Assuming something like MT's thrusters are the maneuver drives in CT, would there be a contrail or some other signature audio/visual effects of a ship entering a planetry atomsphere? Something one could bring attention to and say with authority, "A star ship has just landed on this world."
Emphasis mine.
It would depend on how fast it is travelling. A few years ago, the shuttle re-entered over northern california, early one morning. I worked nights and things were quiet, so my boss and I stepped outside to watch it. I spotted a tiny, moving star. I thought that was the shuttle. It wasn't.
Then this red flare bright redy light came over the western hills and traced an arc across the skies. I counted about 6 minutes from horizon to horizon. Very dimly, I could see a smoke trail, against the stars. There was no noise at first, but faintly a dull roar, like a rocket engine, that sounded like it was coming a couple of degrees behind the quickly moving bright red star.
[Yes, I know that a shuttle is a dead stick landing and this was long after the re-entry burn. That the rockets were not burning, but the rumbling roar coming from it could best be described as sounding like a rocket engine.]
It was one of the most wondrous sights I have ever seen, a spaceship coming to earth.
We heard on the radio that the shuttle landed in florida about 10 minutes after we saw it on the west coast.
If you enter the atmosphere with any kind of realistic speed, you would hear sonic booms not far from the landing sight. Heck some planetary governments may demand a sort of burn in re-entry to decontaminate the outer hull. And if you burn in, then you will have sonic booms.
I have a weird idea about jump drive and contra grav, based on a number of sources. The drive is essentially a ring that warps the space/time around the ship, forming a bubble, into jump space. A bubble of normal space. With the bubble erected, you get an aurora effect as small particles and dust, even very small meteors, impact the bubble. Ships generally use the bubble as a kind of shielding and end up looking like a fiery red ball (yellow if its faster) during hot re-entry. The shielding field and field emitted by the contra grav plates give off a heat shimmer and at high speeds produce fiery downward pointing spikes.