Third combat report continued.
The Cruiser (P) fleet put both X-ray and Yankee in reserve to attempt repairs. Unless their computers could be returned to factor-9 it was considered that they would be too vulnerable to stand in the line.
The Cruiser (M) fleet kept the crippled Africa in reserve, but left their other three ships in the line despite the substantial damage to some of them.
Initiative: Cruisers (M)
Finally gaining the initiative, the Cruisers (M) closed to short range. Their meson guns had suffered too much degradation by this stage, however, and it was too little, too late.
The Brazil was hit by a laser and a nuclear missile, which did not damage.
The China was hit by a Factor-N Particle Accelerator. It lost 866 tons of fuel, suffered 7 weapon hits, and its Manoeuvre Drive was disabled.
The Delhi was hit by a Factor-N Particle Accelerator and was vaporized.
The Whisky was hit by a Factor B meson gun and 3 nuclear missiles. It lost 148 tons of fuel and suffered 2 power plant hits and 1 weapon hit.
The X-Ray failed to repair its computer, jump drive and meson screen; but it succeeded in repairing its repulsor.
The Yankee failed to repair either its jump drive or its computer.
The Cruiser (M) fleet was by now in a pretty desperate state. It put the crippled Africa and China in the line, and the Brazil in reserve, in an attempt to save some of its fleet assets. The intention was to attempt to break off, by acceleration in the case of the Brazil (which had lost its jump drive but still had 5G of acceleration, and would be able to guarantee breaking off from the reserve, provided the range was opened out to Long) and by jumping in the case of the China (which had lost its manoeuvre drive, and so had oodles of energy output to spare: it could fight all its weapons and still summon up energy for its maximum jump in a single turn; however, with Agility 0 it was something of a sitting duck). The Africa, with no jump drive and no manoeuvre drive left, was doomed in any event. It was put into the line to divide the enemy fire. Once the other two ships had escaped it would, inevitably, surrender.
Initiative: Cruiser (P). Long Range. The commander of the Cruiser (P) fleet was slow in recognizing the preparations for a break-off attempt, and in opening the range out again to protect his ships from further meson damage, he allowed the Brazil to get away.
The Zulu was hit by 3 nuclear missiles, and lost 148 tons of fuel.
The Africa was hit by a factor-N Particle Accelerator. It lost 148 tons of fuel, took two M-drive hits and 8 weapon hits, and its bridge was destroyed.
The China took a hit from a Factor-N Particle Accelerator. It lost 443 tons of fuel and suffered 7 weapon hits, and its jump drive was disabled.
The Brazil successfully broke off by acceleration. Without a jump drive, however, it could not leave the system.
The destruction of the China's jump drive meant that its attempt to escape by acceleration was unsuccessful.
Depending upon the ethos of the culture to which the Africa and China belonged, they would not either continue fighting and be cut to pieces, or surrender because their ability to do any serious harm to their opponents was now effectively nil.
These "fixes" certainly appear to fix the spinal Particle Accelerator problem. They have now become viable weapons, and a big Particle Accelerator is a better weapon to ship than a small meson gun (emphatically NOT the case in HG2 as written ...)
They have also fixed the problems of (a) so-called secondary armament being the principal weapons to decide the issues, and (b) overly-long, tediously dull engagements where heavily armoured fleets encounter one another, and there are not the heavy meson weapons required to damage these overly tough nuts. An issue between two squadrons of four cruisers apiece being determined in 6 turns of combat feels "about right" to me.
The issue of the balance between Meson and Particle Accelerator weaponry is still to be tested, as is the question of the big ship / small ship balance.
With these in mind, the fourth playtest will put the Cruisers (P) against some up-gunned Cruisers (M), with factor-N meson guns (nice

) - in order to see whether the fix has tipped the balance too far in favour of the Particle Accelerator.
Thereafter, it will be necessary to see what happens in clashes between cruisers and dreadnoughts; and between dreadnoughts and dreadnoughts. Once these encounters are behaving themselves properly, it will be time to see whether the fixes also cure the evils of Hamster Wars.