  ground vehicles 2     (1 skill point for skill level 1, 2 skill points for skill level 2)
                 soft vacc suit / 0G 1 (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                 laser rifle 1         (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                 man-portable tactical missile 1
                                       (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                 forward artillery observer 1   
                                       (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                                       (=7 skill points total)
tour 2) school:  turret/pintel gunnery (emphasis light ballistic +1, light laser +1, all others -1)
        assign:  sergeant, vehicle gunner, vehicle commander, ground combat insurgent interdiction
        develp:  +1 to endurance
        skills:  turret gunnery 2      (1 skill point for skill level 1, 2 skill points for skill level 2)
                 leader 1              (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                 vehicle tactics 1     (1 skill point1 for skill level 1)
                 vehicle recon 1       (1 skill point1 for skill level 1)
                                       (=7 skill points total)
tour 3) transf:  efate planetary navy
        school:  ship's turret gunnery (emphasis beam laser +2, all others -1)
        assign:  turret gunner, space patrol piracy suppression
        develp:  +1 to education
        skills:  ship's gunnery 2      (2 skill points for skill level 1, 3 skill points for skill level 2)
                 communications 1      (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                                       (=7 skill points total)
                                       (0.25 skill points extra available from increased education)
tour 4) assign:  turret gunner, space patrol piracy interdiction
        develp:  -
        skills:  ship's gunnery (3)    (3 skill points, need 1 more for skill level 3)
                 computer 1            (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                                       (=5 skill points total)
                                       (0.50 skill points extra available)
tour 5) assign:  turret gunnery section chief, turret gunnery instructor
        devlop:  +2 to social standing
        skills:  instructor 1          (2 skill points - instructor in ship's gunnery, +1 skill point to ship's gunnery)
                 administration 1      (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                 sidearm 1             (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                 ship's gunnery 3      (1 skill point from instruction duty, plus 3 previous, achieving skill level 3)
                                       (0.75 skill points extra available)


        ship's gunnery section chief robert smith "bob"
        age 38
        skill points (25((intel+edu)/4 + 6(school)+2(instructor duty) = 33.75 (33.0 applied)
    final stats:
        strength    : A
        dexterity   : A
        endurance   : 8
        intelligence: A
        education   : B
        social stand: 8
    rank and awards:
        louzy army ground combat ribbon, 8 stars
        louzy army shootdown ribbon, 2 stars
        louzy army vehicle sergeant
        efate planetary navy space engagement band, 8 hashes
        efate planetary navy gunnery section chief
    career/discharge benefits:
        pension, 1200Cr/mo
        personal soft vacc suit
        personal computer
        comm testing/maintenance suite
        turret testing/maintenance suite
        0.75 skill points available towards next skill/level

skills by category classifications:

skillset          skillpts   levels   skills
space                   (5) (3)
  vacc suit / 0G         1   1        soft vacc suit / 0G 1
  flight                 -   -        ----
  technical              2   1        computer 1
                         2   1        communications 1
ground                  (3) (2)(*)
  transportation         3   2        ground vehicle 2*(emphasis gravitic +2)
  wilderness             -   -        ----
professional             -
  medical                -   -        ----
  broker                 -   -        ----
people                  (6) (3)
  leader                 2   1        leader 1
  steward                -   -        ----
  other                  2   1        administration 1
                         2   1        instructor 1
weapons                (18)(11)(**)
  tactics                1   1        vehicle tactics 1
                         1   1        vehicle recon 1
  personal               1   1        laser rifle 1
                         1   1        sidearm 1
  heavy                  3   2        turret/pintel gunnery 2*(emphasis light ballistic +1, light laser +1)
                         1   1        forward artillery observer 1
                         1   1        man-portable tactical missile 1
  ship's gunnery         9   3        ship's turret gunnery 3*(emphasis beam lasers +2)
kyle hollister

proving to be highly intelligent and excelling in all his education kyle was pressed to make something of himself by becoming a scientist or merchant prince or imperial naval officer. looking around at what people spent their lives working to obtain, kyle realized he could achieve those goals immediately as a steward on a high-class liner. he walked straight into the merchant service, starting with pash cargo and moving up to destination lines of glisten, and has never looked back.

