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Common Aliens in the Domain of Deneb?

Besides Aslan, Vargr, Bwaps, and Darrians, what would be some other common aliens (including minor human races) likely to be encountered on Imperial registered vessels operating in the Domain of Deneb?
Independent Droyne Sports
The Deneb Sector book have several other sophonts. The Jonkeereen come to mind.

Or look up the ones listed in the wiki http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Spinward_Marches_Sector#Native_Sophonts
and the other sectors in turn

You can download the Traveller Map sector data files and look over to find other sophonts with multiworld populations like the Jonkeereen or homeworlds as well like the Amindii. If they are on multiple worlds it is a good bet they be starfaring. Also this will give a better hint as to what worlds have significant alien neighborhoods/ghettos/nations.

Regina is A788899-C Ri Pa Ph An Cp (Amindii)2 Varg0 Asla0 Sa { 4 } (D7E+5) [9C6D] BcCeF NS - 703 8 ImDd F7 V BD M3 V

has a population of 700,000,000
The population codes represents % ranges like the Hydrographics codes except 0 means 1-4% and W represents 96-100%
~15-24% are Amindii and it is their homeworld (average 20%) 140 million
~1-4% are Vargr 7-28 million
~1-4% are Aslan 7-28 million
~68-83% are "standard Imperial humans" or other specific races which which total less than 1% of the population.
Example if Bwaps or Droyne individually even equaled a mere 1% they would would be listed there as Bwap0 or Droy0. There might be Bwaps on Regina, but there will be less than 7 million.
The Deneb Sector sourcebook (Mongoose 1E) notes aliens, many of which have some interstellar presence.

</shameless plug>