I just came across a reference to the height of a standard deck on a ship (somewhere between 2.25 and 2.40 meters), and it struck me, not for the first time, how unbelievably pampered Traveller spacemen are. And I'm using that adjective deliberately.
They get paid a substantial salary. They sleep in large single staterooms (on a ship, 3m by 3m is large). Even military people only sleep two to a stateroom, and nary a hint of hot-bunking. And there's the quarter of to half a meter headspace mentioned above. We all know how expensive Traveller spaceships are, so wouldn't space be as much at a premium as it is on 20th Century submarines? Where (if you believe Alistair McLean) the CO and the XO share a tiny little cabin and passengers hot-bunk with them. OK, I don't know, but I'd readily believe that things are a little less cramped in more modern subs, but there's still a long way up to the amount of space a Traveller spaceman enjoys.
And note that this isn't just 12th Century Imperial spacemen who enjoy such conditions; it's everyone, everywhere, at any time. Interstellar Wars, Milieu 0, Milieu 1000... they all use the same cubage for accomodation and life support.
And please don't tell me it's necessary for the mental health of the crew. If a submarine crew can deal with it for months at a time, a spaceship crew can deal with it for weeks.
So if some cheapskate government wanted to build less spacious warships, what would be the lower limits? How much of the traditional 4dT per stateroom is life support, and how little living space can you get away with providing?
They get paid a substantial salary. They sleep in large single staterooms (on a ship, 3m by 3m is large). Even military people only sleep two to a stateroom, and nary a hint of hot-bunking. And there's the quarter of to half a meter headspace mentioned above. We all know how expensive Traveller spaceships are, so wouldn't space be as much at a premium as it is on 20th Century submarines? Where (if you believe Alistair McLean) the CO and the XO share a tiny little cabin and passengers hot-bunk with them. OK, I don't know, but I'd readily believe that things are a little less cramped in more modern subs, but there's still a long way up to the amount of space a Traveller spaceman enjoys.
And note that this isn't just 12th Century Imperial spacemen who enjoy such conditions; it's everyone, everywhere, at any time. Interstellar Wars, Milieu 0, Milieu 1000... they all use the same cubage for accomodation and life support.
And please don't tell me it's necessary for the mental health of the crew. If a submarine crew can deal with it for months at a time, a spaceship crew can deal with it for weeks.
So if some cheapskate government wanted to build less spacious warships, what would be the lower limits? How much of the traditional 4dT per stateroom is life support, and how little living space can you get away with providing?