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Converting Vector Combat to a Hex Map


Someone has probably done this this before, but it was a good exercise for me....

I like Mayday because it uses hexes and can be played on a reasonably sized table. I like LBB2/TTB vector combat system (hereafter just referred to as the vector system) because of the greater detail. I wanted to merge the two, but otherwise preserve the integrity of TTB vector combat. What follows the the logic I took in doing this. I would appreciate a reality check on the math, as it is not my strength. :) Any other suggestions are welcome!

Why did I want to do this? With the vector system, military/scout detection range is 6 meters on the table and not practical. Cutting this by half is still too big. Cutting it by 1/10 means it is down to a 60cm detection range (reasonable for the tabletop), but this creates another problem — each G of thrust becomes only 10mm (down from 100mm at the full scale. Measuring 10mm for each G becomes fiddly and inaccurate and it is pretty tough to determine the center point of a counter or miniature at that scale.

One answer to the difficulty in measuring small increments it to use hexes. Plus, I just prefer using a hex map over rulers, wire, or markers required by vector movement.

Simply converting Mayday movement works, but I wanted to make sure I was getting it accurate and figure out what the scale would work out to. Mayday is at a completely different time, distance, and event scale. Each turn in Mayday is 6,000 seconds, so 1G of thrust for that 6,000 seconds is 352,800km, which is converted to 1 hex in Mayday (and rounded to 300,000km per hex).

Mayday turns are long at 100 minutes. Too long for a roleplaying scene. Ships in Mayday are destroyed after 3 or 4 hits, and a single hit to any component disables it, so each firing phase represents lots more fire than in the TTB vector system, where it takes multiple hits to disable systems, and many hits to destroy a ship. Because of this different scale, I decided to convert vector to hex, but keep the vector time scale.

In the vector system, turns are 1,000 seconds or 16.66 minutes. This still feels sort of long to me to simulate the action of space combat, but it is way better than the 100 minutes per turn in Mayday. :) In the vector system, the math at 1,000 seconds means each G is 9,800 km of thrust. The vector system rounds that to 10,000km and it equals 100mm on the tabletop. If we want to keep the 1 hex to 1G correspondence that Mayday has (and I do), we end up with 10,000km hexes. That means we can do movement exactly as described in Mayday, with each ship able to move its future position counter 1 hex per G of thrust it has.

So after all that, I ended up with the simple conclusion that you can just use Mayday movement in place of vector. Nice! The only thing that you need to take into account is using the appropriate distances for range modifiers and detection ranges.

With 10,000km hexes, the default modifiers for laser fire are:
-2 if range is greater than 25 hexes
-5 if range is greater than 50 hexes
You could smooth this out by making it -1 per 10 hexes if you wanted to.

Note that these modifiers are completely different from in Mayday, even if you convert the scale. With Mayday, it is -1 for every 300,000km hex. So why not do -1 for every 30 hexes? Mayday and vector are at completely different time scales. With Mayday each laser fire phase accounts for 100 minutes of firing (and the result is they do more damage). With vector, it is only 16 minutes of firing. With Mayday, multiple lasers add a +1 DM each, with vector, we fire each laser individually. If you want to preserve the vector system, but just move it to a hex map, you need to preserve the vector DMs as I did above.

Here are the detection ranges:
Commercial detection is 15 hexes
Military/scout detection is 60 hexes
Tracking is 90 hexes

This also makes planetary templates reasonably sized. Terra is close enough to one hex, and Jupiter would be fourteen hexes in diameter (instead of a 1.4 meter diameter template!).

Nothing revolutionary here. All you really need to know if that to use TTB combat on a hex map, each hex is 10,000km, and use the modifiers accordingly. Please point out any mistakes I might have made and any comments are appreciated!
If I recall correctly, the acceleration rating of ships in Mayday is roughly half the maneuver rating of ships in LBB2, with turns that are 6 times as long. In other words, the scale is more different than one might first think.

[Mayday Hexes]/100 minutes = [LBB2 Maneuver Rating]/2

Be sure to take that into consideration when calculating hex width, and subsequent scaling.