his first tour was typical and uneventful as a deck steward on primary cargo haulers, but kyle discovered he liked cooking food from scratch and he put some effort, above and beyond that typical of a steward, towards learning this primitive esoteric skill. this made him popular in the pash passenger service such as it was, and qualified him for consideration by and transfer into destination lines.

destination dealt with a much higher class of clientel and followed a stringent training program for all its personnel, believing that the key to confidence was competence. kyle elected medical training and was placed on a brutally intensive crash course as paramedic for the aki port authority where he saw considerable action and gained much experience in medical emergencies. returning to destination as a deck steward he was placed in charge of the lowberth section and he found occasional use for his paramedic skill in the high-stress world of the upper classes. he also expanded his cooking abilities, finding them enjoyable in their own right and a great way to meet and speak with people far above his station.

before placing kyle in charge of a deck as a line steward destination sent him to a combat school to learn how to fight without ready weapons, so he would be able to deal with unruly or problem passengers at any level without injuring them if possible (a major consideration with those of high social standing). in addition kyle developed leadership and liaison skills in their own right, independently and outside of steward considerations. his well-founded physical confidence combined with his own personal leadership standing and ability to simultaneously control and defer to others gave kyle a style and gravity well above his station and tasking.

destination was reorganized and reconstituted in a line merger, providing kyle an option to move on, and jamison asked him to be steward on the high flyer. kyle accepted with reservations, but has since come to love the station. working alone he has all the access of a deck steward and all the freedom of a line steward in a semi-luxurious environment populated by well-connected people living very interesting lives. for him, jump time is not a boring endurance test but an enjoyable experience of good food and intelligent conversation among the beautiful people as they share their stories and relax in contemplation of the next step in their careers. kyle is a little tall and handsome, and while he's a proper and energetic steward he has a personal reservation and cachet all his own making him respectable to the men and attractive to the ladies. he keeps things proper as entanglements with passengers seldom turn out well. he has numerous job offers awaiting him should he ever leave the merchant service.

kyle is another of jamison's secret business weapons, as kyle in the simple course of his duties frequently becomes aware of insider trading information. kyle never asks or pries or positions himself to hear - that would be entirely improper and demeaning to himself and to the passengers - but most of the information is discussed in front of him or simply volunteered in casual passtime conversation by people bragging about their success or own insider information. he is very careful about what he passes to jamison - he's not a gossip service and passengers are to be respected at all times - but if an ethical opportunity arises he discretely accepts it and carries on. and while kyle typically views groundside time as time-off for himself, he and jamison together like to organize and execute a full-on beachfront luau where the opportunity exists.

    kyle hollister, glisten / new rome
    age 18
initial stats:
    strength    : 7
    dexterity   : 7
    endurance   : 7
    intelligence: C
    education   : C
    social stand: 7
skill points available:
    (intelligence C + education C)/4=6.00 skill points per tour, plus 2.00 skill points/school)

offical career:
    merchant service steward

service history:

tour 1) school:  steward               (general)
        assign:  deck steward
        develp:  +1 strength
        skills:  steward 2             (2 skill point for skill level 1, 3 skill points for skill level 2)
                 soft vacc suit / 0G 1 (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                 airraft 1             (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                 cooking 1             (1 skill point for skill level 1)
                                       (=8 skill points total)
tour 2) school:  medical               (emphasis trauma +1, pharmaceuticals +1, all else -1)
        assign:  port paramedic on aki, deck steward
        develp:  +3 dexterity
        skills:  medical 1(3)          (3 skill points for skill level 1, 3 skill points towards level 2)
                 cooking 2             (2 skill points for skill level 2)
                                       (=8 skill points total)
tour 3) school:  combatives            (emphasis grappling +1, stun tools +1, all else -1)
        assign:  line steward
        develp:  +1 strength
        skills:  combatives 2          (1 skill point for level 1, 2 skill points for level 2)
                 medical 2             (1 skill point to complete level 2)
                 leader 1              (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                 liaison 1             (2 skill points for skill level 1)
                                       (=8 skill points total)


        merchant steward kyle hollister
        age 30
        skill points:  24 obtained, 24 applied
    final stats:
        strength    : 9
        dexterity   : A
        endurance   : 7
        intelligence: C
        education   : C
        social stand: 8
    ongoing benefits:
        +1 social standing

