Out of curiosity, what's the origin of "makhidkarun"?
It's the name of an Imperial megacorporation. Probably Middle High Vilani for "Magnificence to the Emperor".
Out of curiosity, what's the origin of "makhidkarun"?
I'll try to get the TravellerMap source up soon. I've always intended to, but it's not build on a very popular stack so I'm not sure it will get much contribution from anyone else.
I'll try to get the TravellerMap source up soon. I've always intended to, but it's not build on a very popular stack so I'm not sure it will get much contribution from anyone else.
I'll try to get the TravellerMap source up soon. I've always intended to, but it's not build on a very popular stack so I'm not sure it will get much contribution from anyone else.
Since we have some people familiar with Github here, I could do with some help.
Currently I'm developing StarBase from a dropbox folder. This works great because it means I don't have to do any commits, pulls, etc. It just works. I have up to date copies of the project on any machine I want it on, and snapshot the source tree into zip files every now and then.
I would like to fully open source the project, and a Github repository seems like the logical way to go but I could use some guidance on how to go about it. I'd like to keep my Dropbox based work flow if possible, but Dropbox's synchronisation might mess up Git. Has anyone got any experience of these working together? I might be better off moving completely to Git but I've not used it before.
Simon Hibbs
Since we have some people familiar with Github here, I could do with some help.
Currently I'm developing StarBase from a dropbox folder. This works great because it means I don't have to do any commits, pulls, etc. It just works. I have up to date copies of the project on any machine I want it on, and snapshot the source tree into zip files every now and then.
I would like to fully open source the project, and a Github repository seems like the logical way to go but I could use some guidance on how to go about it. I'd like to keep my Dropbox based work flow if possible, but Dropbox's synchronisation might mess up Git. Has anyone got any experience of these working together? I might be better off moving completely to Git but I've not used it before.
I've put up the very early workings of some C stuff. So far a header file with some die roll functions and a basic UPP generator.
Addendum: If you're a C programmer feel free to look at my code and make suggestions. I'm (re)learning the language.
I found my old C code I did for Mongoose back in 2009(?) before I gave up and started learning Python.
I'd love to know what you're doing with Python, got any projects on the go at the moment?
Simon Hibbs
......It opens Excel and creates a custom character sheet in that. Another window (think NotePad) stores an audit of the character background story that can be copy/pasted to the back side of the character sheet. I then save it to PDF using LuLu's free Soda PDF (http://sodapdf.com/products/free-pdf-reader). I have posted videos using it. Just search YouTube for Traveler character generation vids.
I made a github organization (https://github.com/makhidkarun) in the hopes maybe others would be interested in collaborating and making new from-scratch software supporting the game. If you have a github account, and are so interested, please let me know and I'll add you to the makhidkarun team.
I know most of the programs for Traveller seem to be only for Windows (and rarely Linux users), but do you think we Mac users can get some nice T5 programs to use too?
I've put up the very early workings of some C stuff. So far a header file with some die roll functions and a basic UPP generator.
Addendum: If you're a C programmer feel free to look at my code and make suggestions. I'm (re)learning the language.
note that the SRD is not open for software... The OGL doesn't cover software, and the TLL explicitly excludes software.Wouldn't mind helping out a bit. Don't have T5 but I've been working on an SRD based piece of software.
note that the SRD is not open for software... The OGL doesn't cover software, and the TLL explicitly excludes software.
OGL said:b)’Derivative Material’ means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted;
(g) ‘Use’, ‘Used’ or ‘Using’ means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content.
WotC FAQ said:Q: How can the OGL be used with software?
A: Just like with other material, the OGL allows you to use any Open Content, provided you follow the terms of the OGL. Follow the requirements of the License, include the text of the license and the appropriate copyright information, and clearly identify Open Content.
NOTE: The biggest problem we've found with software and the OGL is that programmers aren't paying attention to Section 8 of the OGL. Section 8 states: ñIf you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Content.î This doesn't mean you can say ñall rules in my program are Openî, the users need to be able to see all that Open Content. You can do this by putting Open Content in a format that is easy to understand. Popular solutions have been to place everything in text files that the program pulls info from, having everything in a viewable database within the software, using Java script on a webpage (viewing the source of the webpage will display the code and Java script is relatively easy for a user to interpret). The key is that the user has to see everything that is Open Content that the program uses and be able to understand it without too much effort. The whole point of the OGL is that once information is declared Open everyone has free access to it under the OGL. Compiling that information into a program denies the user that access and violates the spirit of the Open Gaming License.