In the 80's I worked on teletypes for the USAF; 5 bit Baudot, vacuum tubes, schematics. Fun stuff. In the mid-90's I moved to Linux on a mega-powerful i386. Woot! By the late 90's I was a Solaris and Linux sysadmin by trade.
While making things work is fun, I really enjoy creating new things. Never made it to full "programming" degree though I did pass Pascal and C to meet a non-Computer Science degree requirement. I've wanted to be a programmer ever since I realized management thought programmers were smarter than sysadmins. At least their opinions mattered more than ours. Of course, if the programmers were that smart I'd have been out of a job...
I wanted to be a programmer and fell prey to the "learn language X to get a job as a programmer!" marketing. X kept changing on me. I've bounced from one language to another and finally settled on Ruby. Good stuff, though there's years of learning I need to do. I get the basics of OOP but miss the finesse. Still, I've kept with Ruby for a bit and gotten better at it. I have gone deeper with it than any other language.
Several weeks ago I asked a friend, who hires programmers, how they tell if a coder is junior, senior, or whatever. He gave me their simple coding test and some of the criteria they use to judge. The basic test was simple; parse a tab delimited file. He was pleased that I included tests and could use the same code for a 6 line file and a 6 gig file.
Then I went for a real programmer job interview. Wasn't sure I was qualified but it put some meat to my dream. They asked for two code samples and said turning them in within a couple days would be great. I turned them in the next day to score some extra points.

They liked that I included tests. One of the developers and I talked about turning the process into a recursive call so I melted a few brain cells over that. Took me a bit but the code worked and the tests passed.
The interesting thing about both coding conversations is that my choice of language was irrelevant. I used Ruby for both and the job I applied for has projects in C, Python, Perl, and PHP. For the past two decades I've pushed myself to learn different languages and processes like TDD and OOP. Seems to have worked; I start the new job Monday.