skills by category classifications:

skillset          skillpts   levels   skills
space                   (1) (1)
  vacc suit / 0G         1   1        soft vacc suit / 0G 1
  flight                 -   -        ----
  technical              -   -        ----
ground                  (1) (1)
  transportation         1   1        airraft 1
  wilderness             -   -        ----
  other                  -   -        ----
professional           (10) (4)(*)
  medical                7   2        medical 2*(trauma +1, pharmaceuticals +1)
  broker                 -   -        ----
  other                  3   2        cooking 2
people                  (9) (4)(*)
  leader                 2   1        leader 1
  steward                5   2        steward 2*(general)
  other                  2   1        liaison 1
weapons                 (3) (2)(*)
  tactics                -   -
  personal               3   2        combatives 2*(grapple +1, stun tools +1)
  heavy                  -   -        ----
  ship's gunnery         -   -        ----

"the captain runs the ship, but the steward is the face of the ship"

"when you're locked in a steel box for a week with unknown people in unknown situations, then not merely demeanor, but more the confidence derived from correct training and experience, is crucial."

"in a major confrontation you are the ship's first line of defense. for some minutes you may be its only defense. that is why we train you this way."

"for the passengers, you are the ship's counsellor and police force. you are its rescue and medical service. you are the psychiatrist and sounding board for the successes and failures of peoples' lives. you are the entertainment and the chef, you are the shoulder to cry on. make it memorable."
the remaining positions - assistant engineer, assistant gunner, deckhand, and assistant deckhand - may be left to the reader.

some very basic bare-bones rules for obtainingtransport cargo. tweek as you will, as you will.

dtons available for transport:
population level of originating world +
population of destination world +
(+2 for) each A port involved +
(+1 for) each B port involved +
(-1 for) each D/E/X port involved +
(+1 for) each agricultural world involved +
(+1 for) each industrialized world involved +
(+1 if originating world tech > destination world tech)
xd6 = dtons of cargo available for transport in each tranche

task to ship:
extraordinary tranche: 9000 Cr/dton
very difficult tranche: 7000 Cr/dton
difficult tranche: 5000 Cr/dton
unusual tranche: 3000 Cr/dton
routine tranche: 1000 Cr/dton

within each tranche, roll 2d6 for dtonnage of each shipment in each tranch that is available, until tranche is exhausted, then move on to next tranche. each shipment may be rolled for once, or refused once, until all available cargo has been considered or refused. each shipment may then be considered again, at -1 tasking. repeat until hold is filled.


origin world: pop 8, port A, tech A
destination world: pop 6, port B, tech 9
-> 18d6 dtons cargo per tranche available for pickup
extraordinary task, 9K: 18d6 = 62 dtons
very difficult task, 7K: 18d6 = 72 dtons
difficult task, 5K: 18d6 = 43 dtons
unusual task, 3K: 18d6 = 60 dtons
routine task, 1K: 18d6 = 48 dtons

2d6 dtons per shipment in extraordinary task:
3, 9, 7, 4, 3, 8, 6, 6, 4, 12
extraordinary task roll to pick up 3 dtons: fail
extraordinary task roll to pick up 9 dtons: fail
extraordinary task roll to pick up 7 dtons: success, 7 dtons at 9KCr.
extraordinary task roll to pick up 4 dtons: fail

repeat with very difficult, difficult, etc. any cargo may be refused.

when all available cargo rolled for, if more is desired then the process may begin again - at -1 for each roll.

for cargo transport across j2 void, routine is unavailable. for cargo transport across j3 void, unusual is unavailable.
Having a J4 option available might be a bit more "clipper" express.

imtu all j4+ is taken up by the imperial navy. sometimes some private yachts get built, but there's no room for merchant j4. and finding routes suitable for j4 is not easy. j2 seems to be the most efficient, j3 really pushes the limit.

I did post a deckplan for a book 2 1000 dton pax/cargo merchant with j1-j4 adjustable capability. no-one ever commented on it or said they used it, so I presume no-one ever used it, so waste of time.

I'm doing a "close enough" deckplan for this one, post it eventually, probably be the last one.
no-one ever commented on it or said they used it, so I presume no-one ever used it, so waste of time.

