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Convention Game 1: The Hunt

Don't forget that other party members could be engineering crew, medics, or damage-control parties. Space combat damage isn't just ship stats reduction, it's things going "boom" or "zap" next to and through the tin can in which they're riding.

True, but I doubt I can maintain that for four hours.
A variant of the "Dangerous Game" is the "Nazi Hunter" trope.

Consider a Zhodani, or a Zhodani cell, holed up in the Spinward Marches -- say the Sword Worlds, which could qualify as a proxy for "South America".

They're in a well-guarded spaceport in a jungle, or on an asteroid, or in the ring system of a gas giant. And they're plotting something... maybe they're terrorists, trying to bomb Old Station around Rhylanor. Or they're just insane, plotting the "return" of the Consulate to the Marches (like they were ever really there in the first place). Whatever.

Anyway, the adventure becomes a sneak attack on a small, concealed base. One downside is that I've done this sort of thing before, and it might be "tired".
Another trope is Monster Hunters.

It's the Fifth Frontier War. A military/government contractor, Applied Solutions, Inc, has you loaned out to do security duty around a small non-human colony. You're making good money, but you're in the "Zhodani corridor", a band of uncontrolled space that the Zhodani use for long-distance transportation.

A space derelict on autopilot is posing a threat to the local settlement. It's sitting in orbit, firing on any ship that gets near. At any moment it could go berserk, unleash a barrage on the main settlement, or crash itself there, or who-knows-what. Maybe it's got an invasion force in deep freeze.

The ship has to be boarded, its internal security disabled, and its engines shut down or redirected. Or, just maybe, captured and turned into an asset for the players.

I'll use the Kinunir deckplans. It could have light sentry bots on board.

Then, a Shivva-class patrol cruiser shows up...
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