[Mayday Hexes]/50 minutes = [LBB2 Maneuver Rating]

...that is, if my equation is correct (I may be wrong).
If I recall correctly, the acceleration rating of ships in Mayday is roughly half the maneuver rating of ships in LBB2, with turns that are 6 times as long. In other words, the scale is more different than one might first think.

[Mayday Hexes]/100 minutes = [LBB2 Maneuver Rating]/2

Be sure to take that into consideration when calculating hex width, and subsequent scaling.

[Mayday Hexes]/50 minutes = [LBB2 Maneuver Rating]

...that is, if my equation is correct (I may be wrong).
You are. Mayday accelerations are identical to book 2.

Scout, 100 ton starship. 2G. Modelll bis, 1 laser, 1 missile launcher, one lifeboat.
Programs: L,T P2 MI, M, RF,AM M,31,32, N.
Courier, 100 ton starship, 2G. Modelll bis, 1 laser, 1 sandcaster, 1 lifeboat.
Programs: C, T P3 M2, AM J2, N.
Escort,. 100 ton starship, 2G. Modeltf bis, 2 lasers. Programs: T, PI, P2 AE.
RF M,J1,N.
Free Trader, 200 ton starship. 1G. Model/1, 1 laser, 1 missfle launcher, 1 ship's
boat. Programs: T, L, G AE, RF, AM M, J1, N.
Yacht, 200 ton starship, IG, Model/1 bis, 1 laser, 1 sandcaster. 1 shipas boat.
Programs: T, L AE, AM M, J1, N.
Transport, 400 ton starship, T G, Modelll , 1 lifeboat. Programs: AE M, J1, N.
Armed Merchant, 400 ton starship, 1 G, Model12, 1 laser, 1 sandcaster, 1 lifeboat.
Programs: T, L, P3,G MI, AE, RF,AM M, J1, N.
Destroyer, 400 ton starship, 2G, Model/2 bis, 2 lasers, 1 missile launcher, 1 sandcaster, 1 ship's boat. Programs: T, C, G, PI, P3, P4, S1 MT, AE, RF M, J1, J2, M.
Colonial Cruiser, 800 ton starship, 2G, Model/3, 4 lasers, 1 missite launcher,
2 fighters, 1 lifeboat. Programs: C, T, G, PI, P2 MI, AE, RF, AM M, J1, J2, N.
Corsair, 400 ton starship, 2G, Model/2, 2 lasers, 1 missile launcher, 1 pinnace.
Programs: all.​
(Mayday, p 13)
The ships are different from the book 2 designs... such as the scout having a 10Td lifeboat instead of a 4 Td air/raft...

Mayday, Page 2 notes:
Mayday utilizes the following scales in its rules and game relationships:
A. Time: Each game-turn represents an elapsed time of approximately one hundred (100) minutes.
B. Distane Each map hexagon represents a distance of approximately one light-second (300,000 kilometers).
C. Thrust: Each G-factor is eguivalent to a constant acceleration of one gravity 19.8 m/sec/sec).​

A mayday hex is 100G-minutes, a book 2 combat turn is 1000 seconds.

Book 2, pg 26, notes:
Starship combat uses the following scale for movement and combat resolution:
1. Time: Each game turn represents 1,000 seconds.
2. Space: A playing surface is required, representing space as a two-dimensional
surface at the scale of 1 :100,000,000; one miilimeter equals 100 kilometers. Three
meters equal one light-second. Planetary template disks may be produced to show.
the presence of worlds and the effects of gravity.
3. Thrust: Maneuver drive thrust is measured in Gs (gravities) expressed as a
vector of both length and direction. While direction is variable, the length of the
arrow is represented at the scale 100 mm equals 1 G (1,000 seconds acceleration at
1 G will produce a velocity change of 10,000 km, or 100 mm in scale, per turn).