Keep in mind, many users are regular readers, but not regular posters.
Something like 90% of the discrete users per month are non-posters.
Something like 90% of the discrete users per month are non-posters.

yeah, but I don't think non-posters are more likely to use the material than posters.

I posted a query in many of my threads and deckplans, has anyone actually used any of this in a game? pretty much zero response. the occasional tourist positive review but negative on use. zero response on the lu hao and davis. two responses in the imperial culture thread, both negative on use but at least someone answered. 400 views of the imperial marine fleet battalion thread since the query post, zero comments as to usage. the jewell was up for a few years, 900+ views, asked if anyone ever used it, no response, deleted it.

a couple of people have volunteered reports of game usage of the erin. it's perfect, well-drawn, and configurable using mspaint by anyone who has a need for the general hull. but that's been up several years now and I've seen only two or three game usage reports. heh, my most popular contribution to the game.
the remaining positions - assistant engineer, assistant gunner, deckhand, and assistant deckhand - may be left to the reader.

some very basic bare-bones rules for obtainingtransport cargo. tweek as you will, as you will.

dtons available for transport:
population level of originating world +
population of destination world +
(+2 for) each A port involved +
(+1 for) each B port involved +
(-1 for) each D/E/X port involved +
(+1 for) each agricultural world involved +
(+1 for) each industrialized world involved +
(+1 if originating world tech > destination world tech)
xd6 = dtons of cargo available for transport in each tranche

task to ship:
extraordinary tranche: 9000 Cr/dton
very difficult tranche: 7000 Cr/dton
difficult tranche: 5000 Cr/dton
unusual tranche: 3000 Cr/dton
routine tranche: 1000 Cr/dton

within each tranche, roll 2d6 for dtonnage of each shipment in each tranch that is available, until tranche is exhausted, then move on to next tranche. each shipment may be rolled for once, or refused once, until all available cargo has been considered or refused. each shipment may then be considered again, at -1 tasking. repeat until hold is filled.

I have often stated that the high jump ships are not compensated by the higher express/clipper tonnage rates that SHOULD exist, nor the demand adjusted for massive amounts of tonnage that would 'chase' after high jump low rates.

So, onboard with the concept, but I think I can reduce the rolls of your system.

Come up with your total number of die per tranche as above.

Divide by 2.

Roll a die for each number above for each tranche. Roll the required number, THEN roll 2d6 tons for each success.

Success on 6 for 9000 Cr.
Success on 5+ for 7000 Cr.
Success on 4+ for 5000 Cr.
Success on 3+ for 3000 Cr.
Success on 2+ for 1000 Cr.

Guess my model would be more oriented to all J numbers, even higher rewards for further jumps, and more cheap tonnage chasing faster jumps.

So maybe

Success on 6 for J# x 4000 Cr.
Success on 5+ for J# x 3000 Cr.
Success on 4+ for J# x 2000 Cr.
Success on 3+ for J# x 1000 Cr.
Success on 2+ for 1000 Cr +1 dton per J# per shipment.
Success on 1+ for 500 Cr + x2 dton per J# per shipment.

So an upper rate of 24000 Cr for a jump-6- even just 8 tons of that x2 trips should go a long way towards the month's due payment.

Even Beowulf can get in a little bit of that action, yet the mail shipment is still a sweet rate for the low jump ships.

And it will also support larger high jump ships that can fill out their cargo bay with 'moneylosing' cut rate bulk, but better then running empty.
imtu all j4+ is taken up by the imperial navy. sometimes some private yachts get built, but there's no room for merchant j4. and finding routes suitable for j4 is not easy. j2 seems to be the most efficient, j3 really pushes the limit.

I did post a deckplan for a book 2 1000 dton pax/cargo merchant with j1-j4 adjustable capability. no-one ever commented on it or said they used it, so I presume no-one ever used it, so waste of time.

I'm doing a "close enough" deckplan for this one, post it eventually, probably be the last one.
I usually look if i notice it. If it had a deck plan absolutely.
Clippers "when fast is not fast enough".
If it had a deck plan absolutely.

then for you I'll finish it. having trouble though, 400 dtons seems to be some kind of inflection point in how easy it is to make a presentable boat, and mspaint is miserable with curved surfaces.