One problem with comparing hubble to most ship's sensors:
Narrow field of view. Hubble's FoV is very narrow, which also means it can make use of fianter sources, but....
ANY optical telescope can recieve data from the edge of the universe... Even one's rifle scope. It's just that the detector attached is not capable of the resolution nor exposure time to make it worthy past a few light-hours from reflective signature... that Mk1 Eye is pretty weak.
Keep in mind that Hubbles' sensors are the size of a small car. About 1Td. and are NOT capable of "Search" modes, merely "pinpoint" modes. (IE, specialized for single mode operation... and thhus more powerful than their size indicates).
However, I doubt Hubble can actually resolve planetary bodies even at 1.1 parsecs... but then, has anyone actually pointed it at A Centauri and checked?
I'm certain that Traveller Passives could easily reach 2 Parsecs for detecting 100Td SHIPS. Yeah, the data would be 6,5 years old at limit... but it could. Now, a 100 Td ship at that range is 25m long, or 25^2/16000000^2 or roughly 2.4E-12 the magnitude of a planet the size of earth, assuming same albedo. (Actually, ships albedos can be assumed to be MUCH higher... say .5-.9 routinely, vs planets raging form 0.2-0.9)
Assuming a signature +1 is simply a 10fold increase, the signature of a size 1 planet is more than 6 orders...
and each order is going to add another doubling or so to the range.... so i'd say your 2Pc sensor can detect Earthlike worlds at 2^12 parsecs... and stars are brighter still...