The turn length in seconds times 10 divided by 1000 (to get km) is the distance per turn.
Bk 2 is 1000*1000*10/1000=1E4km/turn - the match to the 100mm of 100km each.
Mayday is 100 min or 6000 sec. It uses the same "Ignore acceleration distance losses" dodge.
6000*6000*9.8=3.528E8m, = 3.528e5 km.
However, note the different G constants -

Converting mayday ranges to Bk 2, simply multiply by 36, and that gives you "100mm" hexes and CT turns.

1 LS being 2.99800 e5 km - 30 "hexes" in Bk2.

Note that mayday has much longer weapon ranges. CT Detection ranges are only 2 LS. This means that you shouldn't be able to shoot at 2 Mayday hexes... but a Mayday laser (using Predict 4 program) can hit to 9 hexes, or 9 LS
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Nothing revolutionary here. All you really need to know if that to use TTB combat on a hex map, each hex is 10,000km, and use the modifiers accordingly. Please point out any mistakes I might have made and any comments are appreciated!

Yep. I've mentioned this a couple of times lately. I play it this way when I need to use tactical movement.

One thing you didn't mention: You've got to account for the momentum that you've built up. Here's the easy way to do that.

1. Note the "speed" of the ship. Let's say a ship is moving at Speed 9, which means it will move 9 hexes if it doesn't accelerate, decelerate, or change course.

2. Put your finger on the starting position. Move the ship 9 hexes in a straight line. At the destination point, allow the ship to move in any direction up to the ship's M-Drive rating.

Thus, a ship with rated for 3G acceleration, moving at Speed 9, will move in a straight line for 9 hexes. At that destination point, the ship can be increased to Speed 12, moving the ship another 3 hexes. Or, the ship can be slowed by 3 hexes, decreasing to Speed 6. Or, the ship can change course to any hex that is within 3 hexes of the destination point.

3. Keep your finger on the original starting point and draw a line straight to the ship's new position. Then, extend along that same line a number of hexes equal to the Speed of the ship. Place a marker on the new destination hex that will be used next round. From that point, the ship can move, next round, in any direction up to it's M-Drive rating. And so on.

Mayday goes a step further and uses three markers for a ship: one for starting position, one for mid-point, and one for destination. I don't think all of that is necessary--just using the ship to mark its current position and a destination marker, as I suggest above.
You are. Mayday accelerations are identical to book 2.

Yes, and at the same time, no -- no ship has an acceleration above 2G. So Mayday has "fast" ships (2G) and "slow" ships (1G).


Escort, 2G.
Destroyer, 2G.
Colonial Cruiser, 2G. In this case in particular we know the "real" acceleration is 3G, not 2G. Yet this is not an isolated issue, but rather part of a pattern: there appear to be only two acceleration ratings for Mayday ships.

I suggest that the reason these ships do not have higher acceleration in Mayday is exactly due to the way Mayday is designed: scale, movement mechanics (including missiles), and so on.

Therefore, high ship accelerations may overpower Mayday's mechanics.
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I have a set of sensor rules borrowed from the T2300 Star Cruiser game.

Quick précis:

ships/fleets in the 61-90 range are treated as bogey markers - something is there but what? Roll sensor tasks to get more info.

ships in the 15-60 range are auto detected, exact sensor range is based on computer model number and TL

ships that move back out of the auto detect range can be tracked with a sensor task (easier than the earlier task mentioned) out to 90
Yes, and at the same time, no -- no ship has an acceleration above 2G. So Mayday has "fast" ships (2G) and "slow" ships (1G).


Escort, 2G.
Destroyer, 2G.
Colonial Cruiser, 2G. In this case in particular we know the "real" acceleration is 3G, not 2G. Yet this is not an isolated issue, but rather part of a pattern: there appear to be only two acceleration ratings for Mayday ships.

I suggest that the reason these ships do not have higher acceleration in Mayday is exactly due to the way Mayday is designed: scale, movement mechanics (including missiles), and so on.

Therefore, high ship accelerations may overpower Mayday's mechanics.

High accelerations don't - I've played with 6G ships - but I'll note you want a bigger hexmap for anything above 3G.

However - note that the NASA data showed (and still shows) 2G as the maximum safe sustained acceleration.